Enlighten Me Free


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Re: Sound familiar?? this thread open for debate.

Holy cow! The more I read these posts the happier I am that I got out. My timing was perfect. I got in, got the experience and got out. That's it.

Re: Sound familiar?? this thread open for debate.


"I guess the only real question is why JZ doesn't use more Mao Tse Tung in her pageantry. It's the only mass murderer she doesn't appear to be completely enamored with."

How about "the great hall" ??

Re: Sound familiar?? this thread open for debate.

Wait a minute, wait a minute, she borrows heavily from Mao - it is called brainwashing and originated in China.

By the way, JZasRamtha often has said, "Confession is good for the soul." That line comes straight out of the movie "Stalin" and yes, Joe apparently said it himself.

JZasRamtha has always said, "My daughter loves history." Yeah, right. RSE gives new life to some of history's darker moments.

Re: Sound familiar?? this thread open for debate.

I stand corrected.

Re: Sound familiar?? this thread open for debate.

I read through this thread and I an amazed at the depth of the nonsense speak of the pjf (plastic judy face/ramtha)troops. My wife had brought home a video of one of the get together's. In it was a Chiropractor who was lecturing on the "brain". He had some terms on the board behind him that were spankfire new to me. He also said we only used 10% of our brain. This peaked my interest so I picked up my K&S Principles of Neuroscience and proceeded to search out these "teachings". Come to find out that the words describing cells on the board were not in the book! What's more I read that over 95% of the brains usage was taken up by a process called "proprioception". Next I read, if a cell goes unfired it will go through a process of Wallerian degeneration and ultimately fire one last time and poof! it's gone! That would be hard to handle if we didn't use 90%.
Not being one to climb my horse and ride it hard I sent off an email to this Chiropractor. In a nutshell what he said was that the things in question were contrary to current science but were told to him by pjf/ramtha and pjf/ramtha was his teacher so that's how it is!
Now I've got some scientist kinda friends that look for truth in terms of probabilities and possibilities. They use a set of rules called the scientific method. The MOST they end up with is a probability. The guys that wrote principles of Neuroscience are like that.
It does not sit well to think that while some people struggle to find answers, that pjf/ramtha makes stuff up and then you guys argue about it! You will have to excuse me but it's like my kids debating the existence of Santa Claus.
Hat's off to pjf/ramtha for this scam but hellsbells she is cherry-picking parts of quantum physics and neurscience and then making other stuff up, resulting in bovine excrement.
You pjs/ramtha fans have a duty to your own self to do your homework. Her teachings fly in the face of science and logic and you guys eat it up like candy and (be truthful) don't KNOW what the hell your talking about. It's like the little ducks who pick a mom and follow along.
Jesus didn't have to wear clothes?? Christ-on-roller-skates!
Here's a clue for you...........
Life is meaningless, except for the meaning we put in it.
You have been given a gift. You have an obligation to be yourself. You cannot be yourself buying this nonsense as a total package. No one has all the answers, no one ever had, and no one ever will.
There is no roadmap..your on your own.
Woman up, man up. Get busy, life is short.

Re: Sound familiar?? this thread open for debate.

Sweet....this man and I could have a beer together. He said it perfectly. Ramtha caters to the ignorant and uneducated. Those who are neither see through the charade.

Re: Sound familiar?? this thread open for debate.

JTR writes: "I guess the only real question is why JZ doesn't use more Mao Tse Tung in her pageantry. It's the only mass murderer she doesn't appear to be completely enamored with."

""How about "the great hall" ??""

LOL! That is too funny! (In JZR's case, I guess we could also call it "The Great Haul!"

I wanted to respond, too, as an "exer" - there are numerous well-educated people who attend RSE; that's NOT to say they aren't "ignorant" of what is taking place before their eyes. We all wore the blindfold for awhile, well, most of us. I was stunned - doctors, engineers, teachers, magaziine editors, you-name-it. In fact, that was yet another reason I fell for the "brainwash." Here were these articulate, educated people, and a priest - we, I thought, were FINALLY learning the truths that had been "hidden" from mankind through the ages, and which were only "given" to those who were in the ancient "mystery" schools.

JTR - I can just envision JZK as a big egg sitting on the Great Wall, for the fall is "indeed" coming!

Re: Sound familiar?? this thread open for debate.

Oh - when the head honcho egg falls, I shudder to think of what will occur with the students when their "cosmic eggshell" cracks and their minds are even more scrambled. Reminds me of the old TV ad about drugs - "this is your mind--this is your mind on drugs." I can see a healthy brain, and the one drawn by "R" - This is your mind - this is your mind after the "wind" has blown through!- for awhile, a big hollow nothing. There is healing in sharing.

Re: Sound familiar?? this thread open for debate.


"JTR - I can just envision JZK as a big egg sitting on the Great Wall, for the fall is "indeed" coming!"

I have posted this before, but in case you have missed it, this is an appropriate link!


Re: Sound familiar?? this thread open for debate.

WaW! Who layed THAT? (Perhaps she actually IS a chicken - otherwise ought she not be speaking for herself instead of sending her puppets out and about?

Re: Sound familiar?? this thread open for debate.

"Life is meaningless, except for the meaning we put in it.

You have been given a gift. You have an obligation to be yourself.

No one has all the answers, no one ever had, and no one ever will.

There is no roadmap..your on your own.

Woman up, man up. Get busy, life is short."

Say this to yourself ten times before you go to bed each night.

Re: Sound familiar?? this thread open for debate.

Man, that was the biggest laugh I've had in a long time! Who would have thought someone would carve JZ Knight on an EMU egg! It's just so funny!!! An Emu egg!

Re: Sound familiar?? this thread open for debate.

Tyger and Bud, I never attended RSE but I know someone who did so I am familiar with some of the dominant spin doctors. I would love, I mean LLLOOOOOVVVVEEEE to be a litte mouse in the corner of a room with you two and Greg Simmons, the KING of SLEEZE!!!!

Re: Sound familiar?? this thread open for debate.

If Greg Simmons is Judy-Is-The-Lie's new Squire, I'm sure I'll have a tilt or two with him in the near future.

I think I've met him before, but apparently he didn't leave a very lasting impression.

Lemonade pie maybe? (LOL!!!)