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Re: Judgement & Karma... New Age BUZZ Words.. Based in Fear... Not TRUSTING YOURSELF!

For all my life, I can SEE the living AURA around people and things... it is very similar.

Everything is ALIVE.

Re: Judgement & Karma... New Age BUZZ Words.. Based in Fear... Not TRUSTING YOURSELF!

Fear STOPS you from living... and JUSTIFIES it's self with funny words like KARMA or JUDGMENT as a REASON to do so.

We also purchased the Guy Coggins Living AURA Camera.. and have dones some extensive RESEARCH of the subject of the Aura.

Center for Advanced Cognitive Studies.

When you SEE IT .. on the Aura Living Camera.. you can not doubt or question.

I love the Moving Aura Camera.... as it allows others to SEE what I have seen forever... and more than I have seen.

Re: Judgement & Karma... New Age BUZZ Words.. Based in Fear... Not TRUSTING YOURSELF!

Ok... this post was in response to another poster who vomited up the word JUDGEMENT and KARMA in my face.

Sorry if it is NOT accoring to your protacall..

Just ask the administrators to DELETE this whole Thread.

Thank you.


Re: Judgement & Karma... New Age BUZZ Words.. Based in Fear... Not TRUSTING YOURSELF!

Karma is a very old concept...does not have to be negative or fear-inducing: like the biblical phrase; as you sow, so shall you reap...also, can be used to explain why bad things happen to good people (as 'they earned that in a past life')...could also just be a way of saying where you are in terms of your soul evolving through cycles of birth and re-birth towards eventual union with the "divine source", or reaching "nirvana", or earning the right to choose whether to return or not. Could be a way of saying that you choose what you do, so you need to accept any consequences of your own actions and choices.
Judgement has too many meanings.

Re: Judgement & Karma... New Age BUZZ Words.. Based in Fear... Not TRUSTING YOURSELF!

"What goes around comes around" - same thing. So many variations.

Karma - a word again borrowed from the east. From what I've learned, the old Indian "caste" system (now outlawed but not totally forgotten!) used this to explain the "life station" a person was born into (and also an "out" to close one's eyes to another's suffering, imo).

All of these self-appointed gurus, swamis, "masters" - are on some "magical mystery tour" of the mind, aka narcissism. (Maybe JZR was cooking 'shrooms while wearing the funny hat)

Oh, wait. There is something shimmering in my face.
Darn. It's a migraine aura - a scintllating scotoma. Excedrin - here I come!

Re: Judgement & Karma... New Age BUZZ Words.. Based in Fear... Not TRUSTING YOURSELF!

We have ask for this post to be REMOVED.

The monitor chooswe NOT TO...

Please Move on.

Re: Judgement & Karma... New Age BUZZ Words.. Based in Fear... Not TRUSTING YOURSELF!

Call me "new age koook", lol.
Well, "karma" may have been used to justify the caste system, but the concept predates it - really, it is supposed to encourage us to be kind to each other, because even if we don't see a benefit now, we could acrue one in our next life, or be let out of the 'loop' of endlessly rebirth early, if we add enough 'good karma'.
I hasten to add, nothing, to my mind, could possibly justify the caste system.
Okay Janice, dropping this thread now

Re: Judgement & Karma... New Age BUZZ Words.. Based in Fear... Not TRUSTING YOURSELF!

Whoa, whoa whoa whoa whoa. Janice, I was not addressing you personally. I was simply adding what I know of my life experiences as being in an Indian family - (and adding some tongue-in-cheek dry humor.)

Imo, I'm finding there is a real problem with the "getting the humor" aspect of the community. Yes, we were in RSE or wherever and were damaged, and are moving on in our own ways. I have a dry sense of humor - I wouldn't ever post to laugh at another ex-RSEer's feelings or experiences. In the horrific aftermath of learning one was/is in a cult, along with experiences within our families/tragedies, a sense of humor is sometimes the only thing allowing me to maintain my sanity.

When I travel to India, I stay with family, and not in ashrams, etc., so I have a unique perspective as a westerner on views of those who live within a particular area of the country. My spouse and older brother speak and read Sanskrit; and my "Pitajee" at 90+ is still lucid, telling tales of long ago. (Sanskrit is very rhythmical, to my ears, I've found). None of my insight or information on this matter has ever been from a swami or guru or even a Hindu Brahman/priest. (My family doesn't really seem to trust the "gurus and swamis" too much over there).

Since this forum is indeed multi-cultural, maybe we could have an area where "cultural jokes/events" etc. are explained to those who may have difficulty grasping it. I know I've been the brunt of many "family" jokes - all in good fun! It wasn't until my family over there filled me in that I really knew when my spouse was joking about the country, his growing up, or not. (I DO know when my spouse first immigrated here to the US, the very popular "thanks a lot" was interpreted to actually imply a "thank you." ) My last visit was during a popular holiday, Holi. As a result of it being my "first" Holi in India, let's just say my hair had a very stark pink tint to it that no one in India could assist with. I have to keep the sense of humor; there is too much to be serious about otherwise, and my "pink hair" was the least of my problems.
I was also scolded very badly for opening the car window to get a closer look at the monkeys. Do not touch the monkeys! - is a good book to read. I was also taken aside when I found my sari a bit loose around my waist and was simply tucking a small edge - I was told this is not done in public - really nothing here in the states but one doesn't fiddle with their clothing in public over there. These are just a couple of my experiences and my spouse's. It's been a REAL trip, trust me. So I do understand the misunderstandings that can take place, and maybe we can help to alleviate it a bit, when we or others do not quite "get it" - I just wonder how many wars/arguments are over these simple cultural misunderstandings?

I apologize if you felt I was directing anything to you.
Mea culpa.

