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Re: For Evil to Prevail, Good Men Just Look the other way.... Why... Perception is Reality.

Woops, I wish we had edit... I notice two crazy partial sentances at the end.. just delete them.


Re: For Evil to Prevail, Good Men Just Look the other way.... Why... Perception is Reality.

Also, you hear this one posted on the board even not.

I must of wanted this or that.

So, with that justification, people COULD SAY... people being BEATEN want to be BEATEN?

How do you live with that.

I had one response KARMA.. and another we have our own weeds... but really man, How can you just look the other way?

Shaking my head.

Re: For Evil to Prevail, Good Men Just Look the other way.... Why... Perception is Reality.

I wonder if Jesus would have BEAT his Students.

Did Jesus CHARGE Enormous amounts to ATTEND his lectures?

What would Jesus Do?

That phrase was used in one of the channeling years ago.

Re: For Evil to Prevail, Good Men Just Look the other way.... Why... Perception is Reality.

Even in Swami Muktananda's group, I have a fried who KNEW her daughter was being sexual with him as a teenager....and yet, she could justify it at the time... NOW she thinks.. WHAT WAS I Thinking.

There is a lot sexual abuse in many of the Ashrams in India.

I spent a lot of time there years ago in India with many fameous Named Swammies.. Belive me, back then when I was younger and blond... I had many opportunities to sleep with these so called Masters in India. They call it TRANSFERING ENERGY...

NO THANK YOU... not for me... at the time, I knew NOT TO.. and I choose NOT to participate. But, for others it may not have been so easy to say no.

I had one Swammy who called me for years after I was there, I think it was because I said NO and others said yes.... he has since died.

But the subject is the ABUSE of these teachers.

No Rules.

Re: For Evil to Prevail, Good Men Just Look the other way.... Why... Perception is Reality.

I too was a little confused at first...

I do agree with you that all kinds of perverse things go on in people's minds in order to justify standing by and not taking action. I am personally guilty of it myself. I can only say, it's part of being caught up in a fantasy world but sadly, it doesn't absolve me from taking responsibility for my in-action.

I wonder though, what does it matter if Jesus beat his students or not? Maybe he did, we can't know. It can all be justified by giving the teacher absolute power to know best.

Re: For Evil to Prevail, Good Men Just Look the other way.... Why... Perception is Reality.

Ok... Smile. Sorry I was unclear, I sometimes write late at night.... don't sleep too much.

So, I mentioned the QUESTION of What would Jesus Do... as some of the Channels in the 80's used that as a reference to be applied in our apprach to life.

Smile... of course all would not know that. I have been around a long time.

I am done with this now... enought energy about it.

It will remain one of those un answered questions.. as each person has their own reasons.


Re: For Evil to Prevail, Good Men Just Look the other way.... Why... Perception is Reality.

>I wonder though, what does it matter if Jesus beat his students or not? Maybe he did, we can't know.<

I'm thinking there would have been a reference of that nature somewhere along the line, if that were the case.

Re: For Evil to Prevail, Good Men Just Look the other way.... Why... Perception is Reality.

I think I understand what you're saying, Aria. I remember JZ stating while being interviewed on television (I think it was 20/20) that a person who is murdered feels no pain, nothing (because they "created" it?) What BS! So then, she obviously "creates" her growing "weariness, one would have to state.

The ashrams in India, I know I've said this so many times....there is NO ONE to oversee them - the teachers are self-appointed and I would stay very FAR away from them.

It is interesting that these groups DO blur the line. The linking of Christianity in RSE was what allowed me to believe further, their lies. But they use the words to serve their own purposes.

From the Bhagavad- Gita (Krishna's discourse to Arjun prior to the war) -
in relation to action - "inaction is action" - :Perform necessary action; it is more powerful than inaction; without action you even fail to sustain your own body." Yet again, yes, the line is blurred by RSE to imply no act of compassion toward others. They borrow from so many places, they don't even know where the "line" is.

