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Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

We just finished watching the Larry King Live broadcast on Google Video... I have a few concerns.
Didn't JZ kick Joe D. off the staff at RSE because he said he "Created His Day" in the Bleep movie? Did she sue him for that? (too)
Because I had the Ram's DVD where "HE" teaches us to create our day...and on the Larry King Show JZ says "she" teaches people to create their day, then she goes on about it a bit as to how to do it. She never once mentions the Ram at all...
I feel some concern here...
'cause who's the Ram going to get to represent HIM as all his teachings get creditied to JZ? I mean if there even were someone who whould agree to do it..
How would we ever get to hear His side of the story???
Anyone got any ideas on the Headline for that case???
I'm being silly withthis but it really blew my socks off to hear her talk and not once even mention the Ram. So here I am "Sockless and near Seattle"

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

PS That's the Larry King Live Show that aired on Nov. 27, 2006. Five parts all available on Google Video.
There was a big promo last fall at the ranch for us all to watch it, I passed then, but am glad to have seen it now.
The rest of the Panel were featured in "The Secret".

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Thank you for your post and observations DanceTheWind,
What you point out on the Larry King show is true..
Not only does JZ fail to acknowledge the “Ram” but she speaks about RSE as “My” school. "Come to my school" Etc...
The thing is this, JZ has woken up to the fact that she could have made “The Big Time” without the “Ramtha” charade all along..
That RSE controversies are more likely to spoil her new market…
My observation is...
You will see JZ Knight becoming more and more the star of the show, “Ramtha” will be fazed out as soon as it becomes economically viable.
There are already signs that RSE is morphing into JZRSE,
JZ will claim to be of the bloodline of Mary Magdalene..”hence the Rose in her new name” and the first women Christ….


Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

hey i made this bet half a year ago about mary magdalene and jz.i also bet she tries to make a subschool in europe.good luck to the french.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

oh i forget the tactic is changing.its easier to fool new people than keep the old one in line.the new custumers dont know what she talked 5years ago.so let them now that only the paking changed.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Thanks David, yes my partner and I felt this is what is occuring also. All at exactly the right time for me personally as I am grateful for the experience and my "leaving" after a short emmercement, but can see how that would have felt REALLY SUCKY if I had spent years in it.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Joe Zimhart recently shared with me his perspective on this topic…

Seems like JZ is mimicking the grandiose path of Elizabeth Prophet who continued to add to her cosmic credentials as time wore on--from just a "Messenger" in the Sixties, she went to "Vicar of Christ" (same title as Pope) and then to wearing the "mantle" or "crown" of the "Mother of the Universe" by 1979.

This is the psychology of the Big Lie. The bigger the lie, the more likely devotees will not question it. (Hitler knew and utilized this technique), and it is far better to be a devotee of a great being than a lesser god. Isn't it?

“Posted with kind permission”

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

When Audrey was disposed of, JZ had talked to the audience, as had "Ramtha". They mentioned a few things, between "them"; one was that JZ would be the first female christ, and the other was mentioned several times, which was that JZ was the only student who was Magic Number One.

Well, I have never seen her demonstrate mastery of all of the disciplines. What entitles her to the role of M.N.One, I do not know.

Joe Dispenza was kicked aside, and so was Audrey. Then, JZ goes on Larry King, and does just what she accused Joe D of doing; talking about the teachings without crediting "Ramtha" ! She said it was all "hers", ayep !!

Yet ANOTHER discrepancy in the school.

ex, I think you made in good point by commenting on the Mary Magdalene connection. You do know, don't you, that a current student wrote a book about the Magdalene story (I won't even dignify it with the full title for free advertising). In any case, it's all quite curious how this seems to be fitting together.

Me thinks ol' Rammy boy is being retired.

Also, after Audrey and Joe were done for, JZ did mention going to France because she was SO upset about what Audrey did. Gee, I thought she was a warrior? She tried to get the focus off of Audrey and onto herself and people being upset for HER, and not Audrey. For many it worked, because Audrey was shunned by most students. She ceased to exist.

