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Re: Apocalypsis throughout history

Thank you, Morgana - the list gives real perspective to all dooms-day-ers throughout the ages.

It makes even more humorous the subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) arrogance of 'the new chosen' - the unabashed strunting about, the self-importance of being the ones who will save the human race...THEIR wisdom. Especially funny are those saving seeds who have never bothered to grow anything before..

It is just SO bizarre to see people buying tons of cheap canned goods - most have already done this at least once before and threw it all away due to spoilage.. !! The lack really comes out when people are stockpiling stuff away. Like a dog burying a bone, they get kinda squirrelly. With a whole community doing it..omg.

Maybe the next teaching will be to just start eating massive quantities and everybody get real FAT. No spoilage or storage problems. Some of the older women are already on to this strategy I think. 'Course, with all the fatties, they would have to re-draw the space lines in the arena... dancing to the oldies would *NOT* be pretty and actually a bit dangerous !

Re: Apocalypsis throughout history

No, don't get fat...nononono...if food stores run out you will be the first to be eaten.
But Ramtha, as Morgana pointed out, does not have an exclusive on prophecies of doom...many of us grew up in a time when our neighbours were building bomb shelters. And, when we moved into my Granpa's huge old house, you could have lived sealed up in that basement - it had absolutely everything you could possibly need or want to live out a nuclear winter, including food stores...and, ever heard of a house in Kansas without a storm cellar?...nothing wrong with being prepared...and with global warming and the aftereffects of the Tsunami, freak weather situations, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and volcanic erruptions really do seem to be becoming more frequent...I think though, that there will not be a sudden end....and, the Mayan predictions may have something to do with their knowledge of astronomy, and calculations to predict sunspot and solar flare activities, which really are going to increase in 2012...but, still, I think humanity will survive.

Re: Apocalypsis throughout history

And another thing, that whole C & E breath thing they have people doing, only cuts you off from your ‘true self’ and disconnects you from the Earth. The three lower chakars are just as important, and if you cut them off, you lose grounding and make yourself acceptable to anything suggested; outside of your own suggestions.

Anytime you know something good is about to happen or you desire something good in your life, you feel that butterfly feeling in your gut (for most of you, it was knowing you’re about to attend your first beginners retreat) --- that’s a good feeling, and that’s the energy and excitement to draw your desire to your closer. Like expecting something, or a UPS package; a date; going on vacation; meeting someone for the first time; moving into your new home; meeting the love of your life; receiving money; you feel the excitement of it. Or the opposite of that like having to process an experience you don’t know how the outcome may be; like a child custody case.

Honestly, when something soooo good enters your life or you –say— find something so dear, or a person you’ve not seen in a while shows up: where do you feel that warm fuzzy feeling first? –in the third/gut/solar plexus chakra. And if it’s an small object or thing we found or desire, we hold it (and feel it) close between our third and fourth chakra, and go….ah, thank you GOD.

And the base chakra is for keeping you grounded (to the Earth) so that you don’t go flying off too high in the mind, and you know what’s going on in your world, thus, not allowing other things to be implanted into your mind, while in that suggestive state.

That’s how people get lost in these cultist groups, because their crown chakra is wide open for anything to be implanted into it, and also the heart chakra so that the love of the master teacher/guru is instilled. We all have that ‘resonance’ inside us that keeps telling us to use sound right reasoning, but you’re told that it’s your old nero-nets putting up a fight to stay in control.

I’ve created more desires by utilizing my solar plexus third chakra (feeling good and excited there) and grounding with the base chakra (giving thanks and being grounded to Mother Earth), then this other method they teach. The joy I feel in the top four chakras is when my desire is unfolded, accompanied by the excitement in my third chakra. Don’t cut off your lower three charkas, and don’t let nobody convince you that it’s wrong to have lower three charkas open and balanced, in a world where power and control runs rampant. Keep all charkas open, spinning, and balanced.

Have you ever notice how many people who were adept with their intuition, and psychic abilities, and creating their desires, suddenly lose or struggle with getting that ability back after RSE’s C&E technique?

Peace and Joy and go out (or within) and do what feels ‘good.’ Yes, what feels GOOD. So long as it’s in agreement, harmony, and is mutual with you and the person, place, thing, time, and/or event, you want to do it with. If you’re an adult, you don’t need nobody’s permission. GOD doesn’t even ask you for its’ permission.

I got this from 'David MaCarthy' post "The Penny Torres Ramtha clone Mafu Video link," Apr 4th, 2007 - 11:23 AM, and again it reminds me that people have to be careful when attaching onto these so-called ascended channeled beings. I mean, this hoax was intentionally put together, and I saw how people were willing to follow.

A must see again, for anyone new here and/or refresher:

Re: Apocalypsis throughout history

Oh my stars! I'm so at a loss for words, I shouldn't even be typing here. I read something about JZ's first manager quitting after she discovered J "rehearsing Ramtha" (TM). Since that was long before I heard of the great and powerful JR, can anyone fill me in?

Thing is, I never heard of "Ramtha (TM)" prior to seeing "What the Bleep." I would LOVE to see the real, full-length interviews, instead of the RSE edited ones.

Re: Apocalypsis throughout history

I honestly do not think she would release them.....
maybe someone has a bootleg copy

Re: Apocalypsis throughout history


There are quite a few instances when various people have claimed to see JZ "practicing" the role of Ramtha. Needless to say, it was disconcerting to them.

That would make a good thread topic, so folks can cite the instances of that happening.

Re: Apocalypsis throughout history

Thanks, Whatcha. Do you know if the people who saw her "rehearsing" remained in the school? Or was it another one of those 'just shrug shoulders and accept what you're told.'