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Re: 25 years and counting......

Science in the last 25 years has done much in the way of predicting correctly and incorrectly. That which is found to be incorrect is dicarded and replaced with newer understandings. Such is the process of science.

Some flops;
cold fusion
perpetual motion devices
raising hell about destructive electro magnetic waves from power lines
see "Voodoo Science, Robert Parks and also, Science; Good , Bad, and Bogus Marvin Gardner

Many in science and health still want to eliminate or control diseases, a noble cause. Some times they head down the right path othertimes not but it is a self correcting process unlike RSE which remains stuck and could never acknowlege its mistakes and wrong conclusions.

While these others were making cancer a less lethal disorder, defining tobacco as a enviornmental health hazard, researching genes, microbes, viruses, cell chemistry to better understand it and help give mankind an edge in health , science, and product production, what was RSE doing and predicting ?(and still is).

Encouraging smoking to help "open the brain"

Enlisted the use of "sacred wine ceremonies" on the same pretense.

Suggested the use of prozac among members without being medical prdofessionals.

Then, once a students brain is "open" the school provides Ramtha/JZs rosey view of the realities they see for digestion.

"The continental shelf has created new landmass that is now pressing your shores. What is old will go under and what is new will surface. There are new lands that will surface in your ocean, and the birthing of them will be ever most prevalent."

— Ramtha
May 1986

Excerpt from:
Change - The Days to Come, May 17-18, 1986.
Ramtha's School of Enlightenment.
Copyright © 1986 JZ Knight

"One should not live in the cities, for in the days to come not only are the plagues to run rampant, and not only shall it be in their water system, but when that which is called a drought comes forth, there will be murderers on the street who will rob your cupboards and slay you nigh for only a sliver of bread, for they are dangerous places indeed." —Ramtha May 1986

Excerpt from:
Change - The Days to Come, May 17-18, 1986.
Ramtha's School of Enlightenment.
Copyright © 1986 JZ Knight

* I have to note here the DUH of if there are plagues which by the way are recorded historical events, because of the proximity and populations of the cities they would be AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN effected in a greater way.*(BY JTR)

"The world is in big trouble, the biggest trouble. People who are having all these brain disorders are loaded with mercury because they thought that you should have fish in your diet three times a week.

Think about your air and its pollution like the fish in the sea. Every single hour they open their gills to process oxygen they have to drink and smell it, and they are also processing toxic waste. The waste is mercury, the biggest, heaviest metallic there is, and all of your fish now have mercury in them."

— Ramtha
April 2004

Excerpt from:
Evening with Ramtha, April 7, 2004.
Ramtha's School of Enlightenment.
Copyright © 2004 JZ Knight

"One questions why the world is in such a sad and remorseful place. The Americas are Christian-oriented. They believe, to the joy of corporations, that human beings were given control of the Earth and that they can do with it as they please: drill all of its oil out, burn it, burn up its pure atmosphere, kill all the fields, do away with creatures, because that is their doctrine.

Where is the benevolence of life? Where is the love of the Earth? Earth is a beautiful place and has been for millions and millions of years. Silly man and silly woman destroy it over and over and over, and they can never get beyond that addiction towards lethargy. It has got the seeds of destruction in it."

March 2006

Excerpt from:
Ramtha, The Power Is In You Tour, New York, March 25, 2006.
Ramtha's School of Enlightenment.
Copyright © 2006 JZ Knight

"Now your world is in trouble. Your icecaps are melting. The North Pole's icecaps are melting and when all that cold water enters Greenland in the upper Atlantic, the flow of warm water will cease in Atlatia and in a short time you are going to have catastrophic conditions in the world."

— Ramtha
November 2006

Excerpt from:
Ramtha in Mexico, November 20, 2006.
Ramtha's School of Enlightenment.
Copyright © 2006 JZ Knight

Re: 25 years and counting......

Looks like another first announced today. The adapting of regular stem cells to act like embryonic ones. Did those researchers go to RSE???

Don't think so.

It appears in the not too far future, the blind may be able to see, and the paralyzed able to have movement again.

What will happen then to all the huffing and puffing to try and grow new teeth and arms when it can be done with more ease? Will they be saying they just want to do it the old fashioned way????

If it is cost that concerns, then one would be better off saving thier $'s for future stem cells.

But while those were working diligently on this discovery, what words of wisdom were coming from JZ/R???

"There is a great war coming in the heavens. It is called the twelve days of light, a war in the heavens for that which is termed the ownership of humanity. I want you to know that this country of yours has fired upon an alien nation that comes from another part of the galaxy. The secret government has made this war in an effort to fight off that which is termed raiders or entities that would claim the Earth as their own and not for altogether pleasing motives. Sooner or later this appearance will be made known, and this all works in with climatic changes that are occurring even starting this your year."

— Ramtha
April 1993

(Excerpt from: Ramtha, April 14, 1993. Specialty Library CD-052, Winds of Change III. Ramtha's School of Enlightenment. Copyright © 1993 JZ Knight)

Re: 25 years and counting......

They actually took regular skin cells and made them behave like stem cells. Of course, they used discarded infant foreskin cells, which brings up additional moral concerns for some... Still, promising research.

Lol, to what will they do when research makes these things easier to accomplish than C&E! I guess they could try to take the credit for it somehow.

Re: 25 years and counting......


Happy Thanksgiving to EVERYONE.

Re: 25 years and counting......

""The world is in big trouble, the biggest trouble. People who are having all these brain disorders are loaded with mercury because they thought that you should have fish in your diet three times a week."

Brain dis orders caused by mercury?
Brain dis orders caused by cult leaders with nariccistic personality dis order?