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Vegan Pride,
I would more describe myself as a skeptic of what causes climate change from what is presented by the “main stream”.
How does that old adage go..?
“Only dead fish swim with the stream”

Dark chuckle..

I agree that...

"Climate change has everything to do with our best understandings of scientific observations,"

That is why I recommend watching the “Green House Conspiracy 2007”

Google video link….


Check out the video…
and let me know what you thinketh…



I think this global warming is a combination of natural, cyclic weather alterations as well as mankinds negative contribution.
We have to always be aware of any studies done on this or any other information. My sister-in-law has a friend who does research for drug and other companies and she said that when the figures start to bear negatively on a product, the companies stop the study.
So it's important to look at who did the study and more importantly, who funded it.
A while back there was a climatologist,scientist on Coast to Coast and she said the the majority of main stream scientists agree that much of global warming is caused by our activity. As I said, I think it's both.
We can't stop what is a natural cyclic thing - or maybe we can through consciousness. Anything is possible. But, we can control what we put into the air, soil and water.


If global warming exists and is true, then why is Mann's hockey stick flawed and discredited and why does U.S. weather satelites report that the planet HAS BEEN GETTING COOLER FOR SEVEN STRAIGHT YEARS IN A ROW??!!!

How does this work? Perhaps the person that is sweating in the middle of the snowstorm is not in the middle of a heatwave....and only has a fever?



Where we live in the mountains, ten years ago we'd get heavy snowfalls of 3 ft and for the past ten years, the snow has gone down to almost nothing. Last year we got one 6" snowfall and a couple of flurries.
The creek on our property used to freeze years ago and people would ice skate into town. It hasn't frozen in years.
That's just one personal observation of mine and my neighbors.
People don't realize that global warming doesn't mean that you won't get cold weather. It means the weather is going to be unpredictable--lots of rain, drought, more and more melting of ice caps, glaciers, as is evidenced in recent years as well as currently.
It's been said the ice ages are preceded by global warming spells, based on ice core studies.
It's December 13 and here in the mountains we're walking around in t shirts today in 70 degree plus weather. Last year at this time the forsythia started blooming. It thought it was March.
Right now I have pansies and other flowers blooming. This is zone 6! Other perennials like day lilies are up a couple of inches.
Last spring we had a couple of weeks of high 80's which caused the plants to come alive and then we got a really hard freeze that killed all my Japanese maples, all the blossoms on the fruit trees (no fruit at all last summer/fall).
I don't know what reports you're reading; but maybe you might want to look at the reality of the crazy changes in weather patterns that are pointing to warming. Or maybe we're living on a different planet. :-)


To equate local weather conditions to a planetary-wide change is not only absurd....but very dangerous. The data from the weather satelites stands on it's own. The planet is getting cooler now. Solar flare activity is down.


If humans are causing "climate change" (I love how Al Gore changed his wording when the snowstorms blocked access to his "global warming summits") then why are the ice caps on Mars melting too?


Why is EVERY PLANET in our solar system getting hotter....or colder....based on solar flare activity rising or falling?

Please explain this data and how it fits into "humans are killing Mommy Earth" thinking?

Or maybe it's something else entirely...

Perhaps George W. Bush and Dick Cheney have been making unscheduled visits to our solar neighbors, infecting their gentle and innocent female-like ecosystems with the dastardly "Republican Virus" and the planets all immediately go into a global warming fever??? (...didn't they tell this story in the children's book, "Why Mommy Is A Democrat"?)

Or, perhaps it's Jehovah and his fleet that have been escorting Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney around the solar system in their nefarious plan to 'TAKE OVER ZEE UNIVERSE!!!!' and Ramtha and his Andromedans just don't have enough dilithium crystals to fuel their warp drives and catch up to them? (Dilithium crystal donation anyone?) After all, Scamtha has said that Bush is "making deals wtih aliens"...and Scamtha NEVER lies. Maybe moveondotborg, Sheryl Crow, and Rosie O'Donnell will tell us all "the real truth" so we can truly wake up and smell the coffee ...while we hang upside down like a friggin bat for hours, and then wipe our rumps with one sheet of toilet paper so we can save both "Mommy Earth" AND ourselves from these evil dragons walking around in human skin, wearing our clothes, eating our food, and chewing OUR bubblegum for Heaven's sakes!!! Eh?