I always felt Audrey to be cold and abrupt much of the time, but I do not think the way she was treated is alright...not at all. What a painful life lesson that must have been for her. I would guess she's healing and bearing a scar.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Excellent point. Perhaps you could post the question on the Ramtha site entitled: In defense of our beloved Ramtha. .... Perhaps you could arouse a class action suit on behalf of Ramtha.
Although I agree that Judy is taking over Ramtha's body, the Christ thing and 'My' school thing is not new. Since the earliest of audios from the early 80's Ramtha has been bragging on Judy - she's been Christed for a long time ---- it's just a new emphasis with the Magdalene phenomenon. Question is: Since in the 80's Ramtha had wondrous stories about Paul and other Biblical characters - even channeling Jesus -- why didn't he brag then about Judy being the Mother of Jesus children? Would have been quite impressive. (I never thought of that before now!)
Several of you use the term 'red flag' re your awakening from Judy's place. One of my 'red flags', in the early '90's was a shift from Ram's School to My School. In fact, Ramtha so consistently bragged about Judy's Christness and expanded consciousness that these statements became 'red flags' as Judy's humanity kept imposing itself upon the School -- When you could no longer mail in a registration, and had to stand in line for hours and hours and hours to get a spot number - thus began the schizophrenic phase in Students minds -- there was an increasing distinction between Ram and Judy - and an increasing disatisfaction with Judy -- not because of her Christness, but because of her overwhelming humanness. Many have pointed out the obvious 'red flag' of multiple reconstructive surgeries on Judy's body. That 'flag' in itself should wake people up. At least flap their faces silly..... I don't mean to be catty when I say - the lip thing was just toooo over the edge. That began the descent from attractive to ugly.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

By the by...

I don't see how, if in the situation of needing to appear in court, our dearly beloved Ramtha would be able to materialize himself.

He has told students for years and years that he manifested in the body of a woman, because women are the most prejudiced against species on the planet.

He has also said that he is just soooooooooo gawgeous, darling, that he couldn't possibly let us see himself, lest we fall at his knees and worship him.

He has also said that, based on a June 5th teaching MANY years ago, that the day would come when he would show himself, AS himself, to those who had then had the eyes to see him.

Hmmm...now let me see.

Is his real name spelled "J.Z." ? Yes, we ARE seeing, now aren't we !?

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

"He has also said that he is just soooooooooo gawgeous, darling, that he couldn't possibly let us see himself, lest we fall at his knees and worship him."
"Indeed, Master", ... I remember that -- and, back in the late 80's it was (an ignored) 'red flag' to me -- when the book of photographs came out. Remember that? If we weren't to worship, why a book of photos? Why do people have a picture of Judy's Ram on their walls?

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

I still have the picture on my table, and these past few days it gives me reason for pause... alot.
What WAS I hoping for REALLY??
Yesterday, my partner and I watched EVERY thing on Google video that had to do with RSE.I think we'll be processing this for a while!!! (I will anyway as I was the "True Ramster" in this little adventure)
One of the things we watched we the Penny Torres thing YEEEEEE GAAADS!!! THAT was scary!!!
At one point she is up close to this gal in the audience kind of holding her face and telling her shes a beautiful God or something, and the gal is crying and I just got this oh-so-sick-sad feeling like
we are SOOOOOOO wanting so needing to just be told WE ARE OK THE WAY WE ARE.
And we can tell ourselves this every morning (around 4am BEFORE we pee and look in the mirror, correct??? I mean there must be a correct way to do it cause I know I must have been just been doing it WRONG all these LIFETIMES)
It is just becoming so obvious to me in a kind of sick to my stomach sort of way that the ONLY way out is IN. A great teacher that came into my life many years ago said once that it all comes down to one question, am I guilty or innocent?
And its true, is it dark or light in there, out there, WHEREEVER????
And the dark is the illusion cause there really is only a stream of well-being and it really is the only stream we have to swim in because ITS swimming US, no matter where we go, what we do, how far we run, how hard we dig our feet into the muck...
We have just spent Bleepin' EONS looking for OURSELVES!
Has anyone ever seen the book FOUND or something like that? Its this guy and his team in AnnArbor, MI and people from all over the world send them stuff they have found and they put it all together in this huge book and it's all layed out in this odd sort of "Cosmic" way and it just blows you away. We are all so funny! (not funny haha)

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

>>>oh i forget the tactic is changing.its easier to fool new people than keep the old one in line.the new custumers dont know what she talked 5years ago.

