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Re: Somebody named Greg Simmons demonstrating why he doesn't really believe "you create your own rea

Does anyone know if this "Dr. Greg" character has an MD or a PHD or any advanced degree from a real school that would permit him to call himself a doctor?

What is he a doctor of?

Re: Somebody named Greg Simmons demonstrating why he doesn't really believe "you create your own rea

Doctor Spin!

Without the likes of Greg Simmons...
The RSE cult would have floundered years ago,
His partnership with Judith is symbiotic in nature insomuch they both feed off the lives of others with no empathy ethics or conscience, he is a master salesman... selling faith that leads to betrayal and heartbreak.

Others have had the sense to see and flee..,
Why are you still there Greg..?


Re: Somebody named Greg Simmons demonstrating why he doesn't really believe "you create your own rea

All I know is he attended the University of Pittsburgh for
a four-year degree. Don't know much after that.

One can always look online to see if he has a "license" in
some area, but I believe that might only be health pros.

I don't remember reading anything about his having a Phd.,
and with his ego, I'd think it would be right out there.

Re: Somebody named Greg Simmons demonstrating why he doesn't really believe "you create your own rea

Greg Simmons has no credentials, neither an MD nor Phd which support his use of the term "Dr."

It's all illusion...

Re: Somebody named Greg Simmons demonstrating why he doesn't really believe "you create your own rea

I mentioned it before,
when I met him in Yucca Vally in He was from New York and was a realestate saleman

Re: Somebody named Greg Simmons demonstrating why he doesn't really believe "you create your own rea

And until I left the in 1997 that all he ever was The Dr in front of his name was a big suprise to mee

Re: Somebody named Greg Simmons demonstrating why he doesn't really believe "you create your own rea

Intersting the level of fear is so great that this blowhard "Dr. Greg" has assumed the mantle of a degree without the training or even so much as an indication as to what he is an expert in and people at the RSE are so COWED they don't question him on this??

It might even be illegal

I think JZ Knight owes a whole lot more to her lawyers than to this blowhard Dr.Greg for the thriving reality of her business.

Her lawyers are very skilled, obviously.

Re: Somebody named Greg Simmons demonstrating why he doesn't really believe "you create your own rea

Strictly speaking it is illegal, it's fraud.

Anyone who refers to himself as "Dr." when he isn't is an expert at one thing: scamming!

And he has trained with the best!

Re: Somebody named Greg Simmons demonstrating why he doesn't really believe "you create your own rea

he does NOT have an honorary degree, from ANY university.
He has a BA.4 yr degree

Re: Somebody named Greg Simmons demonstrating why he doesn't really believe "you create your own rea

Re: 'Dr. annotation' is much to do about nothing. The Beyond the Ordinary.net radio gals coined him 'Dr. Greg' as he had a weekly call-in show where people could get answers to their questions. Like Dr. Phil, Dr. Laura, etc. Since he self-published a book that r told him to write he is getting more attention. You could consider him to be an organizational proctologist...:0

I agree with whoever indicated he was the behind the scenes wiz in sales & marketing.. His Tony Robbins experience, another NLP org in NY & scientology tour make him key to survival in a dog eat dog new age market. Read this MARKETING blurb from Prophet's Conference and PUKE. If you think Judith wrote this, thnk again.

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

"The ultimate mystery of one’s life is one’s own awareness and existence. The needfulness of Deity/God is in essence, the search for our Self and its purpose. The idea that environment is somehow the staging area to fulfill this mystery is a concept whose time has come…." --JZ Knight

JZ KNIGHT has joined the amazing and powerful faculty
coming together in Los Angeles for the Manifesting A Rich Life Conference November 9-11 at the Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City.

JZ Knight has had tongues wagging, heads shaking, and minds bending for almost three decades. Through her profound teachings she has led thousands of people out of mundane lives and led them into remarkable ones. This truth teller minces no words when it comes to teaching humanity how to shift realities, and she makes no secret about it.

Whether she is talking creating reality on the Larry King Show, talking about quantum physics in the movie, What The Bleep, or teaching millions world wide through the channeling of the Ascended Master Teacher Ramtha, JZ Knight has been a powerhouse for conquering
the War of Positive vs. Negative.

She is the President of The Ramtha School of Enlightenment in Washington State hosting over 10,000 people from the United States and 26 foreign countries. JZ is considered by many religious experts and historians to be one of the most charismatic, remarkable, and challenging spiritual leaders of the modern age. Through the JZ Knight Humanities Foundation, Knight has donated over a million dollars to 200 graduating high-school seniors so that they may pursue their educational goals.

