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Re: Did you ever 'cheat'?

frog said, "All the whoopla really didn't sit well with me."

My sentiments, exactly.
I never liked the part of the event when people who "got their card stand up", and then at times, even form a line to parade around the arena. It was so childish, I thought. Who really was served by that? I didn't need to stand up, and at times I did not, and at other times, I caved to the pressure. The times when I didn't stand up, I got pressure from those sitting next to me. That's the nature of how it is there.

Then there was the gossip that went around the arena about who did or did not "stand up", and talk about whether or not they found their cards honestly.

Many, many years ago, when I was leaving a Christmas Eve church service, I walked past a small group of adults (adults?) who were talking about one of the women in the choir, who flubbed a song. I don't know what her error was, because I don't think anyone but those IN the choir noticed it. I never returned there.

My point is this: That choir was infected with competition, and while RSE/Ramthimher/JZ will seriously criticize organized religion, show me where they have any business casting any stones ? They are a different track on the same record.

Re: Did you ever 'cheat'?

Exactly my feelings, too. One of the videos I watched prior to going to RSE, Ramtha (TM) went through the whole thing of "stand up if you found your card, - one - two - or all." "Stand up if you got your remote views." "Stand up if you got one, two, whatever "sending and receiving." "Stand up if you've had a "healing." Then "R" said to the rest of the audience, "and those of you sitting down have doubt and that is why you did not (fill in the blank).

Another admonishment. That's what people pay for? I now wonder why I went after seeing just THAT video.

What the Bleep is what really did it. Never heard of "R" before that. "We could be the avatars of yesterday" - something to that effect by "Ramthat" - and the edited talking heads. If we only knew what a huge "ad" the movie was. Then you went to their website and saw all they promised - learn how to heal, increase your "psychic" abilities - but NOWHERE did it discuss having to sign documents of silence, or of not being able to leave. Least of all, it gave no impression of drawing blue webs and stars on ourselves, a la Vera Adler. (sp)

Then the "frequency specific" deal. A couple during a q and a with JZ herself (wearing black and white) - they stated their problem was they were no longer "frequency specific" with their children. JZ's response was, "SO?"
So we forget about the unconditional love we have for these others?

Makes me wonder about that incident years ago with Dan Rather, approached by some guy with problems on the street, who I think accosted Rather? Then asked him, "what's your "frequency" Kenneth?" Just makes you wonder.

Re: Did you ever 'cheat'?

this "frequency specific" thing is for the birds, BECAUSE....
apparently, there are FREQUENCY SPECIFIC RSE people who are attracted to EMF.
And when they figure that out, they wonder why?
BECAUSE...the frequency you are experiencing is called
, in nomenclature terms , 'critical thinking'.....but oddly, 'Ramtha' calls it doubt....which has a negative connotation meaning: non succeeding.

Re: Did you ever 'cheat'?

It's funny isn't it, we thought leaving the field was like 'cheating ourselves'... out of what I wonder? The ability to listen to our body...?

We were proud not to listen to our bodies. Not so proud anymore when we suffered from bladder infections or constipation as a result of not using the toilet when our body told us to. Or when we didn't listen to our body's need for food and drink which along with sleep deprivation was bound to weaken our immune system, couple that with close sleeping quarters and poor personal hygiene for a week and you have a veritable petri dish for disease.

But no, we were 'transmuting' and the worse our state of health was after an event, the more effective we had been. Effective at what? Denial? How is that enlightened???

Re: Did you ever 'cheat'?

LWO...speaking about not listening to our bodies...

I agree with you...we didn't do that, and sometimes suffered illness as a result. I remember a woman sitting at the back of her truck making lunch, asking me if I had any medication on me. Good grief. She had a raging bladder infection. I don't know what she though I was going to do for her, but that's not the point - her desperation is the point.

Wanna hear about the time I was in the tank for 12 hours and had the heaviest day of my period ????? I went in well prepared, but in time, you need the bathroom. Clue: I never left the tank until it was called. What a fool I was.

There is no need for that, in the name of enlightenment. None of it.

Re: Did you ever 'cheat'?

LWO & watcha - listening to our bodies, taking care of ourselves..

The physical abusiveness of being blindfolded & on a field of - 500, 1000 people is something I will never forget. Being body slamming was something I would never ever have 'chosen' to do, as my rational Self. While not technically 'cheating' I would get very frustrated, angry. It was so invasive, - I began to dread doing fieldwork. I think now the violation of personal space is part of technique of the Jude. Once you have people 'accepting' physical abuse, the mental constructs are coming in on a cellular submissiveness.... yuk.

So, to defend myself I adopted an 'elbows out' stance, hands together at face level. At the slightest indication of another presence, I would block hard, like a football player. My body became automatic in this.

After about 6 months, I was running into people considerably less, even on a packed field. I really do feel I created an protection 'bubble' around me, energetically speaking. it was bigger than me.

Towards the end of my tenure, I would leave the field on a whim, to pee or be rebellious -regain my power. Sometimes, I just needed to get away from all the desperate energy on the field. There were very few fields I participated that were 'clean', where people were not ego 'entangled.'

I really disliked having unconscious, desperate people slam me. I became so attuned to whether the person was a kind soul or a rough, ego body. If I felt ugliness approach, I would often spin away, shift in direction.

Just remembering the slamming makes me feel ill. Point being tho, I adapted. I think I tune into people's body language now more, as a result.

Re: Did you ever 'cheat'?

When I finally got sick and tired of walking that darn field and getting stomped on, I said to myself "puck Ramtha and this stupid field work" and at that moment walked right up to my card - guess it was telling me that the moment I did that I would get what was written on my card - and I did - left the school after that retreat and have never looked back - my life is really wonderful (think it took a whole year to get back to my real self) and my money is being spent on me and traveling and taking care of the people I love. (It surprised me that so called enlightened folks would agressively bump and push others on their way to find their card - guess that was another red flag for me)