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Re: Handicap Poster of the Year


I have met our mysterious poster "tammy faye".
I can assure you she is not an RSE infiltrator,
infact she has been very supportive of EMF.


Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Tammy Faye Rocks!!!!!

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Thanks for clearing that up David, I think I was starting to doubt my own arguments, lol!

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

My feel is that JRZ is so ticked off at this forum, she would in no manner be able to contain herself and would be exhibiting a hissy fit worthy of an academy award. Even if she posted after a teaquila or two, one would think she'd be even angrier.
I don't think she is typing - yet. She's either got MW or GS or some of the others she's recruiting to post the off-topic and attacking posts.

She's also probably spitting nails - the ones she chew off.

Just my opinion. One has to wonder if MW and GS are accurately feeding her the info as written, since GS has once before admitted not being honest with her since she had much to "deal with."

Does anyone think she'd be able to keep her cool, right here among us? Her pronunciation is off from what I'm accustomed to as well, and I'm willing to venture her spelling skills are not right on. I'm not saying she's stupid; obviously, she's quite intelligent - but is indeed emotional. Just my opinion again.

(maybe could float an iceburg down that way by focusing - just to cool off)

okay, apologies for the attempted humor.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

JZ's spelling isn't stellar. Not a criticism, just stating what's been said, and seen. Curiously, Ramthimher also said s/he couldn't spell, so wouldn't write when doing a teaching via the white board.

However, having said that, if she wanted to post directly, she could always use a spell checker.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

It appears that David has evidence that Tammy Faye is not JZ thus I apologize for unjust accusations as I have no interest in supporting any sort of injustice whatsoever.

There is also nothing that would surprise me about the lengths RSE would go to to protect their interests.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Thanks for the info G2G.... I have never heard of the other Tammy Faye thus what others perceive as humour is lost on me for that reason alone.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Christel - I was looking for a "skit" a long-running comedy show, "Saturday Night Live" did on the Tammy Faye/James Baker scandal, under their segments of "church chat" with "church lady"/comedian Dana Carvey. No disrespect to the now deceased Tammy Faye, but the skit was really humourous. The cast involved was Dana Carvey, Jan Hooks, and Phil Hartman, and Jan Hooks as "Tammy Faye" gushed mascara-tinted tears while they blamed "satan" for all that took place.

It's got to be online somewhere. I have it in my old SNL archives, but it's copyrighted so I can't youtube or googlevideo the thing. It would give you a perspective of the news of that day, and what the posting "Tammy Faye" is referring to.

It's so nice we can all communicate across the oceans - sometimes the events in our own countries and jokes in accordance just don't cross the seas with our intent. I remember calling someone from another culture, (didn't know their name) "Hey, Buddy?" and they were deeply offended, when I intended to be friendly.

Then I bought the book, "Don't touch the Monkeys."

Very informative! (for me)

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

(I know this is a bit off-topic, but in relation to explaining who the real-life Tammy Faye was, this is the Saturday Night Live skit I was searching for)

For those who haven't seen it, I finally found the old "Saturday Night Live" skit of the late Tammy Faye Baker Messner, with Dana Carvey in the skit, "Church Chat." It's a collection of skits online, begins with a Jimmy Swaggart impersonation, then Tammy Faye and James Baker (Jan Hooks and Phil Hartman) interviewed by Dana Carvey (as the "Church Lady." It begins at around marker 5:06 or so.
Tammy and her famous mascara and tears - may she rest in peace - or continue to evolve.


Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

I know it is "off topic" but I just have to pass on this joke:

Question: Do you know where they found Jimmy Hoffa's body?

Answer:It was under Tammy Baker's makeup!

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

G2G - I used to watch SNL just to see Dana Carvey do all his skits, esp. 'Church Lady.' And to think he was able to have that sarcasm on national TV in the late 80s-90s? wow. Thanks for 'bringing it down from the Mind of God'- reinvented as a way of sharing context, understanding re: TF to our emfers around the globe.

And N - the Hoffa joke - too much, and very sick Americana humor. Quite enthno-centric - try explaining that one to Christel!