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Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association

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Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association
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Burglary on Beachwood up from the Market

Today, December 8th at precisely 1:56 p.m. someone carefully removed five louvers from a neighbor's window (2700 block of Beachwood), climbed in and quickly set off the motion sensors installed by Edison Security. According to the computer log, this person ran through the house at least once while the ear piercing alarm was sounding. Then, went out the back door (the sensor was triggered) and came back into the house. Perhaps there was the expectation that doing so would cause the alarm to reset. When that didn't happen, with the alarm still sounding, the burglar left through that same back door. So far, the homeowner cannot find anything missing. In this particular case, the alarm worked as the would-be thief was in the home for only 24 seconds and took nothing. Tell your neighbors in Beachwood to keep vigilant and secure your windows, if possible - also, get a security system! They can and sometimes do deter the bad guy.