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An entertaining night in Trim

Our next production, "WANTED - ONE BODY", will take place in Trim Town Hall on the following evenings at 8pm. : Wed 26th, Thurs 27th, Sat 29 and Sun 30th November 2003.
The play is "A Farcical Thriller", "A Classic whos dunnit".

The action is set in England of the 1960s. In the best Hammer horror tradition, the action takes place in a classic old dark house set amidst the rising flood waters and swirling mists on the edge of the lonely marshes. This is Greenacres, the home of the Barraclough family, to which come a pair of solicitors to read the will of the late, but not greatly lamented Mr Barraclough, only to learn that his body has mysteriously vanished along with the will! Wanted: One Body! is a classic murder mystery of disappearing bodies, sliding panels and howls in the night. A who-dunnit and a thriller, but with the accent on laughter, its evergreen popularity testifies to its warmth, wit and thrills, and the hilarious fun for audience and actors alike. This comical farce received rave reviews in the London press when it was first performed.

Sean Henderson is the director, who was Mickelby in a school production many years ago !

The cost of the tickets is €10.00, (concession €7.00), programme included.

Booking through James Allen Hairdressers, High Street, Trim. Ph:046 9437503.