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Hey Jude - a few questions for you

Just a few questions for you, JR. Why do you put Mother Theresa down because she chose to help people die with dignity? It's in your books 'Changing the Timeline of Our Destiny," page 39 of the Fireside Series. It was also alluded to during the wine episode in July something akin to 'why would a woman- someone devote their lives to the poor' not the exact words but its not the first time I have heard it or read it. Mother Theresa was a woman full of compassion. JR in a video chastised the audience for a list of things and one of them was compassion. So your recent invitation to the United Nations on the vision you and Ramtha (copyrighted) have on peace doesn't involved compassion?

Another question. When something fails to manifest it is the responsibility of the person who is focusing or not focusing. Yet in another video either onsite and-or perhaps in readin, JR as Ramtha (copyrighted) said again not direct quote but close in relation to our 'thoughts matter', "a woman is raped - one has to wonder what her fantasies were." I was disgusted to hear such a thing. Are you blaming the woman then? Tell this to the UN regarding all the women and children who have been raped in genocide. Did they fantasize and manifest their own rape?

We are instructed to 'become' what we say on the field because saying without becoming does the opposite. Alrighty. So if I say I am dirt poor and don't feel it will I reap the opposite as in fantastic wealth?

Very confusing particularly when women have been raped on your property and nothing has been done. Was it your fault as a child what happened to you? I don't think so. It's the responsibility of the perversion of mind of the one who violated you and my heart goes out to you for this.

There are questions and incidents on this forum that demand answers that are not starry-eyed. Rape is one of them. Telling people to prepare and injest toxic substances is another. Hitting people and humiliating them in front of their child is another. Telling students they are individual gods yet insisting they become one mind is yet another using subliminals and other mind control techniques. The Omega is another. Children in the audience hearing vulgarisms is another. Shaming people into spending money on an event when they can't affort their rent is another as per the recent incident with the reserved seats. Why did Ramtha (copyrighted) come out and shame the people? That is directly hypocritical of his teachings in the early days.

Do I sound judgmental? It's simply intelligent discernment via observations. I kept my mind intact, for I am my own higher essence and you shall not pass.

Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you

I was recently at a beginning group around a month ago and
people had a mixed reaction. It was not Seattle.
I thought the thing could be more profound if I went to the Seattle location. My wife is a newer student at the school and is wavering after her last time up and was in Seattle for a retreat last fall. Is there anything we can do about these abuses to bring attention to this ? I sure as **** am not going to another event. People can suspend their beliefs for a time to experience something new but I'm reading suspension of all doubt all the time. Why isn't the law on this or news programs? Why are the early events prepared to look as a fun experience?
Who do I write to? This is exploitation of trusting people. It's an abomination!

Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you

Hi G2G, thankyou for this fantastic post. Yes, I absolutely agree with you there is much to be answered for in this tangled web of contradictions and false claims.

Do you think your ever going to get an answer???

If what J/R has taught in regards to light reviews then Judy should surely enjoy hers!

Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you

Do I sound judgmental? It's simply intelligent discernment via observations...

This word Judgmental is a BIG HOOK in these groups it is a word that will STOP your abiity to experience... evaluate and expand.

In our life in this world.... Expiernce.... Evaluation and Expansion is the process we each go through from the moment we are bord ... it is the very cor of our self expressing.

When we are ask to No LONGER Evaluate... by imprinting and transferring the word JUDGMENT in place of Evaluation.. it is a a WAY ... to Manipulate and Control and STOP you from using your common sense.

Truly, I have been around many very mentally unbalance people who were involed in these groups.. and did WELL.. as long as their personal bank account was full... and later, as they lost their money for ONE MORE EVENT.... with the idea that THIS ONE EVENT... I will GET IT RIGHT.... when in truth the onlythng they got was the loss of their money.

This is one of those places where the word JUDGEMENT and EVALUATION of what is truly working in your life.

It is very sad to look back at thes things.

I also found many of the pepole who were involved in this group years ago... today no longer involved but still unwilling to WORK in any way... living off the the family memebers who tried to WARN THEM... but STILL... even today REFUSE to SEE CLEALY what destruction has happened to them.

