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Rate the albums

Well, seeing that there isn't much activity around here, how 'bout we rate the albums? I'm sure it's been done thousands of times on other Kansas boards, but we gotta get this thing going.

Here's how I rate 'em.

1. Leftoverture/Point Of Know Return

2. Song For America

3. Somewhere To Elsewhere

4. Two For The Show

5. Masque

6. Vinyl Confessions

7. Kansas

8. Monolith

9. Audiovisions

10. Freaks Of Nature

11. Always Never The Same

12. In The Spirit Of Things

13. Power

14. Drastic Measures

15. Live: Dust In The Wind

LO and POKR are always tied for first (imo). Both are immovable. Albums 2 and 3, on the list are locked in as well. From there it can change from year to year.
