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The more I dig in this forum, the more I get afraid !

Once again, excuse my English, language I understand quite well but I hardly speak or write. However, most of the time, people understand what I mean. Thank you.

I came across this web site two weeks ago, and I’m so happy I found it while googleing ramtha. I “met” ramtha 15 years ago, when my new girlfriend, at that time, had lent me a (French) book entitled “ramtha”. I’ve read it straight from the beginning through the end. I was so intrigued by this concept of channelling. And the “story” reminded me of some books I have read many years ago about Lemuria and Atlantis and other “new age” and esoteric stuff. Nevertheless, the relationship whit this girlfriend had been very short (she was so weird !) and I’ve forgot about ramtha for a few years.

About four years later, a friend of mine (who perceived me as a weirdo) introduced me one of his ex-girlfriend, telling me that we were made for each other. We talked about these “new age” and esoteric things, and she mentioned ramtha. I told her that I’ve read the book and she literally felt in love with me ! We’ve been together for almost 7 years…

Six month ago, I met a woman who is an regular ramtha’s student for four years or so. She invited me at her place to watch some ramtha’s teaching videos and we’re in romantic relationship since then. We went to a beginner’s retreat last fall and I’ve found the experience “interesting”. I think that there were many more regular students than beginners, so the “family” ambience was appealing.

I must say that I never believed in ramtha nor in channelling. I have a certain interest for these things, I think I’m an opened-minded person, but I don’t put beliefs in that. So, I decided to dig a bit more into that stuff and found some ram’s teachings in audio format on the web (torrents). I’ve have listened many to times this stuff and the one my girlfriend has, including what the **** into the… And the more I listened to it, the more I disagree with it, and with my girlfriend’s point of view.

Last month, she went to her first blue college event, she was really excited about that. A few weeks ago, she asked me if I noticed something different in her attitude since then. Of course I said to her, you’re more distant. So she told me that the “master” (of puppets) had teach them that they must get rid of their body habits (that includes sexual practices) if they want to get enlightened ! That sounds to me like mind control ! I told her that these attempts to control sexuality by religions and other cults had often led to many kinds of abuse and depravity. But she really believes in her guru. He’s 35,000 years old, he must know she tells all the time. I’m eternal I reply, I must know better !

She told me (and I’ve read it on this forum) that when they are in the “ranch” for an event, the gates are locked and they can’t get out of there ! That’s scary ! It reminds me of Jonestown, Wacko, Charles Manson and many more. And she’s going to an another event next winter…

Now, I really don’t know how to make her realise that she’s trapped in a mind control cult. I don’t want to confront her with her family members which are really aware about her enslavement. The more I argue about her beliefs, the more she’s distant and I don’t want her to leave me. Not that I can’t live without her, I can perfectly live by myself, that’s one thing that I’ve learnt in my life, I do enjoy relationships ant other’s presence, but I no more need it in my life to be happy. That is why I like this relationship, we don’t need each other to be happy, to be fully ourselves. But I’m afraid that if she leaves me, she’ll be lost ! I don’t want to be her saviour or something like that, but I believe that we came across each other for a specific purpose, like everyone we come across in our lives.

I hope that love, patience, compassion and empathy will do the job.

Thank all of you for being here and sharing your experiences !

Re: The more I dig in this forum, the more I get afraid of RSE and JZ !

I apologise. I should have entitled this post :
The more I dig in this forum, the more I get afraid of RSE and JZ !

Re: The more I dig in this forum, the more I get afraid !

Druid, your written English is excellent, very easy to read. I too am a partner of a member of RSE so I understand how difficult that can be. I have found such a lot of support and advice on this forum and I suggest you too listen to what the ex-Ramsters say about this issue.

I would really love my boyfriend to come to the realisation that he is in a cult, but I have finally learned over the past 2 years (and much advise from this forum) not to criticize RSE directly but to present information in a different way. Of course he is not stupid and most of the time he knows my agenda but I hope that these small seeds will one day grow!

Re: The more I dig in this forum, the more I get afraid !

Thank you Aussiegirl. I noticed that it's not a good tactic to criticize rse or jz/ram, my partner reacts as if she's beeing personnaly attacked ! I once criticize the fact that in a recorded channelling, it's obvious that s/he's drunk and the fact that s/he' yelling at the students. My partner immediately takes jz's defence saying that s/he knows what s/he's doing and that s/he's doing it on purpose, to reach people like me ! Wow !

Once again, thanks to you all for your support !

Re: The more I dig in this forum, the more I get afraid !

Druid wrote: "My partner immediately takes jz's defence saying that s/he knows what s/he's doing and that s/he's doing it on purpose, to reach people like me "

In literature about cult leaders there are "crazy wise" gurus who purportedly teach with "skillful means" [examples: Gurdjieff, Adi Da, Andrew Cohen, Chogyam Trungpa]. iow, they are SOOOO enlightened that everything and anything they do is a potential teaching tool--it is up to the doting devotee to figure out the lesson!

Georg Feuerstein wrote "Holy Madness: The shock tactics and radical teachngs of crazy-wise adepts, holy fools, and rascal gurus" (Arkana, 1990) to explore the craziness and nuances in the antics of teachers that act crazy and immorally to "teach."

