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Re: Bill Cooper - Behold a Pale Horse

I find this hard to believe..
but let's say, You KNEW that Bill Cooper visited JZ.
Why 1) would she entice the visit?
why 2) would she not more proclaim, his activities as honorable and knowing?

what? SHE knew that HE knew,
that SHE/HE was a fraud???

Re: Bill Cooper - Behold a Pale Horse

Bill Cooper's material was heavily influential in the early years of RSE.

Whilst we were told "not to fear" the nature of the material circulating was horrific:

"William Cooper declared that he could confirm "150 per cent" of the ‘Lear Hypothesis’; a paper by John Lear containing allegations of the US Government’s alliance with ETs who, in exchange for advanced alien technology, were ‘allowed’ to abduct unwilling human subjects for experimentation and the harvesting of biological material."

Ramtha did say that the aliens were taking people and eating them.
Bill Cooper's message supported that.

He also stated the the US government had fired on an alien nation and the aliens weren't too happy about it.

The New World Order, UFO conspiracies, technology conspiracies were the food for the mind for quite some time.

The Philadelphia experiment was mentioned by Ramtha as having actually occurred.

Zaccharia Sitchin spoke at the ranch about his books " The Earth Chronicles." That was about the Nefilim, or "those who came from above" coming to earth and using humanity to fight their (aliens) family wars.

Alex Collier spoke at the ranch. He was supposedly in contact with Andromedan's. This presentation was not particularly fearful but rather speculative as there was actually no evidence to prove anything he was saying.

Many students were in complete confusion. On the one hand they were told, "never fear anything" and on the other if they did not take action to "prepare for the days to come" then they were most unwise.

After one stern delivery in the arena by Ramtha to store food and get cracking I knew one very sincere student who had nothing. She could barely afford her rent. She had few possessions and did not have the capacity to do anything about her situation at all.

Students were told to own their own land and "be sovereign" .... meaning not to be at anyone's mercy.

However when you stored food those that were hungry might come looking for it so people were to store firearms.

18 years later mountains of that food has been wasted or thrown to the chooks. (translation - chickens)

Students were told that given the state of the world and what was coming in the future the most important thing above all was the "Great Work." It was more important than one's family.

Many student's were terrified that if they survived that their families would die.

A student I know of separated from her husband and took with her their 8 year old daughter. The daughter was terrified that her daddy would die in the earth changes as he was not with them and not a student.

This sort of material and the abundance of it influenced students into making decisions they would never normally make. After all if one pays for education one expects an honest representation of knowledge.

In hindsight it looks ridiculous to ever have believed this stuff.

Re: Bill Cooper - Behold a Pale Horse

.....and abhorrent that children are emotionally traumatized by hearing the stories/teachings about the upcoming (that never arrives) doom and gloom teachings.

Children, watching adults scurrying about, planning for the doom and gloom's arrival. That's abusive, imo, being exposed to all of that.

The WA STATE DEPT OF CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES needs to dig deeper into that school. Perhaps they already are.

Re: Bill Cooper - Behold a Pale Horse

I followed Cooper's career since his book Behold a Pale Horse came out. I met him at a book signing at the New Age bookstore "The Ark" in Santa Fe NM. He was not drunk at the time, quite affable, a big bear of a guy, but clearly off his nut--a real nutcase when I let him babble away about his conspiracy theories and ufo visions. I just smiled and nodded as if I was interested. He signed my copy of his book..
