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Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

Tree -- thanks for venting!!.....


Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

Terra, am slighty offended by your words about 'new age crap'...so, speaking only for myself, here is a rundown, just about me and my individual beliefs, which i have a right to (as do you)
Out of a possible 100%
Belief in reincarnation - 70%
Belief in the possibility of precognition - 70%
Belief in the benefit of meditation - 80%
Belief in the possibility of remote viewing - 85%
Belief that organized religions may not have the answer for me - 80%
Belief in spirits/disembodied entities/ghosts - 80%
Belief in the possibility of channeling - 60%
Belief that any one channel should be followed - 20%
Predisposition to follow a channel - 10%
Inclination to follow a channel that makes me pay to get yelled at - NIL

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

zywxv, clearly if your g/f needs to be convince that the disciplines at the school work, then all she has to do as have any one of the members that have been there for say 15 years and on...do the remarkable before her eyes.

After 15-10 years or 10-5 years of any dicipline, anyone should be able to do the 'remarkable' within a blink of an eye.

Psychic abilities (intuitive know-how) will be truncated once a person start those disciplines. I mean, why do so many people still struggle with their lives (after so many years) and still havn't done the remarkable yet?

Have your g/f ask a member to do something amazing, like, lift an object with their thoughts; walk through the wall; tell her what's inside her pocket.

And if they claim to do remote view: how many eggs are in my fridge right now; what's the content of my home; where does my parents live; how many siblings do I have.

I mean, things like that, will convince me that I'm attending the right school of knowledge. Not watching people struggle more with their lives, and far worst off, then before joining the school.

Test the spirit first, before joining anything.

Okay, let me return to watching the television series of "The Dead Zone," where I'm seeing that if a person really has great psychic powers, they can do the remarkable just by touching someone else.

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

Sounds, though, like, although u may not spend an eternity with your GF, you have something worth saving...differing beliefs and directions alone need not split you up...
And, those here with experience of RSE all seem to point to the likelihood of her not getting what she's looking for at RSE, and eventually moving on. Guess, though, nobody can say when that will be, so, waiting may not be the way to go. It's good that you talked with her about it. Best of luck, whichever way it goes. Have this feeling, though, that u should leave the door only partly closed...she may need u!

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

I'm with IUB here.
Very easy things to test.
The only thing the RSE student might do is
poo -poo things like the eggs in my fridge, or how many siblings, because those
are really not "enlightened" things to ask

I know a few people who got verbally attacked by "R" who had asked such
That might be their lone rebuttal.

And as a matter of fact, upon going through
alot of my things, I found the "three stones" that we worked on soooo diligently during an assay to "turn into gold".
Yup, still stones there.

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

IUB...you need to go to the store, you have no eggs in your fridge...(assuming that you want eggs) - and if it was a long event, chances are "none" would have been the right answer...wasteful to leave perishables in the fridge.
And, about stones turning to gold...Gold ore looks like an ordinary green stone...(I have one...thinking of sending it to RSE students) so if that were one of your three stones, you would have aced the exercise...

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

To Lost in Space,

When did I ever use the term "new age crap?"

I have not...Sigmund Freud much?

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

I am so sorry, it was somebody else..on another thread, that set me off.
But, what does Freud have to do with it????
It grew to seem to me IMO a common thing, on this site, that in repudiating Ramtha's teachings, and from a sense (justified it would appear) of having been taken in and deceived, or heavily manipulated and controlled, for some, every single element of any belief system that smacks of anything even faintly resembling anything at all to do with anything at all learned at RSE is reviled...but, I should have checked before posting, and I hope you will forgive my error...

I wish only peace for those who post here. I had it in the back of my mind, that maybe, for some, in spite of the deception and abuse, when they come out on the other side, they might find that they have gained something (even if it is just one excercise or encounter) of value, which makes it all seem slightly less bitter for them. Or that they will never let it happen again.
Also, IMO, it might interest you to know that, I consider that Sigmund Freud may have done a fair bit of harm. But, hey, I can joke about it a bit.
Freudian dream analysis: you dream about a train going through a tunnel - it's a penis. You dream of carrots - penile symbols. Writing something? You are weilding a phallic symbol...on and on. But if you dream about a phallus - you're out of luck...no analysis exists for that.