Re: Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

It is easier because thee is very little information available on what has occurred over the years. A lot of what used to be on the internet regarding the Arabian horse scam in the early years of RSE seems to have disappeared off the internet. A little information is availble on the sites of Rick Ross and Joseph Szimhart. More is available on FACTnet. There was a very large article....about 8 large pages in a magazine called Spectrum (USA) that is available only by back order.

It would be useful for anyone who has untold stories of those early years to post them so that others are not so easily duped because of a lack of information.
Also if anyone knows sufficent details of those who have died from diseases after long term RSE education I consider that useful. They always promote the healing testimonies but they never tell the other side of the picture.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?


yeah, most of the current students are foreigners. gee, ramtha isn't god enough to keep the local students ? or, he hasn't taught them well enough to manifest so that they can materialize greenbacks out of the void ? hmmm....

since we know the locals haven't gotten their fabulous wealth yet, since Omega hasn't paid off (hahaha), the recruiters must go abroad.

it's all quite disgusting.

personally, i have my suspicions about this upcoming blue college event. they are going to live in tents, with no food vendors open, and must be TOTALLY self sufficient for ten days. this isn't really even new. this is like the "old days" in the school, before they even had food vendors. but at least then, people could sleep indoors. once those tents get wet, and all the stuff inside gets wet, that's it. you have to live with it. it's COLD in february!! what if there is a storm ? these people must be outdoors. it's just amazing to me that they would even believe that they must tolerate such conditions to attain enlightenment.

but, i was one of those fools, too. i understand it. i'm glad i saw beyond it, though it took me long enough to do so !

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?


what about the story of yugi (spelling?) who is the man who dropped dead IN THE ARENA DURING AN EVENT and the event just went on without him, and around him ?

AND, how does that jive with ramtha telling the students for years, how we are all safe in his care, because as students of the great work, we deserve to LIVE, and NOBODY ever dies in his audience and doing his disciplines ????????????

that man is DEAD now. and he's not the only DEAD student, as we know. he's just the only one who died during the event, sitting only feet away from the great god himself, who did not save his life.

friggin' liar.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

so the blue college students are going to be in basic survival conditions for the event...weeding them out ? it would behoove jz to get rid of them, since they are the ones who can taint the new students with "what it used to be like".
i have to wonder if they are going to fail, not measure up, and then ramtha will be so disgusted with them not getting it, that he will dismiss them and leave....with only jz remaining to teach. it would so fit the temper tantrums and screaming at the students about how lousy they are. all the while, he will tell the new students that his blue college students are awesome and have the naive newbies looking up to the "advanced" students with wonder.

just more........and more....... MIND GAMES.

...............so let us toast to 200 years of life without death.....

and students age, get diseased, and die. doesn't the teacher know how to make a toast that MANIFESTS? where is his focus ???? the ol' magic wand needs to be greased.

vent over.....aaaahhhh...

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

DanceTheWind wrote about viewing the Penny Torres “Mafu” video on Google.

For those with a strong stomach to view it.
copy and paste this link into the Google search engine..

Or type in “Mafu” in the “Google Video” search browser…

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Grab a paper bag instead of a bowl of popcorn...

