Enlighten Me Free


Housekeeping: As is posted on the EMF Message Board page, this forum is for support, sharing opinions and experiences for those who have left RSE and have doubts and concerns about their tenure there. It is NOT a place for proselytizing for RSE, JZK Inc or Ramtha.  Play nicely or your post will be sent to cyberspace time-out for all eternity. The disclaimer for EMF is located on this page http://enlightenmefree.com/disclaimer.html and all posters agree to the terms of the disclaimer. Be sure you've read it before posting.

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Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Hey Tree it was you I had most in my thoughts when I posted the message. I think you have been amazingly brave with the crap that you have had thrown at you in person and online. It is a credit to your phenomenal inner strength.

Please see that I wasn't advocating allowing current RSE members to post, I was trying to explain to Marie that our opinion is so different from those of you are recovering from such a painful experience.

My feeling is that you have to consider the most vulnerable posters not the strongest when you make decisions about who can post and what can be said. I think that is what the moderators are doing. Whilst it's easy for Marie and I to read anything current Ramsters write, and we both want that information, this is really at odds with the support this forum is bringing to ex-members.

Tree, because you starting posting when you were at the very beginning of the recovery process, your journey is of such enormous value to everyone. And you have been brave, you have not hidden your identity, you are still living in Ramtha territory, you are really leading the fight for sanity and would be an inspiration for many many people.

I imagine that there are a lot more people reading this forum than ever post, many who are effected by your journey. They need you, and it was you that made me come back and post when I had decided not to, you should not underestimate your impact.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Just want you to know I get where your at(to the extent anyone can understand another's journey) If I wanted to write you privately, I would send this to watcha to email you, but want it public. I've only been posting a short time, but felt that people who were never in the school getting so deeply involved in this website is disturbing. I don't understand it, and I asked denotesmeaning why he was so into posting considering he was never at school. Same with a few others on here. Why are you here? Don't even tell me it cause you sympathize- Go find a 911 NYC survivors website if you really want to spout off on...
Tree, it is hard to move on. The best thing I ever did was get out of Yelm. Seriously, once you leave, you will wonder why you were ever there. As one former RSE student to another, get out of yelm and stay of the internet. There is a beautiful new life with your name on it out there. Go find it, claim it, make it shine. Love, Leaf

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

LeafintheWind - some of us, myself, Marie and others post here because we have family members in RSE. Where else do you suggest we go for support? It's not much help us starting our own forum, whilst we could support each other, we need some understanding of the school from people who have been and left (they are the only ones who can see both sides).

We try really hard not to upset those of you recovering from your experience as the information and support you offer is invaluable to us, however hard we try we are not always successful.

How elitist do you want this forum to be? Do you want to close it off to anyone except ex-RSE members? Would they need to provide proof? Would they have to have attended the school in Yelm? You mention *denotesmeaning but my understanding is that he/she did follow the teachings for a number of years, just never attended the actual school. Does this makes his opinion invalid?

Most of you are out of the school and on your way to recovery but for Marie and I and others we are still involved through our partners/family. We are looking to get RSE out of our lives too, can't you see how much this forum has to offer us in terms of support and advise?

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

In my experience and opinion Ramtha's School of Enlightenment is a cult masquerading as a "school of ancient wisdom." It's a fraud, through and through, but superficially there is a glitter to it which attracts naive and credulous people who seek meaning in their lives. The cult leader capitalizes on and takes advantage of this innocence and further exploits it using techniques of Ericksonian hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming.

The forum of EnlightenMeFree.com exists so that people can exchange ideas about what is going on there and hopefully gain insight into the deception occurring. This certainly includes the friends and family of current and former cult members. Friends and family want to understand something they do not have access to. They care and want to know how to help people they love. This is noble behavior.

And what about the contribution of *denotesmeaning? S/he claims to have not been involved in RSE but I didn't buy that for a minute. S/he understands it too well to have never been involved but s/he might have a reason to protect his/her identity and I respect that.

