Enlighten Me Free


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Re: High Wind Warnings...

Of course you do not notice people suffering, that is not in your nature.
So, people who are unhappy there, and yet don't leave, are crazy? Maybe they are intimidated.
The school is not for everyone. Who is it for? People who take to shutting of their emotions swimmingly? People who's self-esteem creates such a large ego aura around them that they are impervious, and can melt snow? People incapable or regret, remorse? People without a scrap of compassion? People who are trying to stop being people?
From what I can gather, the human part of such a person has already died, good thing that was the goal.

Re: High Wind Warnings...

In the runner that you are going to send to David,Are you going to include all of the ilegal current RSE member That live around Yelm,I am sure that what Jesus would do also.

Re: High Wind Warnings...

Can I say to everyone there is really no point in responding to Saxim, it is so clear from his postings how deeply brain washed he is. Like I have said before his answers lack any real thought, it's just Ramthaspeak, the same words I get from my partner when I say something logical he can't answer.

I feel so sorry for Saxim and all members of the school that they can never reach their full potential while they are trapped in that mind numbing cult. How sad they they believe they have the answers, why dont they start asking the right questions?

Re: High Wind Warnings...


Your posting on EMF is no longer welcome,
enough is enough..
For my time left in Yelm,
I welcome you to visit my home and family,
or perhaps a meeting at Mr Doug's?

I promise not to bring my DV camera..


Either way... .
May your "runners"... reveal your souls desire.


Re: High Wind Warnings...

David wrote, "I promise not to bring my DV camera."

ROFLMAO !!!!!!!!

So NOT be it!

Wow, after reading this and Saxism' stuff I've come to realise that the people involved at RSE are clones! They all talk that way. My ex partner spoke just like that. This is unbelievable. What a relevation for me. Here I was thinking that ten years ago my marriage failed because my partner was a horrible ogre, when it was the school that made him that way. Well he was already primed for it before he joined the school, open minded, soul seaching, and egotistical -the perfect RSE candidate, ready for mind shaping conformity. I thought he was uniquely arrogant, but now I see the same product come out of RSE again and again, I am doubting that it was just him and had a whole lot more to do with the school than I realised at the time. I didn't know just how much RSE had transformed my partner's personality into the enraged, compassion-less, emotional tornado that he became.

He was impossible. I couldn't get thru to him. Everything was Ramtha. Everything R said was true. Anything I said was irrelevant as well as any other books I read. Even my friends became irrelevent and more mocking fodder for him.

Gosh, this is very interesting. What a relevation for me. I didn't realise how much Ramtha had affected my life all those years ago, second hand thru my partner who willingly gave up his mind, believing it to be all-powerful. So NOT be it!

Vegan Pride

Re: High Wind Warnings...

you know Vegan, I can say the same thing for myself, for all those people who are STILL in RSE approaching me from this angle.
It is absolutely crazy making to think one can actually hold a conversation with people who are brain washed and don't know it.
They LOOK like they go into Safeway buying fruit, etc
but you have no clue as to what is actually going on in their brain.
Far different than the rest of us-and they are PROUD of that fact.
wow. just wow.

I just wonder....
they segregate people who are "social conscious" ( meaning less than who have not heard the teachings and received 'special knowledge').
So, what would I be classified as?
I have had all the last 19 years of teachings. What does this make me?
(That was rhetorical. no replies from Ramsters necessary or even invited.)

Re: High Wind Warnings...

Vegan, yes my partner (who is a 20 year follower of Ramtha) speaks exactly like this as well. Although I do have to say that whilst he follows the teachings he is open to other information.

However if I question the teachings or the teacher I just get Ramtha speak replies, so I have learned (thanks to a lot of advice on this forum) to approach things in a different way.

We have also discussed compassion a lot recently, I am very concerned that the school doesn't encourage compassion but it's something my partner feels is very important to him. He still has a lot of those Ramtha views that people have created their own situation but he is commpassionate, more so than I am most of the time. Having said that, he does sound like your ex in a lot of ways, its the cult cloning thing but its the parts of him that aren't Ramthaesque that make him a great loving person.