Re: Judgement & Karma... New Age BUZZ Words.. Based in Fear... Not TRUSTING YOURSELF!

mmm......some are a bit (over) touchy here....ack! See the humor in it folks!!

Re: Judgement & Karma... New Age BUZZ Words.. Based in Fear... Not TRUSTING YOURSELF!


First of all..
lets all walk gently here..
I appreciate this thread you started,
And I personally do not want it removed,
I only advise that with such a Pandora ’s Box …..
be prepared for a strong wind that may blast out.. as you open the lid..
When I have more time I will revisit this thread…
But for now….I would add this much.
I feel it’s important in the recovery of self to take a deeper look at “the fear”,
“Ramtha’s gonna get you” and the “ I will bring you down” rubbish, Yet it is a powerful issue for many on this board do deal with and to clean out from under the bed.…
Also.. lets have a look at the ethical lethargy that freezes critical thinking and caring.
I now see those attitudes of “none Judgment” and “allowing’ as denial and even to the point of cowardice and “spiritual political correctness”,
It’s looks so much more spiritual not to be negative..
Yet this only turns a blind eye to the hypocrisy until eventually we all become blind.


I just fell off my soap box…



Re: Judgement & Karma... New Age BUZZ Words.. Based in Fear... Not TRUSTING YOURSELF!

Need a band-aid or crutches?
At-your-service-mom-jack-of-all-trades here....

(I remember falling face-down in the mud on the field - without my blinders!) That's how blind I had 'indeed' become at 'that place.') I think the mud bath helped my complexion. (joke)

Re: Judgement & Karma... New Age BUZZ Words.. Based in Fear... Not TRUSTING YOURSELF!

Gosh David... Your BRILLIANCE is showing today... I so like the way you summed up my ramblings in a short few sentances.

I so totally agree that the need to be Spirtually Correct .... tends to HIDE the real TRUTH in order to LOOK GOOD spiritually or to cover up the FEAR of just living your life naturally. Smile.

This whole issues that someone or something is always learking in the DARK ready to destroy or cause some pain is the basis of many of these organization. It is also a way to control.

That was the point I was really trying to make... in our New Age Community again more PROGRAMMING on HOW TO BE ...... rather than BEING.

only advise that with such a Pandora ’s Box …..
be prepared for a strong wind that may blast out.. as you open the lid..
I would add this much. I feel it’s important in the recovery of self to take a deeper look at “the fear”,
“Ramtha’s gonna get you” and the “ I will bring you down” rubbish, Yet it is a powerful issue for many on this board do deal with and to clean out from under the bed.…

***************** I so oooooo Agree with this David..
lets have a look at the ethical lethargy that freezes critical thinking and caring.

I now see those attitudes of “none Judgment” and “allowing’ as denial and even to the point of cowardice and “spiritual political correctness”,

It’s looks so much more spiritual not to be negative..
Yet this only turns a blind eye to the hypocrisy until eventually we all become blind.

Re: Judgement & Karma... New Age BUZZ Words.. Based in Fear... Not TRUSTING YOURSELF!

ethical lethargy that freezes critical thinking and caring
still some pearls to find here.

Re: Judgement & Karma... New Age BUZZ Words.. Based in Fear... Not TRUSTING YOURSELF!

good one ex

even if I am having trouble following who is who in this thread.

Re: Judgement & Karma... New Age BUZZ Words.. Based in Fear... Not TRUSTING YOURSELF!

Same here - is Arianna the same as Janice? Arianna, can you clarify? Were you in RSE? Just trying to understand/follow the threads.

I'm so confused. (not dazed!)

Re: Judgement & Karma... New Age BUZZ Words.. Based in Fear... Not TRUSTING YOURSELF!

Yes, I was with the Ram in the 80's for about 3 or 4 years.... but back then, you just flew all around to the many different events.. as he was giving teachings.

Then when Mafu came to Miami Florida I think 86 or 87 some where around then I went to both for a while and then stopped going to Ram...

They did not have the Yelm Ranch back then...
and it was a total different approach.

I think Grace gave a good description of the earlier days.... Love and You Are God... Get up there where you belong and stop the BS.... basically.

Arianna is a name that June knew me from a differnet board 4 years ago.. so she calls me Arianna...That is as good of name as anyone else.


Re: Judgement & Karma... New Age BUZZ Words.. Based in Fear... Not TRUSTING YOURSELF!

Gosh... that was 30 years ago... how time flys when you are having fun.

I am still me.... I feel like I had to re-invent myself about 40 or 50 different times over the years to keep up. Smile.

Today, I have a life I love. I am blessed to own 3 nuring schools in Florida totally away from all things New Age.... Metaphysical or La La Land of OZ.

I love teaching these very young people to begin their first steps into nursing.Instant Gradification.

These young people have unlimited possibilities standing before them and I am the blessed one to get to know them and assisit them with they career choices.

I do not live in Yelm or Oregon, I live on the Gulf of Mexico in Sunny Florida and get to watch those beautiful little Dolphins swin up and down the Gulf from my home daily.

I am one of a very few would would do it all again, given the same set of life events from my past... being who I was then.

I did have alot of fun ALL along the way...

What do they say, regrets I have a few.. but then a too few to mention.

Both of those groups are not the same as they were in the early days when I was involved; and the truth is, ALL of the craziness seems like it happened AFTER I was no longer constantly involved.

For me, I think the greatest solution was to find something I loved to do and become very successful with it. That Success tends to allow you to move on and not focus so much on the should of.... could of... would of's.

In the earily days of the Ram, it was fun, it was not at all like it has been in the past 10 years... way way back then, both of these channels spent a lot more time talking individually with the people who attended the semiars / gatherings than they do now....and YES, I do have a few friends who are still involved in BOTH groups.

But ALL things do change constantly...

Who knows what tomorrow will bring.