It's not about anyone's relationship to RSE, it's about their level of sincerity and desire to understand and share. The deception and fraud of RSE must be revealed but that will only happen as the result of sincere people talking about what they know and have experienced. Those who ask questions are stimulating the discussion which furthers the cause.

All who care about the debacle known as RSE are welcome and their contributions appreciated. Thanks for caring...

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Why am I here?

Because someone I love is in that school.
Not prepared to discuss that person, so did not say that.
Also, believe that some people who did not attend the school, nor have family or friends in it, could still be moved by some emotion other than ambulance chasing - like, say, a wish to see justice done - empathy - indignation at what is happening to fellow humans.
I almost joined the school. It is thanks to this site that I did not.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

I hear you. And I understand your situation. If I was involved with someone in the school, well, I would um, run the other way.
My posting here is because of direct personal experience, not conjecture, second hand information and debating the "reality" of the school with people who were never there. I have issues with the school, but loved quite a bit of my time there, and mostly good memories of the people I knew there, and in fact would welcome them in my life regardless of being in or out current or not, as long as they didn't try to bore me to death with "ram said" babble.
And yes, I probably do want this forum to be more elitist. I don't understand why anyone who has never been to the school wastes time here posting. Seriously, I don't go posting on websites for ex-mormons,trekkies,etc.
The obsession with JZ, the threads that ramble on forever about her questionable taste in decorating, facelifts or whatever demean the real issues behind what the school was and is. They coarsen the discourse and give former students who are new to this site a terrible impression.
Not all of us who post here think it was all 100% bad at RSE. I don't agree with other former students assessment that it was a fraud. They don't have to agree with me either. I don't even think of the school as a cult- It was my choice to be there- fanatical as I was, it was my choice. Nobody ever made me do anything I didn't want to do at RSE. If I put up with a lot of goofy Sh*t, it was by choice, no put a gun to my head. Fieldwork, the tank, all of it, I had a blast. When I was done, I left.
You all take care. Bye.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

I am here because someone I love is in that school. Not prepared to discuss that person, so did not say that.
There may be other "outsiders" in the same boat.
I posted this before, but it did not show up...appologies if it appears twice.
Also, I think that people who don't know anybody who is current, or who is a past student, may be here for reasons other than ambulance chasing - like empathy - like, indignation at what is happening to fellow humans - anger at injustice - or a wish to understand and help.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Leafinthewind you say…

"I don't understand why anyone who has never been to the school wastes time here posting."

What about the families of RSE members whose lives have been devastated by the so called "school"....
Do they not belong posting on EMF?

How about Joe Szimhart?
Do you think he is wasting his time posting here?

You say...
"I had a blast. When I was done, I left.

Perhaps... RSE was good for you?
at what cost… has your blast been to others?

Nothing good grows in a garden of deception.


Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Marie posted,
“Let others see that point as well!...
People can choose which posts they want to read and which they want to ignore...”

Really ?
The recently removed posts cited several names and were inclusive of a child.
Is that acceptable to you in the name of freedom of speech ?

Marie posted,
“Moderators don't need to make that choice for them... If the nasty posts are ignored, meaning not responded to, they lose their flame....
I like the freedom of speech concept... “

Another viewpoint:
Moderators DO need to make that choice. Why? Because we have high integrity and take our job seriously along that line.
Because we have clearly stated the intent and purpose of this message forum and those that disagree with it have the option of not posting.

Words. The suggestion is that words can be left as posted because they can be ignored and fizzle out. We suggest that lives have been devastated by RSE, at least in part, because of words.

G2G, right on;
Posters need to respect what was posted as the intent of the forum, which is primarily offering information about the experiences of ex-students and family/friends of those who are ex-students or current students, as well as support.

When pro-RSE posters start posting here, including vitriolic posts, they are going outside of the boundaries. Freedom of speech is one thing; vitriol is quite another. This site was not arbitrarily designed. Make no mistake; protecting the guidelines of the forum, is not about censorship. It's about holding integrity for what was designed.

We get lots of private posts about opinions; some feel we are doing a fine job as it is, others think we're not heavy handed enough, and you feel that we may be too heavy handed.

