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Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association

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Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association
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Re: Re: NASCAR on Gower

That's a good suggestion by MM to put speed bumps on Gower, but please no oneway streets, it will just create more problems on Beachwood because how will people on Gower go the "other" way except from Beachwood? Oneway streets are a headache and cause more problems than they solve. Speed bumps on Gower, let's get that going.

Re: Re: Re: NASCAR on Gower

All the streets leading up from franklin have this problem. Just because one has a bigger, more expensive house farther up the hill doesn't give licence to be an inconsiterate jackass. I was almost hit one time.
I could list a few plates of chronic offenders who feel they must prove there worth by flooring the gas on side streets. maybe a brick theough the windshild would be a deterant. Speed bumps are good too