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TDA Rocked Indy!

Well, the night came and went at Radio, Radio in Indianapolis. TDA amazed the somewhat subdued Indy crowd with a mix of well-thought-out lyrics, very solid musical talent, and excellent showmanship.

The most striking mark of the group's performance was the number of levels on which they connected with the audience. The sense of humor was solid - cerebral and dry, but not stuffy. These are your college friends that were smart and insanely talented.

Children should see this show, old folks should see this show, families should see this show. The venue was small and intimate (and smoke free - excellent) and that made for a very cool experience. The group spent time with the audience afterwards and will be welcomed back to our town with open arms any time that they should choose to return. Thanks TDA for taking the time to visit and be encouraged - your show is still sinking in and eliciting smiles a few days after the show! Come again real soon.

Chris Carpenter
Carpe Multimedia

Re: TDA Rocked Indy!

Good point!