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Montlake Drive in Trouble

Passing this along:

Message from Councilman LaBonge's deputy Erik Sanjurjo April 1, 2005 5pm:

At 4:25pm this afternoon, I received a call from Ron Deaton that
Montlake Drive, adjacent to Lake Hollywood has a BIG potential for a
major slide. LAPD, LAFD, DOT & DWP have been notified and the road has
been closed effective concerns of residents is
paramount. This street closure will cause major inconvenience in the
Hollywood Hills vicinity. I am on site now and water is still coming
out of the hill like a fountain (I'm on Ledgewood). LAFD is preparing a
response plan should any emergencies occur while the street is closed.

Erik Sanjurjo
Field Deputy
Hollywood/Hollywood Hills Area
6501 Fountain Avenue, Suite 87
Office of Councilmember Tom LaBonge

Re: Montlake Drive in Trouble UPDATE

Frome the City Council office:

Update on the situation at Hollywood Reservoir:
LADWP forces worked this weekend attempting to stabilize the landslide that occurred last week along the north side of the reservoir that required
closure of Lake Hollywood Drive south of Wonderview Drive and Montlake Drive east of Tahoe. The DWP Geotech engineers from WETS informed me that the
landslide is still unstable. They are hoping to have a plan soon on what course of action they are recommending to resolve the situation along with
potential options for opening up the road and by when.

Further engineering and survey is necessary to better determine the extent of the work. It is too dangerous to permit public traffic and pedestrian
access at this time. However, after working through this weekend they have found the situation to be worse than originally thought. Our Geotech
engineers do not think the site will be safe enough to permit traffic and public access until at least by the end of this week.

Once they complete their analysis and work continues at the site they will have a better idea on when the roadway can be opened. This also will include options for opening up one lane. Additional heavy equipment has been brought to the site to assist in removing the unstable soil. DWP crews from ISS, Fleet, WQO, DWP Security, and WETS Engineering, have been working since last Friday. Building and Safety, Bureau of Street Services, and Department
of Transportation have all helped out in acquiring permits and traffic control to address this situation.

The LAPD and LAFD have been contacted and are aware of the situation. The roadway can be accessed by LAFD and LAPD emergency vehicles along with DWP
equipment involved with stabilizing of the landslide. Street signs have also been placed indicating road closure. This situation has not affected service to customers. Additional information will be forthcoming.

Erik Sanjurjo
Field Deputy
Hollywood/Hollywood Hills Area
6501 Fountain Avenue, Suite 87
Office of Councilmember Tom LaBonge

Check out the worksite at Lake Hollywood

Councilman Labonge will be atTahoe Drive and Lake Hollywood this Wednesday April 13th at 5:30pm for those of you interested in touring the work site. Call Erik Sanjurjo if you plan to go at (323)957-6334.