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Talk about NERONET issues!!!!!!
I was just telling my partner that when I saw the Mafu guy-thing telling this crying gal she was WHATEVER, a Great-Beautiful-Goddess-Viking-Diva-SO Special...This is so hard to write..
Part of me was angry because she's FAKING the Ram.And Im ACTUALLY thinking, "can't everybody SEE she is faking the RAM!!!" Like little indignant crazy jumping children were screaming inside of me and then(OH THANK ME GOD)I observed THAT!
I mean JZ's SKIN must have threatened to slide off when she first saw this routine, like talk about being uncovered and raw.
Its like when you know how you can be a butt-head and all of a sudden you see your kid being the butt-head that they learned from you and you go...WHOA!!!
Reality check anyone??
Im gonna watch some goopy movie tonight with a box of popcorn and my puppies, my partner and wear my jammies... maybe go to Walmart tommorrow and buy stuff I dont need that little girls in China made for .25 per month...

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Does anyone wonder why JZ didn't sue Penny T Rubin for plagiarism ??????????

Inquiring minds want to know.

If we can see the blatant similarities, surely she has seen it. Why is she tolerating it, when she won't tolerate Dr. Joe writing a book, and "Ramtha" TOLD him to write a book.

Me smells a rat nearby....

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

OH! I thought she did? Isnt this the woman she sued and went all nuts about, or was that person in Europe? You mean there are more of these clones??? clowns, no clones? is it clowns or clones...hmmmmm
And YEA if she hasnt sued this woman WHY NOT maybe to not call any attention to it? Is Penny and x-RSE student? She has to be for Gods' sake.
Its like watching stuff go around in the toilet before it goes down to just THINK of this all.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

I don't think she has sued Penny for her Mafu-that-sure-looks-talks-acts-like-Ramtha.

But, the chick in Europe was dumb enough to actually claim it WAS Ramtha ! JZ leaped on that one.

At least Penny acts like a Ramtha, but calls itself a Mafu, instead. Slick move.

Is it possible that JZ can't do a thing about Penny, without also exposing herself ????? Just wunnerin'...

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

The one sued was the person in Europe.

I was amongst a small collective of studetns from Germany in the early 90's and someone in the group stated that RSE paid one or more people (can't remember exactly) to attend the classes offered by this woman in order to spy for RSE.

The RSE espionage team of the Inner Sanctum attended the LARSE gathering under the guise of wishing the departed well and give them a lovng embrace on the way. It would actually have been better to give them their check book.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Yea Whatcha, thats my thought. Like if poeple SEE Mafu and they're RSE students, they might get a funny FEELING in their belly, ya know??
So you think Penny's slick, hugh? At the end of the "interview" the reporter called her on her deciet and she said something that struck me, something like well MaFu doesnt want followers so maybe he did this to expose himself, somehting along those lines and I had a thought. Lost it now! But its still in its gelatinous stage...

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

dying people:i dident make it to the boktau.i scratched all my money together and made it to the assay.we got there and got from a ****** off stuff introdused to anabolic water.which we had to take from this day to the end of ouer live.they sugchested 3x the adviced dosage.a 60 $ purchase at the rse shop was necessary.people who had questions and a lady who asked were she can confirme if its compatible to her medication got brushed off with the remark:thats what the ram says we dont discuss it.looked like a medic trial to me.the product wasent on the marked yet.recently i heard that shortly after this a emploe of jz schopp died from an enlarged heart.thats a sideefect from anabolicas.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

What is the name of the woman whos channeling Ramtha in Europe?
Anyone know?

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Christel, with re: to students who have died (or almost did) from serious diseases, I knew several. I had a friend from Texas that had moved up here & was in the school (my guess around 6-7 yrs.) and died from uterine cancer. Another person Helen, who was in the school for about 12-15 yrs. died from breast cancer. I have a friend (still in RSE) who threw a blood clot to her lung during an event & was taken to the hospital,(almost died). Years later she had a stroke when she came from out of town, the day before the event. Vicky Cady (Judy's right-hand person) died from cancer. "Big Mac" had a major stroke (while still in RSE). Michael ?(forgot last name) died of pancreatic cancer in 2005 (also still in RSE). Again I forget the name -- he was a model (Ram had him doing BB dance on stage--African American man) -- died of cancer, also in 2004 or 05. A friend I knew told me that while at an event (about 2000), Ram told the students that 1 out of every 2 would have cancer. How's that for seeding disease consciousness in a bunch of people.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Christal and MM, it was Michael Greco, who so loved sacred geometry, who died of pancreatic cancer in 2005. Also, those who go way back to the days of the teachings before the school began will remember David York, actor and dancer, who died of AIDS. There is also a student named Linda who is battling cancer right now; I don't know if she has been able to stay current, considering that. Then there was Judy Zimmerman, who died of cancer in the 1990s. I have known all of them personally.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

