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Zephyrgarten Poetry Post

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Zephyrgarten Poetry Post
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Whenst comes this thaw called Spring?

Blast that wind that blows, Zephyr’s distant kin

Which bites at every nerve and stings like salt in an open wound

On this cold and wintry day.

For true love, like a vernal flower did bloom

And followed with leonine passion

But like the season – it changed.

But ‘tis not this cold that injures

As does that frost of the heart

Biting, numbing – the fringes of my soul.

Thus three years has this winter stayed

Being no companion, but like a captor

Holding my soul in a prison, with bars forged of ice.

Though visitors I have had, none have touched

Nor moved, nor melted those bars

Thus emancipating this captive man from within the walls of solitude.

Whenst comes this thaw called Spring?