Further, we did leave room for "debates". On the preface page to the actual board, it states: "Topic threads that welcome debates need to be stated as such when begun, not afterwards. All other threads will be specifically and only for support and sharing experiences and opinions."

Debates, done maturely, do not include vitriol.

At best, we uphold the guidelines of this forum. At worst, people can cry "censorship" when they don't agree with the moderator's decisions.

With all due respect, there is presumption going on, IF one thinks that the moderators take any of these actions less than seriously. There are many posts on this forum that fit into "gray areas", that have remained intact.

Perhaps instead of citing censorship due to a locked post, one could ask for the reasoning behind it before drawing conclusions.

The Moderators.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Hey well,I think it is working (devide and conquer)
Look what one post did to us,Now Tree wont post anymore,Assigril and Marie,are very frustraded.
Please guys,let this be a lesson and learn from it.
Marie, Assigril,and Tree I think your contribution to this forum is Very Very valuable to us and I read evrything you guys write,lot of great post you all have contribuated.
I say Let the Moderators do there work,they have showed great Jugement in keeping this site honest.
We need to go back to what this sit is all about,HELPING EACH OTHER

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Oldone...I believe you are correct....

What just happened here?? This is exactly what RSE/JZ/R wants...lets not go down that hole.

I have never been to the school...I have family that does....I have chosen not to even attempt the school because of the posts I have read on EMF. BRAVO EMF...I believe you have done a wonderful job in providing a place for ex members/others to retell their truth to the world.

This site is needed...it does a great service to those who are questioning/searching for answers as to the WHYS and HOW COMES...

THANK YOU for the opportunity to be apart of the waking up of those who have realized that there is more to life than following a lady with a "Christ Complex"...

Tree you are an amazing person...and your strength has given me strength..I hope you understand what I mean there...I have never met you..but feel I know you thru your words here...you have helped others more than I think you know. Please do not allow the words/actions of others define how you live the rest of your life...however, if you feel that your time here is over..I can accept that...as others should as well.

Respect is a great word....that is what everyone needs to remind themselves about...RESPECT EACH OTHER....

Now lets pick ourselves up and continue to bring truth to light....

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

I think that the one who post here that have Family member still in RSE have a lot to contribute to this site, and also are facing problems on there own.
I am sure by now that David and the moderators are working a solution to this problems.
it look like everyone are cooling off,that good

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

I agree with the above poster, "what just happened here?"

Divide and conquer.

Everyone has valuable input. Tree has made an enormous impact and her continuing to grow and become more than she is, is thought and word in action, with immense courage. I know how small Yelm is, and I cannot imagine living in such an environment after coming forward the way Tree did.

Marie, I apologize if I posted that which was personal to you. You are in a situation I imagine my family would have endured had I remained in RSE. If the moderators feel any posts are attacking others in nature, then by all means, remove them including mine.

I was a moderator on a message board on an online service. We had to determine which posts were related to the subject matter, and which posts were attacks on the people. The rule was, you could "discuss" the idea without attacking or vitriol toward the poster. If not, I removed it and the removed posts were not forever deleted, but were in a folder I could pull up anytime. I don't know if that is possible here, but those posting ought know the guidelines. The post by "Ryder" and the other were obviously attacking Tree. How does that help anyone?

I find it "enlightened" of the moderators to have kept the posts up, and lock it up. I posted in that thread.

I do agree some of us who are in recovery are in a much different place than those who have family involved. We have gone through the "Great Scam" and are trying to regain our footing, spirituality, individualism, along with dealing with other occurrences in our lives. We struggle with questions like (I, for one, after several family disasters) "how do I pray after RSE?" "Is faith to look within only, or is the higher source caring as well?"

So I ask anyone who feels all posts ought be allowed, of what value does Ryder's post have to those who are in recovery from RSE, and ask to try and place yourself in Tree's position - or any of us. Those who speak out with their identities have been "investigated" by "the lady in the big house" - and then to have to deal with posts obviously intended to stir trouble among this forum (thereby taking emphasis away from the real issues), - well, "divide and conquer" is alive and well.