I know of one Australian student who was in the Primary Group (the Blue College equivalent in the early 90's) who attended all of the requireds, assay's and dimensional minds for 7 years. He quit the school in disgust and died some years later of cancer.

Another student from Australia was already disabled when he moved to Yelm. He had a leg injury that disabled him and respiratory problems. He died some years later in Yelm but I am not certain of the cause of death.

Another student from Australia, Dave Boothy, died. I am not certain of the cause of his death either. He lived in elm for many years. I saw a notice of his death on the Master's Conection website. A lady that lived in Canberra, Australia belonged to the Elohim group died of ovarian cancer.

Edith was the top elderly student other than grandmother. RSE was her whole life. She was older than grandmother. She went to virtually every event and practiced diligently. She found her cards on the field regularly. I stayed with her for a short while. She contracted cancer and went back to her family in Florida. I heard she died.

I know someone who got the food storage belonging to a lady from France. She got cancer and went back to France to her family.

I remember David York having aids.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

The man that used to dance on stage, who died of bladder cancer in 2005 was Charles somebody...also known more popularly as Bodananda. He was a very long term student, and of course high profile as many of us had seem him dance on stage.

He did his field work not far from me even shortly before he died. He looked awful.

Another very long time student named Brenda Tobey died from cancer, I believe that was in 2004. She told almost nobody she had it. It's quite frowned upon that a student gets sick as you are seen as not being a manifestor. I had known Brenda, and she was a sincere student, though duped like the rest of us.

Blue body failed him...and many others. So how then, does JZK Inc continue to claim that it's a HEALING TOOL ? It clearly isn't.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Before this thread goes to far away... Does anyone know the name of the woman who was channeling Ramtha in Europe?

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Sorry, Dance...meant to answer you !

Here you go...the woman's name is Judy Ravell.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?


Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Hey I can see this thread is going to some other topic but before it goes... No one ever told me that by coming to RSE I would NOT die. I mean in any group of people over the course of the years, people DIE. TONS of people involved in TONS of healing techniques and therapies for year and years DIE.
I may have come wanting to learn how to die when and how I choose to, or not at all or to ascend when I was in the mood, but I assume I would have to learn that and it may take an awful lot of suspenction of my beliefs, which I may not be able to pull off. I mean hell JZ's been getting cosmetic surgery because she cant pull it off, so maybe its harder than we know.
But to think that by just attending all the events and doing the diciplines, that I wont die... ???

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Hi Dance...
It was taught from the time I was in RSE from 1989 to 2000 that doing the disciplines & "washing our brains" (my explanation) would allow us to physically turn our bodies into light & ascend; thereby, bypassing physical death. This was one of the major "selling points" of the school & disciplines. Also, Blue Body was supposed to cure any disease & restore the body to a healthy state. I was there for the original teaching of this & a big deal was made about its healing abilities for any disease. (Shucks! Duped again!)

