Enlighten Me Free


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December Master's Connection

Where: A 40X80 Tent outside The Blue Bottle Espresso Cafe, Yelm
From the December Newsletter of The Master's Connection:

When: December 29th 6pm until........
Catered Dinner + All you can drink (frequency specific wine) prepared for the event
Live Entertainment- Tamborine Borrelli, Laura Losada, The Initiate & RDJ and dancing till you drop! Courtesy of RDJ + supervised children section in Blue Bottle
Click For More Information

Downtown Yelm, Frequency Specific all-you-can-drink wine.

Re: December Master's Connection

LOL, what does frequency specific wine mean? Like, they will provide the wine that is equal to how much they think people are worth?

Joking aside, I went into the Blue Bottle on our last trip to Yelm and the woman who owns it was very nice.

Re: December Master's Connection

The "all you can drink" I hope, does not involve any of those driving the children home from the "supervised childrens' area."

Re: December Master's Connection

if I hear "frequency specific" one more time, I think I will puke.
And Robert Jones' ex wife and daughter run and own the Blue Bottle.

Re: December Master's Connection

Frequency specific (sorry Tree) means it comes in a box.
All you can drink means bring lotsa money.
judy won't be there she's having some "work" done, god knows she needs it.
Merry Christmas judy, who loves ya baby!
Braddah Bud

Re: December Master's Connection

I wonder if anyone has sued JZ+R for "alienation of affection?" Because THAT is EXACTLY what occurs with the people. I'm so glad I left. My spouse said I had become "distant" and I have to say, I wasn't "feeling" things the way I did before RSE.

Class action "alienation of affection?" How many people seem to stop "loving" or withdraw their affection from their spouses and children after and during RSE?

Just something I wonder about.