Don't allow this to occur. If you feel you need to hear more, maybe talking or emailing Joe or an exit counselor who has been in a cult or dangerous group can offer more to you.

I know it's difficult to fully grasp what occurred without having been there. One of the Fireside series books that I found irritating was, "Crossing the River." I was surprised at "Ramtha's(TM) tone toward "his/her" people after I had read the White Book, which was so loving. Maybe watching some of the DVD's where "Ramtha(TM) slips in and out of accent and reprimands the people - would help. I do remember having one but will need to go through them---ugh, not easy - but it might help to demonstrate the "confusion" that occurs just within one afternoon.

Stand tall, stand firm. We all have more to offer than JZR, since we are speaking TRUTH and not asking for $$$, or instructing others to drink sea water or invest in "omega" scams. These are some of the real issues, not attacking one another here.

Let's wipe the smirks off of GS and MW's faces - you shall not pass. Go find another timeline, or web a chipmunk. (yes, he said he brought a dead chipmunk back to life-but who was there to see it?)

Hang tough - but with understanding. I'm trying to understand those who would post from an RSE computer such vitriol - and I just continue to see a huge

Marie, again, apologies. I can only say I know it's not easy. {Marie}
And Tree - your experiences and courage are invaluable. There is no one else who can do what you are doing. {Tree}

Peace out.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

G2 -- thank you for your graciousness... No apologies needed, really, but kindly accepted... You spoke your opinion and I value your honest feelings...as I hope mine are as well...

As has been stated here before, communication between us all gets tricky sometimes, so much goes into the mix... most of it known only to ourselves... For me personally, it is an important part of who I am, that I am honest, or as honest as I can be, in my communications with other people... You don't know who you are if you can't be honest with yourself and others...I am not trying to step on others' toes or feelings as much as I am just being who I am... . Sometimes that gets me feedback I don't like.... .... But then, that's my responsibility to deal with, hopefully with graciousness as well....

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

tammy faye...

Since you started this dark humored thread..

Please tell us a little about your personal experiences and time in RSE?

I ask this because your posts are somewhat ambiguous to say the least!


Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Tree - just wanted to say, don't let 'them' win! If you don't post here anymore they will have accomplished what they came here for: shutting you up. You are obviously a threat to the status quo at rse -and I mean that as a compliment. That said, I can only imagine how hard it is to be in your shoes right now and I can totally understand if you feel you need a break. I don't mean to put any pressure on you, just want you to know that you'll be missed.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

I did not mean to be author of thread that brought out what is perceived as dark humor. Or worse, drag in ‘them vs. us’ thinking, a.k.a. ‘divide & conquer.’ Playing with an idea appears to have turned into matches; bursting into flames & all.

From sassiness to somberness. But did the light outshine the darkness? Was cooperation present? Were obstacles removed & understanding heightened thru discussion, re: emf purpose, moderation wisdom, needs of all members? did people say and do what needed to be? IMO, lively forum.

Ambiguous? I try to get us to laugh, get over ourselves a bit. (guess maybe not..) I have done my time as ‘ramster’, Spent maybe 8-9 thousand enlightenment dollars there. Although time has passed, nlp trigger sensitivity still surprises me occasionally. The physical nausea I felt after reading ryder/kosmos was a surprise. That’s the difference between having been there and being ‘related’ to the school thru another. And, I have learned to see the wisdom in moderator intervention.

So much for spoofs. No crying over spilt milk though

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

The internet can be a strange place. (The ranch IS a strange place)!

We don't hear vocal inflection. We only see the black words on the white screen - no grays within the words - and that can be a problem with anything. (unless a site allows changing colors, etc.)

I love sarcasm, and a dry sense of humour. The best we can do in the here and now is use those "emoticons." Tammy, your sense of humour has not gone unnoticed. (Although I initially didn't "get it" myself!)

Yes, the internet is a strange-and wonderful-"place." Interesting when one asks, "where does it exist?"

Off to my Monty Python DVD's.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year


nudge nudge wink wink...say no more ...say no more..

Have a wonderful weekend everyone....keep it light...and stay safe one and all..

spam...spam spam...spam...

