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Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association

This Forum is about You and Your Neighborhood. Here's the place to express your thoughts, ideas and concerns about our beautiful Beachwood Canyon.

Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association
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Crime Reported - Be on the lookout

I and my fiancee live in the 2200 block of Beachwood. We've been here for over 12 years and have experienced no crime. Until the night of June 8th. Someone, after dark, removed the rear license plate from our Camry, which was parked on Beachwood in the same block we live on. The next morning, we reported the crime to the Hollywood Police Station and went to the DMV to get new plates and registration. The maddening thing of course, is that there's little we could have done to prevent this crime. Our alarm in the car didn't go off, so they must have been very stealth about getting the plate off. The police think the thieves may have wanted the plate to match a stolen Camry they may have etc. They said they get few calls like that up here in the Hills.

Anyway, we should all keep an eye on our cars and watch for any possible crimes for ourselves and our neighbors.