Enlighten Me Free


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Re: Call 911 or SEE A Doctor... or Professional Exit Counselor.

Is there any way to "capture" the Margaret Singer video to distribute to various health professionals? My husband attended just one beginning group, in a luxury area. I was with him. It was after the beginners was shortened to the four-day (you know, to accommodate more attendees who can't afford nine days away from their jobs!) Although my husband saw it clearly as a business, since it was only a short version of the "shebang" he doesn't see the depth of the danger. We are both in the health field, and maybe, just maybe, we can help with the education and awareness of how destructive these groups are - even after just one nine-day event. It's worth a try. Is there any way to "clean up" the YouTube version digitally so that it can be offered as a tool to certain psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and intake workers? The experience of JZEve's "Three Faces" fantasy world has left many people spiritually vapid. Joe is an expert in this area, and his knowledge of education being a part of the solution, is nearly completely unknown in the healthcare world.

Lavender - you run a school for, is it RN's or LPN's? Do you find anything in the curriculum required by the state to educate in the area of LGAT's, cults, or other destructive groups?

It would be a huge service to this world were this topic a necessary rotation for all those who work in healthcare in any manner. Far too many people are misunderstood - as Margaret Singer explained, "you did not set out to join a 'cult,' - they found YOU.

At what point does it become epidemic, even pandemic? (world tour)

Thanks for all you do!

Re: Call 911 or SEE A Doctor... or Professional Exit Counselor.

Whatever I post I assume will travel but you have my permission to cut and paste as long as you "blame" me in context for what I said

Re: Call 911 or SEE A Doctor... or Professional Exit Counselor.

G2G, for "capturing" video contents on web pages, just go to this link :
At the top of the page it opens, there'a a rectangular button on wich
you can read "Drag this button into your links toolbar..."
Just click and drag this button to the links toolbar at the right or the
address bar (if you use Internet Explorer).
Then, when you open a web page with video content, just click on this
Links button [»] then click on the "Keep It!" link. This will open the
KeepVid web page and you'll get a download link for the video.
You have to rename the downloaded file with the extension ".flv" wich
is the Flash Video file extension. This works with most of the videos on
YouTube, Google Video and many more. Hope this will help.

whatchamacallit, thanks for the repairing tips for the washing machine,
mine has the same rinsing problem. I'll try to fix it.

Merry Christmas to you all !

Re: Call 911 or SEE A Doctor... or Professional Exit Counselor.

Thank you Joe.
All 4 apply. Additionally she says she now (about 3 years)feels she has more control in her life. I'm not sure but I think this had to do with finding cards. We had set up a small practice arena on our property in CA. While she became more proficient at locating the cards I saw no real-life benefit. On further thought, it seems finding a card became a draw itself, substantiating credibility that again, had no real life effect but gave her cause to continue.
For the record I had no idea the depths she had gone to in this rse stuff. It was only when hitting Yelm and dealing with an rse realtor that the true motivation came up. I had not heard of the UG's nor the coming certain catastrophe. Upon seeing an actual UG in the process of being built and the cost both financial and emotional to the family involved that I realized the jim jones aspect of the rse path. It explained why the realtor was persistently showing me property with a slope and over 400' elevation. the topper was that this UG was going to have a "wine cellar". Just how crazy can you get?
Lavender, I have not heard from you. As it was your post that was the catalyst for some great info here I would like to have your permission to use your share.
With respect,

Re: Call 911 or SEE A Doctor... or Professional Exit Counselor.

Hi Bud, Yes, of course I always give permission. Smile. The purpose is to try and help others... if it helps it is a good thing.


Merry Christmas.

Re: Call 911 or SEE A Doctor... or Professional Exit Counselor.

Joe, I do want to resond to your post... you make excellent points about Mind your own business...

It is a challenge as to WHAT we can do and what we are willing to do to TELL OTHERS about these groups.

I need a little time to digest it and contenplate the issues... and of course it is the Holiday and we are getting ready for family tonight... so I will respond later probable in a few days.



Re: Call 911 or SEE A Doctor... or Professional Exit Counselor.

I have been thinking about this this past week:
How many times, in that stupid made up character's audience (ty Bud for that)
did you hear it say," how many of you can look back on your life and see how much better it is NOW, than it was THEN?"
Thunderous applause ensues with, "turn to your neighbor and explain."
Then, with much gusto, you tell your partner how much better you THINK you are now than let's say, ten years ago.

I used to BELIEVE this way.

Looking back, I gave up a great job, the white picket fence dream, sold all my belongings to schlep my way 3000 miles away, only to find myself living in a yurt without a job and now fighting with my partner of ten years.

And a few years after that, being asked AGAIN in audience, "how much different is your life TODAY that it was THEN?"

So, I upgraded to living on my own piece of land, WITH a UG, just having electricity installed and working at the ranch for $10/hour.

I thought I had TOTALLY improved my life.

I could go on, but as you can see, it slowly de-volved to the point of a nervous breakdown as a result of discovering that this group really was a cult.

One is LED to believe that what they are doing at the Ranch truly enhances their life.

The whole process broke up my immediate family, left me near destitute, and broke me mentally.

It is hard to imagine that I actually thought I was improving my life.
Now that I am out, the whole process seems totally absurd!!

How many other people left their families, good paying careers, sold most of their belongings, only to go sit on a floor in a not-near-enough heated horse arena to be told, " I will make you into

Um....when was that going to happen?

ps. thank the universe for exit counseling and a sliver of an open eye to truly wake up.

Re: Call 911 or SEE A Doctor... or Professional Exit Counselor.


Most of the videos are downloadable,
Look for the “Download this Video” tab.
Thank you Druid for the “keep video” link:

I can also post you a DVD copy of any of the video’s presented here.
Just send an Email request to...


Happy Solstice
