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Re: The Psychology Behind Cults/Religion

""He was angry that Lennon would preach love and peace but yet have millions [of dollars]," said his wife Gloria. Chapman later reported that "He told us to imagine no possessions, and there he was, with millions of dollars and yachts and farms and country estates, laughing at people like me who had believed the lies and bought the records and built a big part of their lives around his music." "

Very enlightening. It never occurred to me that JZ and current Ramsters might interpret EMFers in this vein: JZ preaching being god and all the wealth rolling in and most Ramsters barely above poverty level, much less being in an occupation commiserate with their education levels (being compared to people on the "outside"). I , in fact, know of one person, who took a $10 and hour job in the mail order department just to have "the grand opportunity" to work at the Ranch. This person has an MA in speech pathology. Do you know how many people she could have helped in this lifetime , not to mention keep her lifestyle she was accustomed to BEFORE she came to RSE? And now she lives with gravity fed water. Just an amazing example of how brainwashing truly works.

Re: The Psychology Behind Cults/Religion

Everyone here, will ALWAYS some basic point of foundation that we live our life. One could argue that ANY FOUNDATION could be considered a cult... and a IMAGINING.... as all beliefs are based on our foundations from our past... and perhaps dreams of a world that is ethical and respectful of all people.

I would hardly tell anyone to give up possessions or have none... I have been through the fire of wealth ...homelessness and rebuilding from the bottom up again.. and now I hardly live a live without anything... just the opposit... I can not think of anything I am without.

I have just like hundreds before me paid enormously for my life choices and being involved in cults. Eventually you do see that almost anything from baseball / sports / .... politial followings.... and high fashion all have elements of a cult like following.

In the end, we must each live within our own self... and have some basic guidelines for our joining and communing with one another.

Chop wood carry water... Mind your own business.. is only one type of guideline...

To each his own.

""He was angry that Lennon would preach love and peace but yet have millions [of dollars]," said his wife Gloria. Chapman later reported that "He told us to imagine no possessions, and there he was, with millions of dollars and yachts and farms and country estates, laughing at people like me who had believed the lies and bought the records and built a big part of their lives around his music." "

Re: The Psychology Behind Cults/Religion

बोधि Bodhi

It's an AOL problem.

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