Enlighten Me Free


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Re: Very interesting post on the Blog.... many things come up for me.

I didn't invalidate her experience. Actually, I don't believe she has shared her experiences here other than money she has spent and that was the only thing I addressed.
As you said, we all have our experiences whether it's with an individual or an organization and all we can address is what we experienced. We can't speak for others, nor judge their choices to stay or leave any situation.
As I mentioned, I can't address anything I was not part of or privy to and I'm not interested in second hand, third hand, rumors particularly since it is no longer part of my experience. I rarely watch the news for the same reason. For me, it's best to focus on creativity, joy, and my spiritual practices. I'd rather pray for peace, than disturb my own by ragging on those who don't want peace.
Everyone has their old karmas to be satisfied and the new ones they're creating that they will have to deal with at some point.
We all have enough of our own stuff to deal with, our own refining to do and I think that's enough - at least it is for me.
We can certainly be compassionate and loving and sharing in a way that can promote healing and helping others recognize the brilliance that they are. And that's where I prefer to put my focus.
I remember someone once saying a pile of manure is God and so is a rose; but which one would you rather smell? I always loved that and for me it's good to remember what I prefer to put in my consciousness on a daily basis. Like everyone else, I don't always remember to lift myself to the level of thought and action I know is available for me; but hopefully I remember more to do that not to do it.

Re: Very interesting post on the Blog.... many things come up for me.

Bodhi & June,

Just to clarify..
Are you one and the same?


Re: Very interesting post on the Blog.... many things come up for me.

Yes David, since Janice outed my real name, I guess some part of me decided to use it even if I did it unintentionally. I had just finished posting a bunch of emails and signing my real name and just continued here without thinking. So true that there are no accidents or coincidences. LOL
I will continue to post under the name Bodhi, that I have been posting here all along.

Re: Very interesting post on the Blog.... many things come up for me.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing... look the other say... and LABLE everything will be RESOLVED with KARM.

Very Sad to live that way.

Re: Very interesting post on the Blog.... many things come up for me.

administrators hello no soliciting?you leave a thread with a link to another channaler?i just read the karma thread.a ****load of another channalers mindset.yes i mind reading crap like this here.all others and administrators have a wonderfull day.

Re: Very interesting post on the Blog.... many things come up for me.

That was MY personal writing in response to THIS Link where the FINAL WORD Was KARMA.

Not another CHANNEL...just me.

Smile. Sorry you do not like my post.

Re: Very interesting post on the Blog.... many things come up for me.

Please ask the ADMINISTRATOR to totally DELETE this WHOLE THREAD.

Thank you.


Re: Very interesting post on the Blog.... many things come up for me.

Janice, June, Bohdi, Adrianna, god...whomever you all are....
I just walked in and all this dirty laundry and finger pointing is a bit much.
Is there not some way to play a bit nicer together?
To me, some posts seem as angry as those who are IN RSE, and those who have decided to NOT move along in terms of staying angry.
Yes,there are places in one's recovery of being angry, but must it be continually fed here?
I hope not.
There are more gracious ways to exchange ideas and concepts without such bashing.
Unless of course, you want to LIVE like that.
I for one, Have chosen NOT to, now that I have the eyes too see.....

Re: Very interesting post on the Blog.... many things come up for me.

We have ask for this post to be REMOVEd.

The monitor chooses not too..

Please move on.

Re: Very interesting post on the Blog.... many things come up for me.

I think the moderator's do not see vitriol in these threads....
so suffice it to say that maybe one count to ten or wait a few days for emotions to blow over when posting.
This just goes to prove how much brainwashing goes on in these types of groups and the ramifications in the aftermath.