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103 Discussion Forum

This is for general, good natured discussion and ribbing. Please do not abuse or the service will be withdrawn. Photo Center URL Story the same with the photos only funny, saucy or interesting ones will be posted. To include photos send to me at The maximum size is 1MB of either gif or jpeg format. I will save into these formats if you are not sure of method Enjoy. PC Disclaimer: I do know Lofty, Tugboat and Mick but their thoughts and words are not necessarily my thoughts ---- HooooooHooooooo

103 Discussion Forum
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I cleaned and washed my ball last night,
I hope and prey for accurate flight,
my bag is spotless, my clubs are clean,
today im going to realise a dream.

At the crack of dawn I raise my head,
Checking to see the missus aint dead,
Sparrows atwitter and taking the mick,
Today that golf course im gonna lick.

On the first tee I step up with pride,
I know it all, theres no need to hide,
ive got it this time that’s for sure,
right arm close get some draw.

A quick look round to see there all hear,
Todays the day i‘ll make that clear,
Just swing away and let it flow,
Zing ball zing like arrow from bow.

When I look down the balls still there,
My club head met with nothing but air,
The boys stay strait faced, eyes aglow,
Well,well,well, the lords mayors show.

This clubs bent I swear for sure!
I aint buying Ping no more!
You carry on lads its going to rain,
My old back aches started again.jb a coy 3 para.
© 2003JB