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Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association

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Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association
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NASCAR on Gower

I live on Gower St between Fraklin and Scenic. In the six months I have lived here I have been increasingly alarmed at how many people drive incredibly fast up and down this little street. I have witnessed several accidents of varying severity on Gower, all attributable to excessive speed. A couple of speed bumps would solve this dangerous problem.

Am I the only one whose noticed?

Re: NASCAR on Gower

I have noticed this problem too. It has been a problem for the entire three years that I have lived in the area of Gower between Scenic and Franklin. Shortly after moving to the area I parked my car on Gower Street, the next morning when I came out to go to work I found my rear axl was bent, the result of a driver speeding up the hill that misjudged the clearance. She hit my car so hard that it hit the car in front of it and caused serious damage to that car. Since then I have seen at least three accidents similar in nature due to excessive speed. Through observation, I have found that most of the traffic racing up Gower from Franklin consists of people using it as a short cut to go further up Beachwood Drive. (including the person that nearly totaled my car!) Since common decency and safe driving practices by our neighbors seems too much to expect from them, perhaps speed bumps or making Gower a oneway street are the solution. I fear that even if a pedestrian or motorist is killed as a result of the excessive speed this disrespect will still continue. I know people are in a rush to get home after a long day at work but an accident or vehicular homicide certainly won't get them home any faster.

Re: Re: NASCAR on Gower

That's a good suggestion by MM to put speed bumps on Gower, but please no oneway streets, it will just create more problems on Beachwood because how will people on Gower go the "other" way except from Beachwood? Oneway streets are a headache and cause more problems than they solve. Speed bumps on Gower, let's get that going.

Re: Re: Re: NASCAR on Gower

All the streets leading up from franklin have this problem. Just because one has a bigger, more expensive house farther up the hill doesn't give licence to be an inconsiterate jackass. I was almost hit one time.
I could list a few plates of chronic offenders who feel they must prove there worth by flooring the gas on side streets. maybe a brick theough the windshild would be a deterant. Speed bumps are good too