Speaking at The Prophets Conference Sedona, May 2007
Your Time Tile of Wealth by JZ Knight

We have become strangers to our true self, to the God that lives within us and is us. We have forgotten our true creative nature and instead seek for help, meaning and redemption from a divine source outside of ourselves.

You are God who possesses, within the silence of your being, the ability to think, create and become whatever you want to become, for you are, in this moment, precisely what you chose to be, and no one has stayed your hand in becoming it. You are the lawgiver, the supreme creator of your life and life circumstances. You are indeed the supreme ruler of an all-wise intelligence that you have failed to fully realize in this and many other lives.

A thought is an ultimate creator. Whatever you think and then allow yourself to feel becomes the reality of your life. Thought is the true giver of life that never dies and can never be destroyed. You have used it to think yourself into life, for it is your link to the mind of God. God only knows life. So you get what you speak. You are what you think. You are what you conclude.

God is love. Love is the act of always giving. God never takes, only gives. God is incapable of judgment. God is incapable of judging you, hating you or condemning you. There is no such thing. There is only allowing. God allows you to be and to create for yourself anything you wish, yet never judges. To know what love is, is to open up and give. When you learn to love yourself, you will give to yourself not things, but freedom. You will cease judging yourself as being a failure or a success. You will cease feeling guilty about your past, because you will never have a future as long as you are anchored in guilt. You will give up your enemies because when you give them up, they give you up. Loving yourself is forgiving yourself. God is love because God gives you every day of your life and supports you with the energy necessary to create life.

NOW IS THE TIME AND OPPORTUNITY FOR US to really get it together when JZ along with Lynne Twist, Dan Millman, Hale Dwoskin, Bob Doyle, John Hagelin, Arnold Patent, Marci Shimoff, Howard Martin, Gay Hendricks, Rhonda Britten, Niurka, Rick Jarow, Lisa Nichols, Janet Attwood, and Rev. Wendy Craig-Purcell create for us new avenues to travel leading into our becoming truly powerful beings. We then take it home to others, we stay the course, and make positive change manifest in all and everything that we touch.

So much for the ramsters seeing 'their teacher' at the last follow-up - 'their channel' will be in LA.. see and be seen

Re: Somebody named Greg Simmons demonstrating why he doesn't really believe "you create your own rea

Dr. Phil and Dr. Laura are trained psychologists who have earned the designation Dr.

Greg has earned nothing and is intentionally misleading the public. If Beyond The Ordinary Radio bestowed the title on him he was free to say no but he didn't.

And "Ramtha" "teaches" about integrity! Love to hear Greg talk his way out of this one - perhaps he can be asked in a radio interview!

Re: Somebody named Greg Simmons demonstrating why he doesn't really believe "you create your own rea

Virtual, actually, Dr. Laura isn't a doctor of psychology. Her doctorate was in physiology.

Re: Somebody named Greg Simmons demonstrating why he doesn't really believe "you create your own rea

"JZ is considered by many religious experts and historians to be one of the most charismatic, remarkable, and challenging spiritual leaders of the modern age."

um.....can you name "the many" historians and experts? or did you just do a big marketing scheme and post in wikipedia how
big you really are? and where is the documented evidence?hmmmmmmm?

" Through the JZ Knight Humanities Foundation, Knight has donated over a million dollars to 200 graduating high-school seniors so that they may pursue their educational goals."

RSE keeps saying this and using this as a tactic of how generous she is.
When was that last actual donation by this foundation? I believe it was way before this millenium.
Nothing like living on the laurels of a past, that you are now preaching there is no past.

What a load of crap.

Re: Somebody named Greg Simmons demonstrating why he doesn't really believe "you create your own rea

FYI- "DR Laura" Schlessinger is not a trained Psychologist. Not by a long shot. Her Phd is in Physiology. Google her kid Deryk Schlessinger it will blow your doors off.

Re: Somebody named Greg Simmons demonstrating why he doesn't really believe "you create your own rea

I find it amusing that the Dr Laura camp is saying the left wingers planted that stuff about Deryk.
I find her self-pontificating just
"Fruit doesn't fall far from the tree."

Re: Somebody named Greg Simmons demonstrating why he doesn't really believe "you create your own rea

Laura Schlessinger's appearance in Utah last week included a visit with Army families at Fort Douglas. In an interview with The Tribune, she said, "We raised our son to be a warrior."

Well, don't that sound familiar?

Luke Skywalker - "I want to be a great warior like my father."
Yoda - "War does not make one great."

Re: Somebody named Greg Simmons demonstrating why he doesn't really believe "you create your own rea

"Greg has earned nothing and is intentionally misleading the public. If Beyond The Ordinary Radio bestowed the title on him he was free to say no but he didn't".

Classic con. The assumed authority, It goes a long way.