Enlighten Me Free


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Re: Does it really matter if JZ Knight is a fraud?

At one of the events, they showed "James" doing "blue body dance in a video. It was very different from the way my group was taught initially by Kareem. "James" was so, for lack of a better word, yucky. "I feel it in my hands, my hands are so hot" - He's not exactly Chippendale material, and there he was doing a rather sexual/extremely sensuous rendition of the "dance." I was almost embarrassed with the children in audience, and it made me feel very uncomfortable.


I feel better after finally getting that out. Mr. Yuk!

Re: Does it really matter if JZ Knight is a fraud?

A feloow student was renting in a house with three other people. One morning one of those people went to work and not far from this rentied house saw someone lying down on the ground.

She got out and found that a young German student whom she knew by sight but not personally had shot herself.

No one I know of is certain of the reason but I cold understand the terrible effect of burning one's bridges in one's own country and the poverty stricken misery of living like a refugee, illegally and then having blame heaped upon you for not "manifesting" could easily lead to that.

Another person I knew well in the early years told me she went to her required which was the secondary group.

During her event students heard that a student (not in her group) had committed suicide. The story was that advanced students were told to go on a 40 day fast in their own homes and this person could not handle it. They also shot themselves.

She told me JZ got on stage at her event and denied it had anything to do with RSE.

Re: Does it really matter if JZ Knight is a fraud?

yes it matters.a planed fraud like it looks she is should get confronted and stoped.a nutcase deserves some sympathy and for shure help.inocent entangeld in her own sureal belive [i just wanna be like seecooky]???i dont buy it no matter how many snakeoil seller stand up for her.