Enlighten Me Free


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Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

If channeling is indeed occurring with JZeek, and she's not up there playing around with everyone, I would also entertain that she is allowing other, malicious entities to "use" her. Perhaps she doesn't even know. But I believe it's an act.

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

Holy cow !!! I didn’t intend to start such a debate. I just posted, as JTR mentioned, some re-worked lyrics from an old Rolling Stones song that makes me think of JZ. It could also be voldemort, or lucifer, or satan or baphomet or wathever devil !!! Obviously, if you do believe in the existence of such “entities”, it is likely that you need a “guru” or any other kind of external “protection”. Haven’t you been told that the power is in you ? Don’t give up your power to anybody ! Above all, to JZ !!!


Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

Hi, Druid!

We have people from around the world posting here, some aware of the music, comedic skits, etc., while others aren't. A few posts above is a great link to Wiki on the Rolling Stones' "Sympathy for the Devil," so seems it's just one of those misunderstandings among different cultures - and I've lived between two-three and man, did I learn! So please don't be alarmed. We all need to learn how to understand one another in this world - if there is to ever be peace. Not knowing, fear, are two factors causing such misunderstandings. Let's hope we can all help along.

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

You're right G2G. I realize that starting this thread was not the best way to introduce myself on this forum

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself


I thought your thread and intro was very clever, mindful, and cool. it had a retrospective flavor, smoky & kind of drugged feel to it, juxposed to the school's fixed-in-time 60's music. At first, I could not sense which side of the fence you were on.. but then again, there was some slime-throwing from the Yelm pond around that time... ribitt..

I love to see people's creativity, fresh approach to thread-making. Those around the world can benefit from the exposure, reading, viewing the response of others, asking for explanation if desired.

The vitality and freedom of mind is what is killed off by rse & other coercive group think. It is refreshing to see it, and in the 'drinking in' process, our own 'boundary management sensors' expand, tolerate more and in essence, we allow ourselves to flex more, increasing our ability to be in a state of allowance.

practicing allowance side-by-side of owning your own power is a delicate balance for each person. It develops greater inner strength & pride of ownership than crossword puzzles...;)

thanks for your contribution. it has been interesting!

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

Some very good ribbiting going on here...
in our beautiful pond..

Soon comes the princess seeking her frog prince...
for a kiss..



Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

It is well known I have been pro active against the RSE organization for quite some time. I don't consider there is any value in RSE whatsoever. Likewise other teachings of alternative sprituality because its supporters just like RSE students cannot prove to the world the benefit of their teachings either.

I most certainly do not need to be told the "power is within me" nor that I need a guru. I will reconsider the power is within me when all of the RSE student body are a supreme example of the "work" or some other group is a supreme example of the power within and not before.

I am not so gullible and blind as I once was to subjectively "believe without seeing." I have seen others in other teachings waste heaps of money on theories that never bring fruition over and above what is already evident in the world anyway.

Just like a religious priest, JZ Knight is the mediator between "god/ the teacher" and the student body.

I consider Druid is a pro RSE activist.

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

That was not the "princess" I had in mind...!


The EMF “infiltrators”…will come and go..and if we are worth our salt then EMF will be all the more affective. Some may even receive an EMF wakeup call..
Fear and its little brother paranoia.. are perhaps our greatest challenge to overcome…
RSE is indoctrinated fear…
JZR’s first victory was to divide our hearts from our minds…
Let’s keep both intact on EMF.

If Druid is an infiltrator…?
I will eat my Cape..



Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

me tends to think you lost a bit of your sense of humour with such intense acitivism.
Druid's intro post was a welcomed musing.
Sorry you did not see it as such.

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

""If Druid is an infiltrator…?
I will eat my Cape..



I offer mine as dessert. I don't know what to do with it. Unless we ex-RSE'ers do a "capes across the world" - our capes linked end-to-end as a visual aid to those who managed to escape RSE.

(I don't even want to put mine on the seat of my car for my dog - can't stand the sight of it and the memories it triggers.) Same thing with my "tush cush." Oh, now that's something my dog would have a ball with! I can use it for hundsport training! Donate your "tush cush" to animal shelters - could work.

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

G2G, I held onto my cape for a long time too. For a while it was an extra blanket on our bed but I finally gave it to a clothing collection box. I figure it can still keep someone warm. I wonder what the person who got it would have thought...

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

I like your 'capes around the world' idea too!!

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

Druid - don't worry about Christel, she sees RSE members behind every post. She's always accusing me of being pro RSE as well, which if you knew me is the most ridiculous suggestion possible. I have learned to ignore her posts as she has an enormous amount of bitterness clouding her judgement.