On the other hand, there's a good reason that hurricane activity dropped to almost nothing after Katrina....despite the National Hurricane Center predicting "superstorms because of global warming" for the next several years. The good and all-wise patriots of the various New Age groups (like Scamtha and her minions) and various other liberal groups all got wise to what Bush and Cheney were doing and those two were forced to shut down the Hurricane-Making-Machine that the aliens had traded them for a lifetime membership to Blockbuster Video.

I think I understand now.....


"Algore" and his Republican global warming frankenstein police department is the next generation of the "Class Society Developmental Program".

Here! Here! I'm all for keeping the animals in the zoo compounds with special artificial grow lights and all organ"ick" feed and special enlightened trainer/handlers.

This way the only way the animals can get out is on special leash's sold by the JZK INC. Multinational Empire.

I hear that Dr Greg heads up the special petting zoo part of the facility in which treats are given to the "good" tame animals and isolation pens for the "bad" free spirited animals.


the argument then is over what causes the Third Rock to have hot flashes? Is she, er it, middle-aged? Did the finest species she, er it, produced scraping and raping too much?

The issue for emf and recovery concerns how cult leaders can exploit the Algore version to suit their needs to manipulate paranoid devotees and maybe a few democrats along the way. The science version [not GoP] asks us to observe cautiously and not react subjectively.

Over Thanksgiving week I took my daughter and an another 17 yr old on a snowboard trip to Wolf Creek Ski area near Pagosa Springs in CO. I planed the trip many months ago in Sept. For the past 15 years Wolf Creek, traditoinally the "most" snow of any US ski area, was open by Nov and had an avergae 75 inch base by the second week of Nov. Good plan, eh? Bad year--this year Wolf Creek had one lift open with a 9 inch, manmade snow base. After 2 days of boring runs, we opted for a great horsebackriding trek into the no snow mountains on Thanksgiving day, then headed south for Santa Fe where it snowed 3 inches that night!

Yea, I too had brief thoughts that greenhouse effects from human produced CO2 ruined my plans----$#@%%*$ greedy species, but I know better. It is much more complex and it could be worse with or without implementing Algore plans.


Hey guys, why are we "dissing" MOMMY earth? Did you not all have mothers and have respect for her?

Maybe using the emoticons would help. But if women here began with the same type of eupemisms and language, how would you react? It's getting off topic when we become divisive - and earth has always been referred to as "mother." A mother nurtures. Many fathers do these days as well, and those who do, (sounds to me that Joe definitely does) - you know you wouldn't want your daughter "generally and stereotypically dismissed" - due to her gender.

So can we get back to the evil empire RSE and its "red guards" and mysterious woods (someone should start a "dig" in those woods! No telling what one might find.)

The important thing is, we can have respect for one another without resorting to words that DO inflict feelings of inferiority, etc., and this then will prove the subjugation of women with which RSE started. So keep in mind, even though we are the same, we might perceive things differently. (Or would could just call the "machine" and wars of this world -the most current over what? What again? ::scratching head:: - well, people making the comment, "MEN MAKE WARS" (leave out the prefix "wo")- would they be right or wrong?

At the least, this is the only planet we have. Whatever is causing changes, be it us, or be it "them" or be it "it" - we ought be concerned. And what would you do if you were out in a bar, and another guy comes over and insults your "mommy?" Mommy's are tough! When you were a kid, your mom would protect you, for the most part. But older, do you not have a soft spot for your own mom?

Let's get rid of the "hormone" game, please, oh please, and get back to the root of the intention of this board. Please stop insuling my "mommy" because she went through hell, the great depression, etc. - because every word is not visible as sarcasm in this genre, one must add it for some others to understand. Your "mommy" pushes you out of a very small opening...and trust me, it wasn't easy. "Mommies" are tough!!!!