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year


Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

This website is infiltrated at present. There are insincere postings from a number of "writers."

Under these conditions I am not interested in participating.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Christel - the "spam - a -lot" is in reference to a Broadway show about Monty Python. That's what I was referring to.

I believe the site is infiltrated with RSE's as well. The moderators, I'm sure, have a grasp on what's going on.


Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Hi G2G, My comment had nothing to do with anything you wrote whatsoever as I know from your writings you are most sincere to the best of your ability as are many other posters.

I was referring to posts that are insincere as nonsensical such as the one that initiated this thread.

Tammy Faye stated at the biginning fo this thread that her heart is breaking and mascara is running everywhere. Whom do you know that wears a lot of mascara?

Could it be the best way to hide is to reveal yourself in plain view?

There are other nonsensical looking posts on this site that have double meanings.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Christel – its called double entendre, is a figure of speech similar to the pun, in which a spoken phrase can be understood in either of two ways. This can be as simple as a phrase which has two mutually exclusive meanings, and is thus a clever play on words.

And no, TF is not Judy-in-disguise w/diamonds. Sorry. The two are similar as religious corporation ‘babes’ proselytizing their version of gospel (teachings) and then all flagrant wealth & consumption. And of course, the serious mis-use of mascara. As a female figurehead of the Christian Right for so many years, she ended up in prison and now, dead. (will similarities continue?)

TF is a symbol of the craziness of Belief Systems, Inc. where people’s money is captured by high flyers that cast a net on the hopeful. Whether redemption, salvation or enlightenment, religion and spirituality is big business and always has been.

I looked back on posts from the first 6 months of 07 –, humor, puns, sarcasm, clever word plays – had me howling. And let me tell you, I needed to laugh then, as I went thru my ‘graduation’ One particularly hilarious post finally gave me the gumption to post, after months of peering in.

Given that speakers of ramthese take themselves SO seriously, ridicule seems a well targeted approach to ending flamer bull****. (1 flamer didn't like it.)

Double meanings express a quality of relating, accepting the multiple layers of understanding & the unfathomable which exist in world without walls. Rigorous disciplines, misguided breathing techniques, Mind on automatic – can make one ‘not see’ the playfulness of entendre, due to hardening of the ventricles. smile. Anyway, play on words, symbols, meaning truly not meant to be insincere, only to flame the flamers. BTW, I have always enjoyed your posts, and don’t want to make EMF feel unsafe. Sincerely, TF.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Tammy Faye posted, "I looked back on posts from the first 6 months of 07 –, humor, puns, sarcasm, clever word plays – had me howling. And let me tell you, I needed to laugh then, as I went thru my ‘graduation’ One particularly hilarious post finally gave me the gumption to post, after months of peering in."

I can relate to that. I've said it before...I read FACTNet for a long time, and made contacts with Real People via that forum - well before I ever started to post. Gee, now I can't be quiet ! LOL

THANK YOU for your clarification post, TF. I know it helped a number of people - maybe more than you realize.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Tammy Faye states it in Black and White who she really is:

"TF is a symbol of the craziness of Belief Systems, Inc. where people’s money is captured by high flyers that cast a net on the hopeful."

TM is a frequently used symbol that is indicative of the craziness of RSE. Tammy Faye (TF) states she is the symbol of the craziness. It can be easily concluded she is the one that uses the symbol for maximum advantage to the point its usage is CRAZY.

The rest speaks for itself. I have no delusions about the identity of Ms. Tammy Faye whatsoever.

Fanciful definitons more plainly put could be defined as speaking with a forked tongue.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

The original Tammy Faye was the wife of a hugely popular tele-evangelist...who was massively disgraced and booted out of his own organization...did not know she was dead. Yeah, the mascara was very overdone. Always felt badly for her, that she was the primary victim of that 'church', and she was way more loveable than her husband, and sincere in her dupedness. I don't know who Christel thinks the current 'TF' is...