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

HAHAHA Lost in Space.
Me thinks you need some homeopathics for
memory !
( I take them myself til my brains heals from 18 years of s h i t)

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

and my remote viewing capabilities say:
you need eggs in your fridge

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

I am not practicing deception when I say...the only time I need eggs in my fridge, is when I am expecting someone for whom that is the only acceptable protein source...I am allergic to eggs. Now, where is the icon for nausea???? Cause I have them on my face, sigh.

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

Have never been in RSE...just know somebody who is still in there...And, also, have endured some similar experiences to what is shared here. It took me years to recover. Hope the time is much shorter for you.
Homeopathics could be good. I find, like many of you, that talking to people "in the same boat" helps tremendously.

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

My posts don't always show up...this could bear repeating...I am not a former (or current) RSE student...I was a prospective one...I know someone who is a current one. I worry now very much about that person.
I was, though, subjected to abuse and heavy duty mind control techniques for about ten years...was also sexually assaulted, and it has taken me years to recover. May it take you less time.
Homeopathy is good...but, instead of having my memory improved, sometimes, I would like it wiped. Got anything for that? I have PTSD. It is mostly in remission now...just have the odd disturbing flashback. Most of the time, I feel calm and copacetic...and, like I have not done too badly for myself. And I have a wonderful daughter...and family who love me. And friends. And a job. Hobbies. A dog and a cat. Two ex-husbands with whom I get along.
I think the worst thing I've heard in all the postings here, apart from the abuse of Tree, a long term, loyal employee, is the recurring theme of people giving up all of those things - things that make life worth living, to "create new realities" which are not nearly as good, mostly, as the old ones they leave behind.

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...


You think homeopathics will heal YOUR brain?

Your walkin a Judi path.

Be careful my "Pretty".

Only self diligence will protect you now.

Best that you stay away from THIS post for a while unless you want to get even more entangled in self megalomania, which is harder to escape from than RSE.

Do you hear me?

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

Hello, this is the first time I have been on here, and my boyfriend has just been to a weeks "school" in Italy and has come back a different person. I have tried to tell him it's a cult, and he doesn't know what he is getting in to, but he seems as adament as ever that it is the truth and i am not ready for understanding and looking within myself for the truth. No matter how many tears it has caused and every conversation ends up with RSE being the topic, he won't change his mind. At one point I thought he may be considering leaving, but there is something which is stopping him which he won't say. Is it fear? He used the excuse that he would lose a lot of people he loved...I don't understand this...can anyone help? I felt completely alone in all this until I read all of the messages here, and know that i am not. I still don't know how I am going to tackle this one, but they have all helped me feel so much better. Thanks

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

"At one point I thought he may be considering leaving.."

Hi M and a Big Welcome,
Don't worry, you are not alone and there are plenty of people here with experience who are concerned about what is occuring at RSE. If he has only been to a Beginning Retreat then he is still open to information and one thing you can do is show him this website.

It can be as simple as telling him that you are curious and would like to know more about his experience and RSE. So you searched the web and came upon this site. Would he like to look at it? If he could explain a few things it would make you feel better...

Another thing that would be helpful is to make sure he understands what a cult is. A very good book is "Cults Among Us" by Margaret Singer. "Ramtha" always says, "THIS IS NOT A CULT! THERE ARE NO SEATBELTS ON THE FLOOR! YOU CAN LEAVE AT ANY TIME!"

So make sure he knows what a cult is.

Here are some other resources to learn about cults:

Take Care

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

the first week is the honey moon that totally hooks a person.
they LONG for more.
I will make another post that I was referenced to for people newly starting out in a group...and to think critically.
Marie, ZYX, are in your shoes.

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...


From the similar situation I am in I would say the the most important thing to ask is "Is my significant other the type of person that is drawn to cults, or is this a freak accident that needs to be alleviated"

What I had to admit to myself in my case is that my girlfriend likes group spiritual situations that I would call cults, or at least "cult-esque". She is into LGATs, the Secret, Ramtha, and other groups that use new age spirituality as the first step into what I think is a cult-ish environment. Once I realized this, I realized that even if my girlfriend left Ramtha (by my persuasion or entirely on her own), she would get just as iwrapped up in another group that I am just as opposed to.

