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Eisenhower 1890=1969

1885 Dave and Ida were wed.Seven sons made in the marital bed,
Dwight, number three in this lively brood, a little quick tempered,give to mood,
No nonsense at all dad would take, insisting the bed you would make,
Mum was cuddly, ever to oblige, a kindly person in anyones eyes.

As time past by, to school he went, history and sport his leanings where bent,
Other things he took with salt, not to sure and given to fault.
Graduating from, Abilene high, colledge education he had to put bye,
Joining his father, a mechanic by trade, working long hours his money was saved,

With sporting talents, he entered west point, the twisting his leg his knee out of joint,
His sporting days came to a close, to military matters his interest arose.
In 1916 he wed his choice, mamie dowd, no descending voice,
Foy 25 years he slowly climbed, to Lt col he seemed resigned.

Then in 41,’zeros attacked, pearl harbours navy quickly sacked,
Staff appointments, came his way, planning strategy was his forte
The rank of general he soon attained, that wonderful smile he still retained.
Easy and comfy, with command, Ddays landings efficiently planned,

D day came and went our way,Berlin now, no longer held sway,
A five star general, he had become, not to bad for a mechanics son.
But Dwight. D hadn’t finished yet, in 53 ,the countries problems he met,
Going to the country, and getting the nod, the 34th president was given the job.

In 61, his reign came to its end, a small farm in Gettysburg was his to attend,
The rural setting was his delight, playing golf as well he might.
In 65’health came to the fore, clutching his chest he hit the floor,
From there on in, his health declined, Walter Reed hospital. He was confined.

In 69’ his life expired, by the whole free world he was admired,
To Abilene in Kansas, the cortege went, the chapel of meditation his body was sent.

J Bishop A coy 3 para group.