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

I got rid of EVERYTHING RSE oriented, including my two capes, especially the pillows....in fact, I had a bon fire with all the t-shirts.
Most things I gave away to Good will, as I know there are others in need.

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

Thank you Aussiegirl and Frog Prince, you reassure me.

Here's an anecdote I've heard long time ago, about a zebra who, while walking around her neighborhood, came across a talking frog. The frog said to the zebra "kiss me and I will turn into a rockstar". The zebra, who was wise and money-grubbing, took the frog and slipped it into her pocket, that could bring her huge heaps of money. On her way back home from her neighborhood walk, she began to think, in the midst of her wandering, she were wondering and, came to the conclusion that it would be more lucrative to produce a show staring a delirious zebra than a déja-vu rockstar frog...

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

By the way, what are these capes and "tush cushes" ???

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

Thanks to David too, to Littlewisesome, to Tree, to G2G, to Zyxwv, to Journeythroughramthaland and all of you who bring support and share on this forum, thank you.

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

The cushions are what most students purchase to use during C&E. It elevates the necessary part of the body (tush) so that the body is in correct posture to allow the kundalini to shoot up the spine and out of the head (so they said).

The CD's and DVD's - if you microwave them, they crackle and can make a set of coasters for your teens...(I've done it - the microwave survived)....(tongue-in-cheek- but I did try it).

Also, I've found today my dog is having a grand time biting on the cushion - it's great for strengthening his grip without getting my hands "nipped." (We're in Schutzhund training). Could be the next big "protection" gear in the sport...ahem.

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

Oh I see, it's a butt buttress !

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

without it, you need "holistic practioners"
of all kinds.

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

I always wondered why the tush cushes didn't come with a belt so that you could "wear" it while doing the field after gridding. It would have saved some time for students to run back into the hall and sit on the cozy, comfy astroturf (sarcasm) in order to watch more videos of JZR "teaching." Speaking of - I know two other people who left. They felt paying to watch videos wasn't worth it. One still does the disciplines; the other doesn't. So that great idea of showing videos to the masses isn't working very well - while the big bad blonde is decorating her hovel. Now whose idea was the videos? Hmmmm. I wonder who that could be??? (sarcasm) GS probably thought they could rake in even more $$, doing retreats at different locations during the same timeframe.

Wrong. Perhaps Jayzeek ought retire if she can no longer make appearances to her "captive" minds. Yet some react to the videos as though they were actually her/him/whatever - akin to yelling at the telly when you don't agree with the show!..

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

G2G -

Hon, after 60, the bad days outnumber the good ones by a long shot. You just never know if tomorrow it's going to be the princess or the ogre in the mirror.

That botox IS botulism toxin you know, and it just doesn't last as long after so many injections. I mean, how can Shreaky-zeeky get up there looking like dog sh*t? or, say when too much was injected, the nerves damaged and the upper lip just isn't moving?

Not to mention all those chronic diseases that 'disappeared' with the neighborhood walk. I think it's called walking around the block - coming back to where you are started. yeah. So while there may not be 'wine ceremonies', the home alone drinking is just as devastating, e.g., senior diabetes, 'puffy' circulatory issues, the chronic fatigue of always lying.

And the hair - did I mention how much time it takes to keep from looking like Mrs. Scarecrow?? After so much peroxide, it either falls out or looks like straw. Those hair extensions are pretty expensive too, ya know.

So, GS, after going thru all those total melt-downs re: hair, face & being puffy... viola - videos. How to keep the place going? But, he's got another horse now - that book - for his future. He's not betting on a has-been, her-story any more, he's got his own.

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

what book?

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

Re: what book?

These Things You Shall Do... and Greater: The Physics of Change"

Ton auf Deutsch! $$$$
Now in, the German version AND can be purchased in Germany!

The French, Italian, and Spanish Versions will be available very soon. $$$$
$$$ $$$$

Send your requests to sales@mulaideguisepublishing.com.

Looks like private enterprise to me. How come Shreaky zeeky has put her name all over 'Monsignor' Ledwith's stuff but not The Simmonizer's? (is the nose too brown, or she just wouldn't dare try, after he masterminded all the NLP techniques of the school to get it where it is..? )

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

There's another song (from Pink Floyd this time) that makes me think of the "teachings", here's the lyrics :

"We don't need no education [abdication ?]
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom ^[if you... I'll bring you down...]
Teacher leave them kids alone
Hey teacher ! Leave them kids alone
All in all it's just another brick in the wall..."

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

this song got put on by steve.jzr gave the sign to cut it off after a few beats.

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself

I taught that the "master of music" was a "master"...