Enlighten Me Free


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Re: How are you all truly doing?

I have been endeavouring to write accurately from the sum total of my experience. The intent behind the writing of many is most sincere.

Re: How are you all truly doing?

thank you each for your heart felt post.

I so agree with you all... I think it is a good think to look deeply at what we do...

So many good points from you all... it does show the heart felt concerns for others who are walking where you have walked and your healt felt desire to warn of the pit falls in the that road.

Smiles to all.

Re: How are you all truly doing?

my sentinments exactly with one hand and Joe.
Just yesterday, I was talking to a car salesman in a nearby town.
His wife works at the Safeway in Yelm.
Interestingly enough, the topic of PTSD came up.
I shared my experience with him briefly and asked him what his was and what triggers he has.
Turns out, he served in the military for a total of seven years. He seems to have
"moved on" , getting married, having a child on the way, etc.
He said his triggers are in large crowds, esp at the mall during holiday time.
His limit is about one hour, then the wife sees his fists and jaws clench, and she knows enough to get him out of there.
I would have never known it about this guy, but when asked in a comfortable setting, vets will speak to aid others.
On a side note, his wife was transferred to the Yelm Safeway recently, before QFC shut its' doors.
She sais she can tell when a Ramtha follower comes to her station.
They are rude, demanding, usually with scowls on their face, and they dress the same way as others in the group.
I found the whole interaction very enlightening.