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year


Our ability to trust anyone or anything outside of RSE is a major hurdle in our recovery process,
Building trust on EMF and in the “outside world” is vital in our recovery process.
It also doesn’t help that our social skills to handle even small disagreements without blowing them into a major conflict is also a result of Judith's RSE brainwashing.

Those pesky Infill traitors …
They will come and go on EMF, but they cannot succeed if our bridges of trust and truth are built stronger than the poison of the RSE betrayal.


Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Christel, you have an issue with trust. You didn't trust me either and I know I am sincere and exactly who I claim to be. I believe the poster TF is also sincere. Everyone isn't a member of RSE out to infiltrate EMF.

I understand how difficult it is to trust when your trust has been so abused but you only harm yourself when you approach honest caring sincere people with feelings of distrust. Perhaps part of your healing process is to learn to trust again and not see Ramsters behind every post.

And no I haven't had direct experience of the lies and deception of RSE but I have had my trust in people severely tested so I can relate to your experience in that way.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

This is a link on Tammy Faye Baker Messner - and a photograph - for those who might not be aware of her past history (it describes a bit of it.)


I thought it might be helpful for those who are not in the US and might not be aware of exactly "TF" was, as well as the scandal back when.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

So what can I say, Doll, that would convince you that I am not who you think I am?

My options today were:

1. do: nothing: always a good choice.

2. say: I’m bonafide: D knows who I am.

3. make: a new nomination for Handicap Poster Child of the Year, cause you are being judgmental, self-agitating. Fear IS interfering with the ability to analyze this stuf.

4. ask you to think about it: WHY would JZ compare herself to someone who went to prison for misconduct, while spewing rhetoric & getting rich? Who might actually have been your idol? (when destitute, abused & a fearful child?) And, then, call yourself a tramp? hummmmm...

So just for the record, I am not a flamer. I responded with sensitivity. I apologized if I made anyone feel unsafe. (Flamers don’t apologize.)

If the rse prez is reading, Tammy Faye hits home...causes a deep, involuntary shutter. TF was on Larry King the night before she died, all skin & bones, with big hair & mascara. YEA – who does that remind you of?

So maybe, hon, you sensed the closeness of the comparison & just got scared too. But some posts might not be for you. They may be for someone looking thru the looking glass...

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

I don't support pro RSE commentary and Tammy Faye has plainly written a statement to indicate she is the head of the RSE corporation.....without the diamonds of course.

I personally am unaware if JZ wears diamonds. I have never encountered it.

Clearly Ramtha does not write on the internet. So the statement that "TF is the symbol of RSE" can well be concluded to mean JZ Knight.

The negation that Tammy Faye is not JZ in fact just states it is not she with the diamonds. It does not state it is not she without them.

JZ is the entertainer of the ages and wears a very thick mask of pretentiouness. She lives a luxurious lifestyle on the purses of others.

Based on past performance do you think it is likely at some point JZ might infiltrate this website and if so what sort of job do you think she might do of it given her background of experience?

I have no interest in "trusting" people who's dialogue indicates they support criminal activities.

To save the tedium of the response that in fact there has not yet been sufficient evidence to convict Ms.Knight I will just say, "How long does it take to bring a criminal to justice and just how many people are going to ardently defend their belief system tied up with that criminal until conviction actually occurs?"

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Tammey Faye is posting with a great modicum
of innuendo and humor.
Sorry to think you think it is J Zed.
She would NEVER be so open.

Greg and Mike are her mouthpieces.
I am so sorry you miss the humor in all of this.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Christel you are way off the mark. Don't you understand Tammy Faye's humour? Take a step back and read again.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Christel - I actually don't think JZ is clever enough to manage to masquerade on this forum and not blow her own cover. How much credit are you giving her...? Plus, maybe she has learned some internet etiquette in the last few years but if anyone recalls, she used to make a point of spelling all her posts IN CAPS on the old rse forum. Even if she's dropped that very annoying habit, her way with words would be easy to pick. Hm, now I'm getting suspicious of TF's 'doll' reference...

You are obviously entitled to your opinion and suspicions but from this angle it does look like a bit of paranoia. Then again, in theory you may be right... who knows, we have been fooled before...

