Enlighten Me Free


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Re: I Love my Life

"After being in these types of groups for a long time I reqalized there seemed to be no true peace within most of the students. They were so focused in DOING SOMETHING... OUTSIDE of just BEING SELF... that it seems a whole world was being missed during that process."

Utterly agreed. yet, the whole while in the group, thinking we were doing that.
I think it is not until one steps away that one actually has the ability to
actually BE...day to day.
An amazing eye opener, for sure.

Re: I Love my Life

The ‘tools’ and personality patterns/ issues we had when we entered into JZ’s world define the framework through which we experience being in, and leaving JZ’s world. Some of us remained ‘grounded’ in a world outside of judy’s; some of us had spiritual “tools”/ understandings, ‘practices’, ways of perceiving prior to our Ramtha journey – and were not, therefore, financially impoverished, or spiritually devastated upon ‘waking up’. Some of us, many if not most of us, had already experienced abuse in one form or another prior to Ramtha – from my perspective, we already had a ‘pattern’ of being abused. Our involvement with judy fed on that pattern, magnified it – and some of us finally screamed ENOUGH!.. Some of us left relationships, and some of us didn’t. Some of us left our homes and homeland, some of us didn’t. All of us came sincere – even if our intentions differed – Some came to be better enabled to help the world be a better place, to become the Christed Being they were meant to be; some came to gain ‘powers’/ psychic abilities; some came to learn how to be better tyrants. Most of us came and stayed because finally here was a place where we were made to believe we belonged – no matter our socio-economic status, education, nationality, job or career or religious background, we were all ‘out of the box’ thinkers. Most of us learned something, even to the point that I, for instance, consider some of my learnings as Great Gifts that continue to feed, encourage support enlighten me. Praise God, I say, if you are happy Tashlo, who am I to question that. At the same time, from one perspective, none of the above matters. Consider: a company sells tainted meat – some people eat it and their bodies handle it and they’re fine; some eat it and get sick, then better; some eat it and die a horrible painful death. Does it make it ok for the company to sell tainted meat because some people didn’t get sick, or die? Just because I learned something while participating in ramthaland doesn’t change the facts that we were served ‘tainted meat’. This message board more than adequately describes the out of control taint. Denotesmeaning has certainly provided eloquent summaries of the taint. Christel has more than adequately showed us the legal language of the tainted-ness. Those who established this message board believe that even one person getting sick, let alone one person dying from their ingesting JZK Inc.’s tainted food is too many; nor do they/I believe that the sick and dead “created it”, or deserved the consequences of their sincere belief that they were being fed holy food.