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Re: Nisqually Valley (Screamer) uh News

Oh my. I had no idea that they were encouraged to drink that much wine. However, I can see the alcohol dependency in my realtive whom I a trying to help. Also in her so-called common-law husband. Naturally alcohol can create a temporary euphoria but side effects can be devastating.

Re: Nisqually Valley (Screamer) uh News

As a matter of fact, it was common practice at the beginning of wine ceremonies for the staff to pass out large, plastic VOMIT bags to each student. Hello?

Does that sound like a glass or two of wine with the Big GuyGal ? NOT.

They were pressured greatly, into drinking at least 1 - 2 BOTTLES of wine for each wine ceremony, as common practice.

There were even some children drinking it, and some who even smoked.

A Letter to the Editor of the NVNews stating these things as a rebuttal to the untruths told, would be in order.

Re: Nisqually Valley (Screamer) uh News

I can relate to Angrydaughter's post as I suppose I am also an angry relative. As I learn more about what actually happens at this so-called ranch I begin to understand why many of these posts are so emotionally charged. I have to hold myself back from going on a rant about the Ramtha hypocrisy and this business about the wine and the vommit bags merely builds upon the madness.

Re: Nisqually Valley (Screamer) uh News

1) I was very very angry when the reporter from the NVN had told me Steve Handlan had written to the NVN and finally, for the first time, admitted to the "incident."
and from Steve's view, RSE then took up the same view: it was consensual and over ten years ago. No biggie.
2) the Ranch then dug up a former single mother friend of mine, who I had confided to during the time I found out I was pregnant and was thoroughly distraught about the whole situation.
(She was the one who coached me that I had "created this whole thing on the Plane of Bliss.")
For RSE to get her to write to the NVN that I welcomed the whole idea and I had been thinking and planning it and totally loved it was BEYOND my scope imagination.
Talk about betrayal!!!!
And this was a "friend".
3) Yes, many posts are emotionally charged because what comes out of RSE's mouthpieces are highly minimized snipets of what they call "truth".
Field work might be just an afternoon stroll, in the eyes of RSE, but how about 12 forced hours on the field??? For 1000 people.
A simple "wine ceremony"...is simply not just sipping wine and listening to some "god realized". It is 1-2 bottles, and that after several years of this, produces a group of alcoholics.
A day in the tank is minized to " a great initiation", when in reality, between 5-10 hours, through a forest, through nests of ants, hornets, mud to your shin high,broken legs, without water....
I think you can start to see the disparity of what really goes on vs what is publicized by RSE.
and these are just 3 examples.

Re: Nisqually Valley (Screamer) uh News

in regards to that fromer single mother friend of mine.
She is an uncodumented illegal alien
(she never had enough money to get a green card) living in US gov't sponsored housing.
Now how is THAT for a reputable source?