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year


I have met our mysterious poster "tammy faye".
I can assure you she is not an RSE infiltrator,
infact she has been very supportive of EMF.


Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Tammy Faye Rocks!!!!!

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Thanks for clearing that up David, I think I was starting to doubt my own arguments, lol!

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

My feel is that JRZ is so ticked off at this forum, she would in no manner be able to contain herself and would be exhibiting a hissy fit worthy of an academy award. Even if she posted after a teaquila or two, one would think she'd be even angrier.
I don't think she is typing - yet. She's either got MW or GS or some of the others she's recruiting to post the off-topic and attacking posts.

She's also probably spitting nails - the ones she chew off.

Just my opinion. One has to wonder if MW and GS are accurately feeding her the info as written, since GS has once before admitted not being honest with her since she had much to "deal with."

Does anyone think she'd be able to keep her cool, right here among us? Her pronunciation is off from what I'm accustomed to as well, and I'm willing to venture her spelling skills are not right on. I'm not saying she's stupid; obviously, she's quite intelligent - but is indeed emotional. Just my opinion again.

(maybe could float an iceburg down that way by focusing - just to cool off)

okay, apologies for the attempted humor.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

JZ's spelling isn't stellar. Not a criticism, just stating what's been said, and seen. Curiously, Ramthimher also said s/he couldn't spell, so wouldn't write when doing a teaching via the white board.

However, having said that, if she wanted to post directly, she could always use a spell checker.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

It appears that David has evidence that Tammy Faye is not JZ thus I apologize for unjust accusations as I have no interest in supporting any sort of injustice whatsoever.

There is also nothing that would surprise me about the lengths RSE would go to to protect their interests.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Thanks for the info G2G.... I have never heard of the other Tammy Faye thus what others perceive as humour is lost on me for that reason alone.

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

Christel - I was looking for a "skit" a long-running comedy show, "Saturday Night Live" did on the Tammy Faye/James Baker scandal, under their segments of "church chat" with "church lady"/comedian Dana Carvey. No disrespect to the now deceased Tammy Faye, but the skit was really humourous. The cast involved was Dana Carvey, Jan Hooks, and Phil Hartman, and Jan Hooks as "Tammy Faye" gushed mascara-tinted tears while they blamed "satan" for all that took place.

It's got to be online somewhere. I have it in my old SNL archives, but it's copyrighted so I can't youtube or googlevideo the thing. It would give you a perspective of the news of that day, and what the posting "Tammy Faye" is referring to.

It's so nice we can all communicate across the oceans - sometimes the events in our own countries and jokes in accordance just don't cross the seas with our intent. I remember calling someone from another culture, (didn't know their name) "Hey, Buddy?" and they were deeply offended, when I intended to be friendly.

Then I bought the book, "Don't touch the Monkeys."

Very informative! (for me)

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

(I know this is a bit off-topic, but in relation to explaining who the real-life Tammy Faye was, this is the Saturday Night Live skit I was searching for)

For those who haven't seen it, I finally found the old "Saturday Night Live" skit of the late Tammy Faye Baker Messner, with Dana Carvey in the skit, "Church Chat." It's a collection of skits online, begins with a Jimmy Swaggart impersonation, then Tammy Faye and James Baker (Jan Hooks and Phil Hartman) interviewed by Dana Carvey (as the "Church Lady." It begins at around marker 5:06 or so.
Tammy and her famous mascara and tears - may she rest in peace - or continue to evolve.


Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

I know it is "off topic" but I just have to pass on this joke:

Question: Do you know where they found Jimmy Hoffa's body?

Answer:It was under Tammy Baker's makeup!

Re: Handicap Poster of the Year

G2G - I used to watch SNL just to see Dana Carvey do all his skits, esp. 'Church Lady.' And to think he was able to have that sarcasm on national TV in the late 80s-90s? wow. Thanks for 'bringing it down from the Mind of God'- reinvented as a way of sharing context, understanding re: TF to our emfers around the globe.

And N - the Hoffa joke - too much, and very sick Americana humor. Quite enthno-centric - try explaining that one to Christel!