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Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association
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UPDATE: on Demolition on 2620 N.Beachwood

Jill Bigelow, who apparently acquired the spanish house when she married the owner, (how convenient), was denied her permit to cut down that beautiful mountainside so that she could subdivide the property into 3 lots, after demolishing that historical home built in 1924 that was owned by Charles Darwin's grandaughter. Aaaaahhhh...too bad. So sad.

According to an insider real estate broker, they haven't even filed the mandatory title/deed transfer paperwork, as well as other tax info. OOOOPS! Can you say hefty fines? So, legally this house could be bought by anyone. Anyone out there interested? It sold last June for under $800,000! What a deal! There is a new tenant in there as of a few months ago, and she has really fixed up that place. Nice girl too. I saw the inside when she had a yard sale a few weeks ago. WOW! What a shame to see this house bulldozed to the ground, and that mountain gone just so that some wanna-be developer can but up more buildings. More traffic. Consume, consume, consume. It's going to bite her (Jill Biglow/Gabriel Morales) them in the @ss- watch and see! This is sacred land, and it's funny how if Beachwood doesn't want you here, you will not be here for long.
More to come...

Re: UPDATE: on Demolition on 2620 N.Beachwood

WOW! I know a bit about this type and it takes an active citizenry to keep the city on top of this kind of thing. Keep active, aware and don't let this happen to or around you! Hope you're getting to know the inspectors and the other city staff well.

Re: UPDATE: on Demolition on 2620 N.Beachwood

are you sure she was denied? go to and put in 2620 Beachwood and see three permits applied for. They do not say "denied" on line yet.
I hope they are denied. This is not the loving and considerate development we want in our canyon.

Re: UPDATE: on Demolition on 2620 N.Beachwood

Hello there- I just stumbled upon your blog about the house at 2620 Beachwood Drive... Now I walk past that house almost every day and it is still there, Thank Goodness, But it looks to have been vacated and left for destruction for the past two months. Do you know anything about this house? And hopefully that it may want to be rented or sold???? As I said I walk past it often, and since I moved to the street of Beachwood that house has always caught my attention, and been one of my favorites! (the things I could do to it!!)
Anyways I was disturbed by the blog and I pray the owner is not finally going to get her way and tear that pretty house down.
Please let me know if you know anything, I would greatly appreciate it.

Have a beautiful day!