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need answers please

Hi there, I would love to relocate to somewhere in the area. my fiance' would love to know what type of job avaiability is there? I would love to know what are the chances for housing in the area and what does rent cost also. I would love for someone to write me back and let me know. Or they could call me 985-710-1050 We live right now in Slidell,Louisiana. My fiance' is originially from Texas. we have heard of this area and I am VERY interested. Does anyone out there also know of a company planning to re-open the Silver mines in Shafter??? So if there is any information out there and someone willing to let me know we are serious about the move. Thanks very much Elizabeth

Re: need answers please

I've not had any luck at all. However, I do know that there's lots of work up in Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada. It pays well, and well, the weather is kind of wet and moist, but you can get used to it.

Thats about it.

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Replying to:

Hi there, I would love to relocate to somewhere in the area. my fiance' would love to know what type of job avaiability is there? I would love to know what are the chances for housing in the area and what does rent cost also. I would love for someone to write me back and let me know. Or they could call me 985-710-1050 We live right now in Slidell,Louisiana. My fiance' is originially from Texas. we have heard of this area and I am VERY interested. Does anyone out there also know of a company planning to re-open the Silver mines in Shafter??? So if there is any information out there and someone willing to let me know we are serious about the move. Thanks very much Elizabeth