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Re: Channeling

Lost in space:

I have seen ASTRO channel cats but I am pretty sure he is faking. I caught him practicing. He sleeps all day, doesn't pay attention to anyone or anything, expects you to clean up after him, feed him, and leave him alone. Hey wait a minute I think Astro is channeling Leemar. Wow that is scary! But there was one time he told me about some cat named Tralfaz Avatar that he was thinking about putting into his gig - I mean school. This Tralfaz Avatar cat had one way out look going on. Just Google this cat and you will see what I mean. My girlfriend has been wondering what happened to all her makeup, well sometimes I like to play dressup. "But honey, it wasn't me, it was ASTRO, honest I only like to put your Hanes on me."

Anyway, I don't think the Avatar plan really worked out for ASTRO. I think he thought he would give it a try to see if the catworld would jump on board. But hey ya don't know unless you try and ASTRO is pretty enterprising. He gets that from channeling Tralfaz who is a medium for Mr. Gottrockets who is of course very enterprising because he will be the richest man in the world and well what can you say about that!

I got something to say to entity G2G and his stupid German Shepherd SchIII (what the hell kind of name is that)!

How do you know it's not true? I bet you've never been in my bed at 4:00 in the morning with ASTRO channeling Tralfaz. You haven't - well at least I don't think you have. You've never attended an IGOTPEPPERONI.com business development training event for the days to come. It only costs a hundred bucks and hey consider the alternative - ya really think I'll share my pepperoni with you after you trash the TRAL. What are ya? CHEAP. Wow you are seriously lame. I don't even know why you are on this board. What is your problem? I have seen Astro channel the TRAL the Great One. HAVE YOU!!?? I've got pictures and tapes and everything and you can buy those at the next IGOTPEPPERONI.com event.

To: See&E

I don't know about this cat channel the dog deal. Sounds kind of kinky to me. Is that legal? Hey I've been around and have seen the whole ******* thing but a FENINE wow.

But I do appreciate the tip on this conman your neighbor and this ZALFART character he claims to channel. Tell him he can blow it out his ass and I will have my top firm, Deny, Dolittle and Delay, all over him first thing when they get around to returning my call.

I remain determined

Leemar, Commander Galactic Invasion Force and Astro's best friend and business development manager

Re: Channeling

I was wrong...Astro the Dog has a completely different personality from Astro the Cat, if what you say is true...
Astro the Cat thinks he is human, he talks to people, he sits on us, he comes when you call him, he takes any opportunity to make his presence felt, he scratches any furniture in sight, but only when you are there to watch, scold him, and pick him up...and if you leave him alone, he sulks for extended periods when you get back.
And, I think Coco the Dog should be sent in as a spy at RSE...she would not give JZ a moment's peace...she's howling at me now because I am on the computer.
She bays when she hears music.
She is not properly toilet trained (she was a rescue animal)...That Scalamander's decor would be toast. She begs for any food that's going. She has to sleep on the couch. She will not eat dog food unless you put something in it...grated carrot, grated cheese, gravy, whatever you are having. She knows how to open sealed containers...I think she has figured out how to make the refrigerator door open. If you stop petting her when she's next to you on the couch, even for a moment, she kicks you.
She would make a very poor guard dog...when a raccoon came through the window, I caught Coco and the raccoon happily sharing a garbage bag full. She thinks vicious attack dogs just want to play...
I could go on and on. She will eat anything, I mean, anything, from the ground...she could probably eat every card on the fence.

Re: Channeling

LEEMAR- have to get back to you later. Spent a lot of time with my "sssssssshutzhund" GSD at the beach, and his tracking has improved so much we found a small dead bird, dead fish, and dead seagull. Now my noble GSD is meowing and my cat is flirting with him. I'm concerned he might be channeling a cat without his consent or knowledge (particularly following his "beach" findings and recent photographs showing orbs on the beach)!

Still waiting for that pepperoni seminar, as in - how to keep my German Shepherd from engulfing an entire pepperoni pizza-ever so quietly. Hm. Again. If he meows one more time, I'm getting out my holy water from Lourdes. Do you accept faux gold chocolate coins (I've eaten the chocolate but still have the wrappers) as tuition?