Sick. I will not ever walk past someone in need - this is my action. Others may have different actions - yet again, even not doing anything is an action. We might sit still, doing nothing, we think. Yet our heart beats, blood flows, the mind thinks. We can't be free from action.

Re: For Evil to Prevail, Good Men Just Look the other way.... Why... Perception is Reality.


What you are referring to is called simple ethics.


I believe you have made the mistake of failing to understand that, at heart, most New Agers are pure anarchists, and are espousing basic anarchist (amazingly similar keystrokes to antichrist.....huh,....funny that...) philosophies, tenets, and subsequent behavior.

They think they are above ALL laws.
They hold no allegiance to anything besides their own hedonism.
They generally have the ethics of a Parisian pickpocket.
They ALL think they have ...(lol...) "special powers" that give them this right of superiority.

Take out the overt psychotic trappings and you have nearly the identical elements of pure Nazism.

I believe that someone in recent history warned us that it could happen again....didn't they?

Re: For Evil to Prevail, Good Men Just Look the other way.... Why... Perception is Reality.

It is fitting that the word "anarchism" derives from anarkhia, the Greek word for "nonrule," for that is what anarchists essentially espouse:

...the eradication of government in favor of a natural social order.


When we as a nation stop being barbarians... and TRULY become civilized nations then we have a change.

We have a NATION of very mentally sick people.

Our TV Programs.... Music Videos and Movies PROMOTE the mental illness of the masses.

We are NOT truly a civilized world YET. We are still barbarians.

The Eye for an Eye Attitude of the Death Penalty... Revenge for wronging others.... Karma ect.

A Civilized world would find the brotherhood and sisterhood and love and help one another.

In today's world.... the few that do Help others... are USED by a mind that is programed to TAKE AVANTAGE of others... and in the name of God.... and Govt. programs... we have a given birth to a NATION of people who are lazy and not willing to help self.

We can not even begin to TALK about the Lord God of Our Being, until the world becomes CIVILIZED.... and not just a lip server of talking about it... but truly, every man women and child LIVING it.

The Utopia that was desired is 100's of years away.

Re: For Evil to Prevail, Good Men Just Look the other way.... Why... Perception is Reality.

bar·bar·i·an (bär-bâr'ē-ən)
A member of a people considered by those of another nation or group to have a primitive civilization.

A fierce, brutal, or cruel person.

An insensitive, uncultured person;

We have Spiritual Leaders who behavior has not evolved to being civilized... and they are PREACHING to other to DO AS I SAY,..... NOT as I do.

Sort of like The Wizzard of OZ.... Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.... and then when over the years.. the one behind the curtain is revealed... a big dissappointment and the WISDOM of the TRUTH is revealed... it is just another person like the many others in the same boat... just Dressed up in a pretty picture.

But... they too are just a barbarian like everyone else.

Re: For Evil to Prevail, Good Men Just Look the other way.... Why... Perception is Reality.

Lavender......"We Have A Nation Of Mentally Sick People."

Well said smelly fragrant one.

And since I am posting on this site, which means I have been through "Mind Control Central"... A.K.A. "The Great Labyrinth" of KRSE Yelm Washington on your radio frequency dial, I willingly raise my hand as one of the mentally sick of which, this, the old world utopia created by new age nonsense acted as a "tractor beam" that sucked me into a well of no return, and by non other than a stellar sense of self was I to discover sovereignty and preservation and as the Wolfman did I manage to escape.

You see. The Wolfman was once a vampire ship himself, carrying a cargo of human wreckage that provided the power to maneuver the ship on his/her course, but the cost was to great to individual freedom and Wolfie jumped ship to leave it to the vampire pirates of the sailing dead.

The Wolfman and the Vampire oppose one another because they are crossing/passing each other on the Stairway To and From Heaven.......Heaven representing the nation of mentally sick people mentioned in Lavenders post.

They are also known as dopplegangers.

Somebody ought to tell Judi to start reading EMF.

She might learn something.