The PROGRAMMING even after one leaves these groups is very STRONG.... after all, it is GOD.... so to speak that they are leaving... and who wants to be on bad terms with God.... Smile.

Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you

"and who wants to be on bad terms with God...?

It's better to be on bad terms with God..
Than good terms with the devil.

dark chuckle..


Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you

"I also found many of the people who were involved in this group years ago... today no longer involved but still unwilling to WORK in any way... living off the the family memebers who tried to WARN THEM... but STILL... even today REFUSE to SEE CLEALY what destruction has happened to them."

honestly, I think people are just unaware and uneducated about these matters.
It was not until two weeks ago that I finally "realized" for myself, how destructive it is. And I was talking to someone about my situation yesterday, I felt another layer revealed and I almost keeled over.
Another one hit me today.How totally destructive it is to the mind...and to think I raised a child in that environment!
Thank god for what my friend calls my sincerity and good sense when it comes to children.
I think once sites like this and sites like the Derron Brown thing get out, I think people will begin to see.
My heart goes out to the multitudes when the empire falls. Half of this town will REALLY be messed up and the psyche wards filled with people who cannot pay for treatment.

Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you


Clearly, you are a strong person. This will help you, as it has many of us, when we find that inner source that we have (I don't care what anyone calls it), so we can move forward.

You are so right about the people who will be so messed up when their "egg cracks", and they realize they've been duped and that their faith was misplaced. I know for a fact that there are former RSE students, family members and friends who have never been students, and area citizens, whose hearts go out to those people entrenched in that group.

I have a friend who attended only a few events when she flew out there, never to return. She'd studied the teachings for a while, and under friendly pressure for a local group who were "fans", she went.

She attended one of the beginning years' Truth Teachings. I don't have to tell you what that entailed.
She sat very near the front and watched "Ramtha" vomiting all over the stage, yelling obscenities and otherwise offense behaviors. She was so disappointed, disgusted, and shocked. "Ramtha" couldn't even walk straight. Handles that wine, eh ?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't care if Ramtha is real. If he would allow the deplorable conditions that we all talk about, IN HIS NAME to be ongoing in that school, he is a dark Lord, indeed. Not one I'm interested in learning from.

Interesting to me that the teachings include promoting "there is no hell and there is no devil."

Really ???????

Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you

i dident hear this from teresa but i was on a evening when jr critisised the dhalai lama.i was just curious who is the greater beeing one who comes back every livetime to help his people or one who waits 35000 years and has a big mouth about his own enlightenment.yes the dalai lhama wears glases and jr has only some facelifting and bulox in here lips.even the ******* yehova who let his folks 40 years through the desert for a 1 1/2houer drive in a toyota [according to ram]seems to have at least some evicentcies compared to over 20 years sucking people dry [of money]and geting nowhere.i wish for the day when jr get judged by here teached standards.thanks you all i allways felt allone on my journey back to myself but now i know i have company.

Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you

"Compared to 20 years sucking people dry of money and getting nowhere."

LOL - we got nowhere but she sure has had a good time!

How many times did Judy/ramtha use that line about Jehova leading the Jews across the desert for 40 years when in fact it's a couple of hours?

You see? She was letting us know that she's doing the same thing to us. Surprise, surprise.

Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you

I was at the event where Ramtha (copyrighted) spoke about the Dali Lama.
R said that the Dali Lama was willing to discourse him except for the fact of the Buddhists belief in the wheel of incarnation. And if it were so powerful, why would one need to wear glasses? Everyone laughed.
I was not so amused and I think very highly of a man in such a tradition that practices compassion.
( I do have a slight issue with the fact that no woman can serve in his entourage.)

Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you

I remember Ramtha commenting on Judith wearing glasses. She supposedly said that healing her eyes was the last bastion of healing.

So, it's okay for her to put it on the back burner (healing eyes to not need glasses), but it's not okay for the Dalai Lama to wear them ?


Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you

She also has a cochlear implant in her ear. Perhaps Ramtha (copyrighted) ascending instead of resurrecting in the manner Jesus did, or leaving their body as other awakened beings did such as the Buddha, Krishna and more, there is a level that is yet to be achieved. If there ever was a Ramtha (copyrighted) the early version was a gentle entity. Whatever is there now either JR acting or another entity coming through, only newbies will be feely good about it until they experience more events. This gathering place should be sent the UN where she is scheduled to present hers and Ramtha's (copyrighted) vision for world peace. Then we can see how criticizing the dalai lama and mother theresa goes over. Compassion is very large part of their legacy.

Watch her address to the womens' Global Conference-I'm not sure if this is the correct name. I didn't watch all of it. She begins repeating that women are responsible for the wars. I don't know what she says after to rectify this. I simply could not allow myself to watch what my instinct shouted that here was another 'act.' She should be nominated for an Oscar.

FYI - I just shortened the sign in name. My computer went down while I was trying to post on this board. It's 'fallen and it can't get up.' A mac. How about that. So this is a rent-a-puter.

Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you


"She also has a cochlear implant in her ear."

I'm curious about why you mentioned that ? How do you know it's true ? What reason does she have it for?

I'm really curious !

Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you

JZ's talk, "Gather the Women" on DVD is one of the strangest I've ever seen anywhere. I wondered if she was on drugs. Her eye contact is really weird and she speak in a monotone. Very strange.

Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you

''"She also has a cochlear implant in her ear."

I'm curious about why you mentioned that ? How do you know it's true ? What reason does she have it for?

I'm really curious !
Email: emailwhatchamacallit@yahoo.com''''

While Ramtha (copyrighted) was either talking or on a video at the recent Primary or march 20 question and answer session, he stated his 'channel has a cochlear implant.' I'm trying to remember where I was sitting to pinpoint the event but it was DEFINITELY during this primary or the march 20 question and answer.

as for the eyesight since she's had already cosmetic surgery then i don't understand her not having surgery to improve her vision which is a simple procedure many have. collagen lips and a facelift are okay but she has to heal her eyes? It makes no sense.
Maybe someone else out there who was at this primary can help out. I am CERTAIN it was during one of these events.

Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you

I am not surprised about her having hearing loss. Ram once told us that one of her horses was ill and she wanted to heal it and as a result of her trying to heal the horse she lost hearing in one ear. I think she "called forth" that she take on the illness that the horse had so that the horse may be relieved of it's misery.

These are my words of what I remember of the story so if someone has more accurate details please feel free to correct me.

Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you

Judith wearing glasses. -healing her eyes was the last bastion of healing.

Intresting, my EYES was one of my FIRST Healings in the 80's... that was an easy one.

I could not even pass the driving test without glasses.

I started learing OPEN EYE Meditation aroud that time... it totally corrected my eye sight.

I do not need glasses... and guess what, I passed the next DL Test WITHOUT Glasses.

Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you

Thanks for the additional info about the cochlear implant. News to me.

As for the eyesight...all I know is that I was in the audience, myself, only a few years ago and "Ramtha" said that Judith wore glasses and that she said (he allegedly commented to her about her glasses) healing her eyes was the last bastion of healing.

Just sharing ! That's all I know about it. Does it make sense in light of other things ? I sure can't explain the discrepancies.

Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you

Back in 1984 or '85 Judy spoke of problems with her hearing/ears - and attributed it to all the airline travelling she had to do for Ramtha. I think it was at the Denver Dialogue. It may even have been the excuse for her announcing that she wouldn't be doing Ramtha anymore -- which of course is a consistent pattern/sales technique - needless to say, she continued - Dialogues morphed into Intensives - Intensives morphed into "Days to Come" stuff - which morphed into Manifestation (or vice versa) - dipped into alien stuff - then morphed into RSE....

Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you

The horse story sounds like nothing more than emotional manipulation. Makes JZ look rather grand and what a sacrifice! Good Grief...

Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you

what does colic have to do with hearing loss? Pray tell....

Re: Hey Jude - a few questions for you

''''what does colic have to do with hearing loss? Pray tell.... ''''

She has a cochlear implant in her ear, which is usually something a person has done if they have a hearing problem. The cochlea is a part of the anatomy of the inner ear I believe.

Colic is what my first child had and it kept me and my spouse awake nearly all night long!.
(Please don't tell me this is another something I didn't get - I can be simple at times - -but my heart is pure.