Personally, I like the book because it is intelligently presented and well-researched. He does a good job of sorting out the value of craziness with a purpose as opposed to mental illness.

But I tire of excuses for bad behavior among spiritual teachers and so does the author. In the end Feuerstein argues for a "more integrated approach to self-transcendence. This new approach will be sustained by teachers, including holy fools, who place personal growth and integrity above the need to instruct, Reality above traditional fidelity, and compassion and humor above all role playing." [p 259]

It puzzles me however that the author thinks that this could be something "new." Where has he been? Throughout history we find great men and women that taught with integrity and held to Reality above tradition. This is an old virtuous path that seems to evade every generation of new seeker because every generation faces con-artists and flawed madmen posing as enlightened beings.

Virtuous, reality-based living is "boring" to seekers that want to be on the fast track to enlightenment. Perhaps that is why rascal, outrageous gurus were so attractive to some us....

The only thing we have to fear from a jz/r is falling under her orbit of influence. yeah, jz knows what she's doing---she knows she's getting away with her bad behavior and con-game around doting devotees.....

Re: The more I dig in this forum, the more I get afraid !

To me, this is a very interesting thread of discussion. I can totally relate to Druid's hesitance to criticise Ramtha. The response to any such criticism is formulaic and comes back to you at the speed of light.
joe sz points out that he tires of excuses for bad behavior among so-called spiritual leaders. Amen to that and there is absolutely no excuse for alcohol abuse as the consequences of alcoholism are devastating. As far as there being great men and women throughout history who "taught with integrity and held to reality" ? I would say maybe yes, but they taught with their actions. Perhaps Ghandi, Mandela, or Sister Therasa to name a few.

It is often considered a bad thing to attack religion because we are told that religion makes men virtuous. I have not really noticed this as I see much hypocracy in organized religion. My own view on organized religion is more like that of the British philospher Bertrand Russell. He regarded it as a disease born of fear and as a source of untold misery to the human race. He goes on to say that "I can not, however, deny that religion has made some contributions to civilization. It helped in the early days to fix the calendar, and it caused Egyptian priests to chronicle eclipses with such care that in time they became able to predict them. These two sevices I am prepared to acknowledge, but I do not know of any others". Alright, granted that he is maybe a bit toungue in cheek here but he says much more in "Why I Am Not A Christian, And Other Essays On Religion And Related Subjects". It is hard to argue against Christian principals and of course the 10 commandments, but after all these are mostly just good common sense.

"Fast-track to enlightenment" indeed. What to do about these "con-artists and flawed madmen" as joe sz calls them? Well, we used to burn witches at the stake but I suppose civilization has made some progress. What do we do about our loved ones who are in pain and cognitively dis-advantaged because of this? Time and its vital ally, timing, will no doubt decide the matter but one grows impatient.

Re: The more I dig in this forum, the more I get afraid !

Willie, I read "Why I am not a Christian" by Bertrand Russell -- is it 35 years ago? Good essays, but cynical as you indicated.

"As far as there being great men and women throughout history who "taught with integrity and held to reality" ? I would say maybe yes, but they taught with their actions. Perhaps Ghandi, Mandela, or Sister Therasa to name a few."

I wan not thinking of famous people but I would name Confucius as one example....I am referring to those hard-working good teachers and prfessionals who are relatively anonoymous by national or world standards, folks that act like "great men and women" according to the standard that Feuerstein mentions. We've all met people like that, people who do not need awards or a cult following.

"What to do about these "con-artists and flawed madmen" as joe sz calls them? Well, we used to burn witches at the stake but I suppose civilization has made some progress. What do we do about our loved ones who are in pain and cognitively dis-advantaged because of this? Time and its vital ally, timing, will no doubt decide the matter but one grows impatient."

Recall that statement by Edmund Burke?: "All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing."
For me it is not about "time" or "timing" but more about the slow steady grind of education and actively exposing lies and evil in a civil way.

btw, Hope all of you reading this had a great Thanksgiving--I was horsebackriding in the Colorado Mountains with my 17 year old daughter and her friend on that day--no turkeys in sight!

Re: The more I dig in this forum, the more I get afraid !

Again very interesting. Love the Edmund Burke quote about good men doing nothing. I do not want to be guilty of filling this forum up with nothing but quotes but that reminded me of Martin Luther King who said "In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends".

So, therefore something must be done and I really do not like JOE SZ's (user name is now upper case) solution of a "slow steady grind of education and actively exposing lies and evil in a civil way". I suppose I must acknowledge that it is the best way as we do not have another alternative short of burning at the stake. I feel the same way about capitalism. I hate its excesses and wastefulness but it is no doubt the best system yet devised.

Not sure if that is any consolation to Druid but I wish you luck as I am having similar problems with a relative though it is not my spouse. Did I read somewhere on this forum something about a class action suit?

Re: The more I dig in this forum, the more I get afraid !

Maybe you really read it 35 Thousand years ago!!
haha! Just a little light hearted humor

Hope you enjoyed the Rockies over thanksgiving.
Will be headed home there in a few weeks doing the same.

Happy Thanksgiving to all who venture into this site
and read all the sharing...