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Yes, I understand.I am sure if I had spent as much time with these "teachings" as many of you on this forum I would feel even more "duped" than I now do.I guess what I wanted to say is this; Whatever RSE has pulled from books, the scientific community, "Ramtha" and then turned into a "teaching" I believe most of these things are true as in they can and do "work" but the depth of our old beliefs is to the core. We have been around and around on the incarnative wheel, and little by little we learn to acccept the possibility that we can move interdimensionally (sp?), its a "slow" process and many of us will not be able to succeed for a variety of persoanl reasons. No blame.
Add to that the fact that RSE couches these healing processees in a manner that is HIGHLY distored, full of HUGE descrepancies. The atmosphere is NOT really conducive to Knowledge and true learning, more geared towards coercion and intimidation thru group pressure and mind control.
But I do believe in our ability to actually do these things, and I do believe there are sincere and "pure" teachers out there, actual guides, brothers and sisters who's intent is blessed and "true". JZ is just not one of them, yet... she may be someday, but I believe she needs to do some "12 step work" FIRST.
I am not gonna throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Again I am just so grateful to have resonated to a truth that feels right for me.And so gratefull that this forum has been here as an assist.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Moving interdimensionally? Yes, I believe that is possible. But (I ask since I've been out of the school for a while), what about FIRST learning how to move about on THIS plane and in this dimension? Isn't that something that the oh-so-advanced RSE teachers or JZ could have demonstrated, just by appearing at one end of the arena, then disappearing and reappearing at the opposite end of the arena. Did RSE claim to teach that? If not, then why not?

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

"Why not?"
Such a great question.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Hi Dance... You're right on about these abilities may be true; it's just who & the way it was presented. I almost threw the "baby out with the bath water" 5 yrs. ago when I had a nervous breakdown. I thought it through & decided to at least know as truth my own personal "extraordinary" experiences that came as a result of my own efforts. Who knows what it takes for these other abilities to manifest? I'm open but cautious as to what I "have to" do in order for those. I'm also more focused now on what I'm being/doing to make the world a "better place". Thanks for your contribution. M.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Yep Yep Yep
The "What do I have to DO for this gift of (fill in the blank)" healing? enlightenment?
If its our natural heritage
And we're all one
and we're going there anyway
And its a guarantee
We are already Home
This is already heaven
Then theres NOTHING TO DO and
NO WHERE TO GO (you know, the "when it rains the earth gets wet" deal)
and the only part of us that tells us other wise is ego=illusion.
That's the best RED Flag, just how much duct tape will I have to wear on my head (or tin foil for that matter) to feel WAY better when I TAKE IT OFF!!!!

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

2 days later rummageing thru posts I read what I wrote and its still so funny,
You heard the jokes about wearing tin-foil hats to pick up "signals" or to prevent them?
It really isn't too far of a step away to be duct-taping our heads...
I love my humor!

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

'it would so fit the temper tantrums and screaming at the students about how lousy they are. all the while, he will tell the new students that his blue college students are awesome and have the naive newbies looking up to the "advanced" students with wonder. '

just read this now and all flags up. This exactly happened at this primary when groups were in archery and another big group engaging their wetgear to do fieldwork. A guard came inside shouting 'our teacher is here' and people ran and Judy/Ramth(copyrighted) was on the field. Everyone was told to engage in their walk and people did. Then all were called upfield and told to sit down where we were all admonished for whatever and told if we could see our bands we would cry. Everyone there was told how we were watched dragging our feet and using the latrines and talking and how the blue college group is so together and runs when they are called. We were told how wonderful blue college group is and how they came together as one mind.

I remember how super strong my will was at that moment walking on the field that I went right into the creek and couldn't run upfield with the water in my boots. Women were wheeling their babes in carriages while JR was yelling 'are you well' went on. How could they run with babes in carriages in the muddy and wet conditions in various places. True, it was a drier and sunny day that this appearance was on the field and not during the rainy night or morning and muddy walks. Interesting now that I think of it.

I would love to ask about the other 99 children during that lifetime 35000 years ago. Were there no other worthy children in the group?

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?


All of the control tactics/excuses/manipulations that you have mentioned have been repeated for many, many, many years. Part of the problem is, the newer students don't have that understanding all of the time.

