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Re: Great Site, a few questions

"The injunction to "not spill your seed" to men, is debatable philosphically"

Like almost everything from Ramtha, this is also a copied teaching. It's mentioned in Baird Spalding's books (now some say they are fiction because he didn't went to India, but even if they are then i think this man must be an absolutely genius). It is also mentioned in Jasmuheen's "Living on Light" and in books from Mantak Chia.

But i wonder how the anti-sex teachings go in line with the orgies at the wine ceremonies?

Re: Great Site, a few questions

Let us not forget that the "soulmate" she dumped her dentist husband for was a homosexual that she, JZ Knight, apparently didn't have the charms to ..."cure"?

Opppth....too bad "Ramtha" didn't warn her about that one, eh?

LOLOL!!! Too funny...

Re: Great Site, a few questions

Regarding Baird T. Spalding & Masters of the Far East
If you are not aware, there was indeed a 6th book released (a long awaited one)entitled, "Baird T. Spalding, As I knew him" by David Bruton (Volume 6) In the book, a personal account from DeVorss publishing, speaking engagements, documents, and his death in Arizona. If you, like countless people, once enjoyed, read, and "believed" in the characters in the story, this book will provide you with a very enlightening perspective.

Not so unlike this site provides a "as we knew s/he" both factual, personal accounts, and a much more logical explanation of what the true nature of the author, and the spirituality/book publishing business of that era....

The last time I saw Anne Marie was many years ago, while we were discussing the events, science, as we were all enjoying eating "christmas scrambled eggs & bacon" in the tank field. I asked her 'what ever happened with Shirley M. and JZ/R? And she declined to continue our conversation. She then smiled, as I failed to receive her telepathic answer through her eyes,an intent gaze I can still recall today. Then, she wished me a Merry ChristMass and moved on.

Re: Great Site, a few questions


Yeah, Judith dumped her soulmate for another piece of meat.

Then, Ramthimher dumped his soulmate for those chicks that G2G talked about in an earlier post, saying they line up at the door and suck face with the Big Guy when he makes his Grande Entrance to the arena.

This is twisted.

Are there any lil' Rammy Jr's we need to know of ?

Re: Great Site, a few questions

It's like a Woodstock from Hell up there.

Re: Great Site, a few questions

Hello See&E,

i didn't read the books of Spalding completely, therefore i don't know much about the whole storyline of them. But i read the descriptions of divine principles and explanations and thought that they are one of the purest descriptions of truth available.

I searched for infos regarding your recommendation and found out that in fact the grandfather of Baird Spalding went to India and carried teachings of masters with him back home. Baird Spalding looked for a way to make money and used his grandfather's material as a template for these books. Then he merged the teachings with his own story and characters.

It didn't make any sense to me that a common man would bundle so much concentrated, clear spiritual information into every single page with no reference at all.

Taking this background information into account, i would say that the books of Spalding do contain truth even if the characters and dramatical storyline are a work of fiction.

®amtha said that Baird Spalding did experienced all of what he described. Guess the "enlightened one" is not so omniscient after all. The title of ®amtha "the vomiting one" suits him better.

Thank you for your recommendation, it really helped me to gain better understanding.