Enlighten Me Free


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Re: Help Defend Against RSE

I do know the case was supposed to have been in court in early October because that was when an article was supposed to have come out in the Olympian in regards to "the other side of RSE".
But, through JZ's $ legal ways$ and mean$, both the court case and article were pushed back.
I just don't see how she can win this case.
Unless, they re-schedule it around a huge event and make is a "class trip and requirement" to petition around the courthouse (like we all did during the sludge issue way back when. We were all bussed to Seattle to parade downtown around the courthouse while the proceedings were going on. Talk about "free" volunteers!!!)

Re: Help Defend Against RSE

The disclaimer students are forced to sign ...in the dark is questionable..at best. I am going to the FBI.
I consider myself fortunate. I was injured at the ranch on my way to the void. I fell. Having gone up a one sided ladder. Meaning that I went up a ladder...but there was no ladder on the down side. I made it to the void..but was injured.
Staff got me out of the tank. Pressured me to go to ER. At a school that teaches self healing? Contradictory isn't it? Injured on my way to the void?

Re: Help Defend Against RSE


If I can be of any more assistance...
please let me know.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas..
and a successful outcome in your stand against Judith's RSE tyranny...



Information regarding JZK, Inc. versus Art of Life Coaching, Inc.

JZK, Inc., the owner of the Ramtha School of Enlightenment, sued Art of Life Coaching, Inc. and WhiteWind Weaver in August, 2006, claiming that ALC violated the RSE Conditions of Participation. ALC has engaged a top law firm, Lane Powell of Seattle, to mount a vigorous defense and counterclaim against RSE, not only to protect our business, but also to protect our constitutional rights of freedom of expression and assembly – and yours. For some details, see “Additional Information” at the bottom of this page.
Art of Life Coaching is a small company that has been severely impacted by the costs of the lawsuit in time, money, and attention. We would greatly appreciate your support in any of the following ways:
1) Tell us about your own or others’ similar experiences with RSE.
a. Have you ever signed the JZK, Inc. “Conditions of Participation” form and later been told by JZK, Inc. or RSE that you were violating it? (You sign this form when you register at RSE, and again each time they change the wording of the form.) Or have you ever been covertly investigated by JZK, Inc. or RSE?
b. Have you ever been pressured or threatened by JZK, Inc. or RSE, either because you teach others or because you in some way support or participate with the Art of Life Coaching?
c. Do you know of anyone else who has had these experiences?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, please email us or call us with your stories, including the relevant names, dates and phone numbers. Our email address is admin@artoflifecoaching.com. Our telephone is (360) 709-9088, toll free (866) 686-8040. Our website is www.artoflifecoaching.com.

Additional Information

Long time RSE students who attended the Art of Life event Health, Wealth and Wisdom have testified under oath that the teachings offered were completely different from Ramtha’s. They testified they would have protested immediately if they thought there was any encroachment on Ramtha's teachings. This case is not about corrupting Ramtha's teachings. Despite the lawsuit and its severe financial burdens, we all still respect those.
• JZK, Inc. is not alleging any trademark infringement claim. They have acknowledged that WhiteWind Weaver's Spherical Reality™ teaching materials do not violate any JZK, Inc. copyright. Copyright and trademark are the normal legal avenues for handling claims that someone copied someone else's expression (copyright law), or techniques that have come to be associated with their business (trademark law).
• Art of Life Coaching considers the RSE Conditions of Participation neither valid nor enforceable because they are so one-sided and poorly drafted. The Conditions do not give RSE students sufficient notice of how the contract is being interpreted or will be enforced. The outcome of our case may mean that the Conditions are also not enforceable against any former RSE student who signed them.
• RSE’s description of what it considers to be a violation of the Conditions is based on highly generic, public domain phrases and consciousness raising techniques that RSE doesn't own, can't claim to have originated and can't control. You can't control and regulate ideas that are already in the public domain (Mind of God, Caterpillar into Butterfly, Unlimited Potential, So Be It, So Be That, God as the Observer).
• To put the two companies in perspective, JZK Inc. offers events often attended by over a thousand people. Art of Life Coaching is a small company whose events have been typically attended by 25-200 students. This case has been extremely expensive to defend, because of JZK, Inc.’s very aggressive approach to litigation that involves many discovery requests and depositions.
• By pursuing dubious claims in such a heavy-handed manner, RSE is violating former RSE students’ first amendment rights of free speech, freedom of religion and freedom of association. To protect Art of Life Coaching’s freedom and the freedom of all teachers to share their wisdom, Art of Life Coaching has counter sued JZK, Inc. for unfair business practices.
Thank you for your attention!

