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January 28th 2018
10:34:29 PM
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Adrian Hudson

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11 (Sphinx) Bty website

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England, by genes. Born in Terendak Miltary Hospital, now living in Sweden

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Bought a lump to my throat looking at some of the pictures. My dad was RQMS of 22 ad Regt in the late 70s, and i spent many a happy hour wandering the barracks, and swimming in the pool. Remember the Bofors gun near the gate. I also remember it as the cinema being the first place i saw a Star Wars film!
Dad went on to become a Yeoman Warder at the Tower of London, but passed away just over two years ago.

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August 13th 2017
09:41:24 AM
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Fred Oates

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1966. My first postind to 257 Signal Squadron.i have fond memories of Dortmund and some memories missing in action when on the booze. I was posted to 655 Signal Troop which turned into 260 Signal Squadron in Shoeburyness Essex. I see in later years 260 went to Dortmund. I am now living in New Zealand. Your blog was very interesting.

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August 13th 2017
08:45:47 AM
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Steve Batty

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Manchester, UK

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Enjoyed your site. I served in 260SAM, Napier Barracks, around 1972-4 and actually searched for the name of the 260 Signal Squadron bar, it used to be in the basement and the name I remember somehow referred to that. Anyone know?

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December 29th 2016
10:54:34 PM
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John Dall

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Searching Memories of 40/70

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Originally Scotland now SE England

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From 1972 through 1977 served with 12 LtAD Regiment Workshops REME both in Kirton Lindsey T (Shah Sujahs) Bty and then when we moved to Dortmund with 9 (Plassey) Bty. Arrived as L/Cpl and left as Sgt (Instrument Tech). Entered Sgts Mess in Armagh during Op Banner Tour. Think the RSM then was RSM Blackmore who went to RHA. Regards to all John

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December 27th 2016
02:08:29 AM
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Steve Garner

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goggle search

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Fairhope, Alabama USA

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Good site. I served as an exchange officer in 42 Battery, 22 Regt in 1980-81. My family and I were at Napier. Greatest 2 years of my US Army career.

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May 23rd 2016
08:21:58 PM
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David Harrison

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found through searching for napier barracks

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Bradford, UK

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I\'ve just been looking for images of napier barracks. My father Jack was based at Napier till late 1972. He was retired early due to a heart condition. He sadly passed in 2000 aged 73. I was born at rheindahlen. Lived in Dortmund till 1972. Remember the missiles in the entrance to the barracks. Had a great time in Dortmund. Went to Victoria school, I believe it was on base. Not sure about that fact.

November 2nd 2015
03:31:52 PM
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Bill Hone

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My Dad was in 34 LAD Regt RA and we moved to Napier Bks from Hilden. I did most of my secondary schooling at Cornwall School with the exception of Windsor Boys School for my 1st year. Napier Bks was our playground for several years the highlight being when me and a couple of mates found the entrances to some bunkers that erosion had opened up. I later served with 22 AD Regt in that camp.

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September 25th 2015
10:22:58 PM
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danny burns

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corby northants

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I served with 27 army missile RGT .63- 66. 23 Bty lad REME.Anyone out there remember me?

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March 4th 2015
04:07:00 PM
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Bill Hone

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Larkhill Salisbury

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My Dad served with 34 and 12 Regt in Napier Bks. I went to Cornwall School and later joined 22 Regt in Napier and lived on Flughafen Str. I spent most of my childhood travelling with my Dads unit and three years in Dortmund. I have many fond memories of Brakel. As a PTI I was responsible for the running of the swimming pool in Napier and Camp 7. Happy days.

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October 15th 2014
07:55:15 PM
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trevor dennis

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