EMF and it's posters, are helping with that.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

WOW... it seems like years ago and its only 6 weeks!! I was running thru some internal dialog this am when I saw the message that someone had responded to this thread, I didnt even know I had it set up to tell me, besides it has been SO long ago now...
and the COOL COOL part is that when I read over it I got the absolute answer about something I was pondering AND it was ME who said it in my previous post...
The duct-tape part above... it FEELS GREAT TO TAKE IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Hey! and a warm Hello from (still) snowy Michigan! Our trip was pre-paved with warm and sunny, dry days of beauty accross the WHOLE country!! It was magnificant and my "kids" had a blast in all the hotels, these are the 4-legged kids I mean! 5 1/2 days of just the best trip we could have had!
We are happy, happy, happy, in our big beautiful new home and loving all that it took to get us here... so with that, even if this is OFF TOPIC, I want to say THANK you to all of those of you dear souls who helped make this possible... for me... to move on from the "Ramtha" episode of my long and prosperous life!!!!
Whatcha,OneHand,M. McMillan,SeesAll,WannaKnow, and most especially David. THANK YOU SO MUCH
And... Here I go again...if any of you EVER feel so inclined to bother with yet another "teacher" you may just want to check out Abraham-Hicks. There really IS a place for integrity in the wild wacky world of channelling after all!!!

(Please dont delete me, David )

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Ramtha said "JZ would be the first female christ"

This is interesting..... Mafu announced that
Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, head of the The Siddha Yog Teachings started by Swami Muktananda (1908 - 1982)
Was the FIRST Woman Christ....at one point in the early 90's for a few years 2... it was spoken to go to That Ashram if you still NEED INSTRUCTION.... then our goup was disbaned... and a NEW page in the teaching began... this are in the early 90's.
Write Your Own Christ Hood.... became a very important 3 tape audio that was created from lecture at Pacifica Ca outside of San Fransisco in the late 80's.
it was at this point.. that it was said tht Penny had and attained her ChristHood.... and NEXT... he told our group of about 68 that we had already attained our Christ and there were 4 other levels within a human body that we could attain.


Interesting stuff.

Swami Muktananda (1908 - 1982) began the life of a sadhu, a wandering mendicant in search of spiritual fulfilment, at an unusually early age.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Ramtha has stated many times that there has never been a female christ before - EVER.

I'm not saying it's true or not true; just citing a quote.

As for Mafu, I think it always was, and is, a fraud. Yes, I did "check it out". But not for long.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Yes, Whatcha, I also heard "Ramtha" say that many times. But now I'm thinking it was a great set-up -
for JZ, of course!

All that glamour, er, I mean, glitter!

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Hey Dance -- Welcome back online! Glad that your trip was safe & a joy. M.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Cowboy: For years, when Audrey was Magic Number One, I always did wonder why it wasn't JZ that would be. I mean, nothing to do with Audrey either way - it just seemed to me that if JZ had all the experiences of The Ram's energy connected to her from each channeling session, it would just be a natural reaction for it to go that way. Ram said that JZ still had stuff to work out, and she said so herself, on a number of occasions that I recall, through the years.

Well, we all have stuff to work out. So, what ?

Fast forward to Audrey losing Magic Number One status and the rise of
........... drum roll please...........

JZ !
who was the new recipient of the Number One student position.

I wonder if it's possible that JZ was Mary Magdalene?

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

Just wait untill "Where Angels Fear to Tread" makes it way to the Google Video circuit.

The #&@! is going to hit the RSE fan.

Its going to scare the livin bejesus out of all dem New Age future customers.

"Look out Judi. I'm coming to town. I'm going to tear it up. I'm going to burn it down".

I never destroyed MY copy of "The Rockumentary".

I didn't buy your BS story about your time line and your "bleepin" lung disease.

Better send in "Flea Bailey" for damage control "My Little Pretty".

Werewolves of London Again!

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?

"Where Angels Fear to Tread" on http://video.google.com???

A few years ago the staff announced that the video would no longer be sold and students should destroy their copies (control.) The reason given was that the school was "heading in a new direction" and all that wine drinking was going to stop. But it hasn't. It is called alcoholism.

Re: Who's Gonna Represent the Ram in Court and How Will we hear him Testify?


Glad to hear you both had a safe journey to your new home..and life.
Your website is beautiful..
a reflection of you both.
