Enlighten Me Free


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The White Book

I can only imagine this title was a spin off the Beatle's White album

anyway, there are three versions.
The original,
the second, more expanded,
and a third, including diagrams of beginner's events.

All three versions are different.

Upon asking why she left RSE one lady replied “because the White Book told me to.”

Excerpt taken from the original White Book, page 27, paragraph 2.

“So I, Ramtha, am not the standard from which to draw your ideal. You cannot understand the mystery of yourself through me,
only through knowledge. The purpose of this teaching is to instill, through knowledge and experience, a steadfast knowingness within you who will seek out the Unknown God…and realize it is yourself. And that is your journey -and yours alone-for it is your life and yours alone. Teacher I am, splendid; but the ideal I am not. That you have made your way to this teaching, I am indeed pleased, but you shall not linger here.”

Re: The White Book

Hi Tree,

I once met someone a few years back and he said he was the person who re-wrote the transcripts for the white book as one did not understand what Ramtha was actually saying as his language was kind of weird and they had to re-write it so that everyone could understand what he was saying ???????? - I didn't ask him much about it at the time as I was not interested at all in Ramtha although I did have the white book and did enjoy it - wish i knew where this man is now as i am sure he would have some wonderful stories to tell - i at the time, wondered why he wasn't still connected with the ram if he loved all the material so much - it seems he had the one of the first videos ever made - he invited me several times to come watch it but i didn't care to......