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Re: The School of Victimization: or how to hate yourself and make another very rich

>>Bright, talented people are attracted to the RSE sort of thing because they can accept Ramtha or the idea of a channeled entity as a possibility or even a "probability" give the complexity of "life" in the universe. But enlightenment is really not driven by intellectual ability. It is a life condition.<<

I just wanted to highlight that part again, and add, as others have on different posts on this board, that it is also directly related to one's relationships with other human beings and how you treat them and yourself... Kindness, compassion, empathy and understanding.

Re: The School of Victimization: or how to hate yourself and make another very rich

Is there anyone that works at RSE or goes to the RSE as a student who is not, at some level or degree, AFRAID of "Ramtha" or JZ Knight?

Is there one person who does not fear them to some degree and to what degree does that fear control them?

I think it makes sense to be afraid of people like JZ who are untreated alcholic/sociopaths with a lust for power.

However, when you stay under their thumb and don't extricate yourself EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE AFRAID, you stay one of her victims.


Re: The School of Victimization: or how to hate yourself and make another very rich

This is just my observation. Those who live in Yelm and
near the school appear to be much more 'afraid' and
invested. Those who didn't move are either thinking about
moving, are planning to move, keep changing their minds,
or decided it doesn't matter where they are-they choose
to not live underground and whatever catastrophes occur,
they go with the flow, as in "so be it." LOL.

My observation only, and I in no manner have seen the
entire student body; the most I've seen is 1000 at once,
in audience for "the great and wonderful" JZ?JR?

LOL - your comment about "R" "What be a Safeway?"
People learning to speak English experience something
a little odd sometimes when they first come to the
US. The phrase, "thanks a lot," for example, is taken
very literally. They believe you are thanking them, and
not the opposite. So, bearing this in mind, "what be a
Safeway?" In my experiences, it would be interpreted
at least initially, as a "safe way' to do something, or a "safe place" or a
"safe path." Same thing when native English speakers
learn other languages. Our attempts are clumsy at first,
and we don't speak in the manner the locals do.

Advertising here causes a problem for some, too. Example:
a junk-food product advertised as "good for you" might
be taken literally, just because it is written in an ad.

My experience - I'm sure others have different experiences.

Re: The School of Victimization: or how to hate yourself and make another very rich

To follow up on your comment, fear can generate a compulsion to hold someone in a dysfunctional relationship. The intensity of the emotion generates a dark bond.

Think "deer caught in headlights."