Because of this, we agreed that we are not going to last as long as a couple as we thought, because our lifestyle choices are totally different. I don't have the desire to support these things, and she doesn't have the desire to spend her life with someone who doesn't support her.

If your s/o has the type of personality that likes these cult-ish situations, I would say your chances are slim. But if your s/o usually opposes groups like this, and hass somehow gotten sucked in, I imagine the odds are muuuuch higher of being able to persuade otherwise.

Just my opinion.

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

Hey zyxwv, thanks for your opinion...I completely agree with you, and maybe I just need different things in my life to feel fulfilled. I am still figuring out the answer to that, as it is such a hard question to face. The longer this goes on though, the harder I am finding this, and someone on EMF quoted to me that it is one thing to help someone, and another to lose yourself in the process...I don't want to lose myself.

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

zyxwv - I think you have amazing maturity. I'm sure it wasn't the outcome you hoped for with your girlfriend but I commend you for your clarity and ability to reason your chances together. Ultimately that's what we have to do in any relationship, right...? Cult or no cult. However, it is rare to see that process occur relatively amicably. I do hope that you are doing well and thanks for sharing your update.

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

M- didn't you say your boyfriend JUST came back? was it his first retreat? if so, 1) Of course he's going to rave about it when it's so fresh. 2) That means there is definitely still time to keep him from getting lost, especially since I'm guessing you don't live near WA (or else he wouldn't have gone to Italy?)

Find out his opinion/personality on other cults. Ask him if they rub him the wrong way, if he thinks they are brainwashing,manipulative, etc. If he answers yes, ask him what RSE does that is any better than those cults, and show him posts here that show how terrible RSE can be.

If he sees no problem with other cults and gives a "if that's what they choose to do" kind of response, then you might have to reevaluate your compatibility, etc.

Definitely don't lose yourself, but don't be so afraid of it that you don't at least give it your all. For me- in the long run both my girlfriend and I will be happier not in a relationship together, AND I think I can be of better help to her if I am not her boyfriend. That way if she ever gets out of RSE, our relationship will be less clouded and easier to be straightforward, etc.

Thanks. For a 21 year old, I am quite familiar with relatively serious/long term relationships and their subsequent break ups. This one is different because we live together and I really thought it hadlifelong potential, but I am not one for bull****ting myself. She and I had been having doubts for months, it just took the Ramtha conversation to get us to admit it to eachother. Like I said, if it wasn't RSE it would have been something else for us. We're good together, but not good enough to see through serious lifestyle differences and perceptions. I'd rather spare us the long term misery of pretending, heh.

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

Oh, and my girlfriend gave me GREAT NEWS last night. She gets to go to her follow up for only 200 bucks because she's on bathroom duty. OH JOY!!!!

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

I know how you feel, but I also can relate to how she feels ( since I "been there , done that").
But it is amusing......

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...


you just sound so mature!!!!

i feel bad for girlfriend. she's really missing the boat.

you deserve miss right, and i hope you find her....i know you will find her.

but i have to laughingly and kindly say, you also crack me up...it's been a while since i was 21, and i have a son who is 22 this year...to me you're a "kid".

my son's gf is out of the country for this college semester. he's not happy about it, and the family is watching to see if it makes 'em or breaks 'em. so far, it seems to be working out alright. we expect they're gonna get married someday, but i don't count my chickens before they're hatched so to speak. she's a nice girl - that's not a problem. just have to SEE it. time will tell. as always.

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

we broke up.

just thought i'd give thaqt update.

it was her that called the "break up talk", but it was prety mutual. we're still pals. i'm sleeping on the floor while i look for a new place. she volunteered to let me have the bed, but it's her bed, not mine, so i took the living room.

ironic: We got together in January, and she broke up with me RIGHT after we got together. then she went to her beginner's retreat in Feb and when she got back, she got back together with me right when she came home.

Cut to 8 months later, and she breaks up with me RIGHT when she gets back from her follow up.

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

Sorry, Zy.

I'm sure you're feeling sad. I wish you the best, and your heart's desire.

I'm sure the right person is on this planet for you - who will treat you with respect and true love. Untethered by any cult-drama.

Re: I have a BIG favor to ask...

she is on her own RSE journey.
You have made some mature observations of where you are at and where you want to go, and with someone on a similar path.
may you find happiness.....
