Housekeeping: As is posted on the EMF Message Board page, this forum is for support, sharing opinions and experiences for those who have left RSE and have doubts and concerns about their tenure there. It is NOT a place for proselytizing for RSE, JZK Inc or Ramtha. Play nicely or your post will be sent to cyberspace time-out for all eternity. The disclaimer for EMF is located on this page http://enlightenmefree.com/disclaimer.html and all posters agree to the terms of the disclaimer. Be sure you've read it before posting.
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RSE is a complete and total joke and the people that manage to get sucked into this organization likely needed some professional psych testing before they ever walked through the gate.
I repeatedly read postings alluring to or intimating that members have experienced past abuse in their lives. I heard the same thing from my sister when I found out she was in this group. My sister was never abused. Members of RSE are simply so susceptible to coercive practices that they allow themselves to be imbued with false beliefs and false memories in an effort to rationalize or justify their current crazy behavior.
Seriously, how spiritually challenged can a person be to ever allow themselves to get sucked into an operation like RSE. Oh, yes, I have read all the information on cult recruiting practice, but for real, you have to be a seriously weak personality to not recognize what is going on.
I wouldn't come within ten miles of an AMWAY meeting and these people hocked their lives for a fancy house full of Christmas Decorations and Tony Robbins smiley face boys.
Leaving RSE is a bit of a twelve step program. My suggestion is that one of the first steps (after acknowledging what an idiot and a fool you were to join up) is to contact the relatives you **** on and maligned and basically tried to defame while you were doing your holotropic breathing and staring at candles and sitting in the cold and walking/crawling around blindfolded and conning your friends and running around blindfolded and drinking your crystal water, and whatever other ridiculous bull**** goes on up there while you were trying to become a God (whatever that means), and APOLOGIZE AND LET THEM KNOW YOU WERE WRONG TO DO THE THINGS YOU DID AND THAT YOU DID IN FACT INTEND TO HURT THEM AND THEN BEG FOR FOREGIVNESS WITH THE HOPE THAT THEY MAY SEE ABLE TO HELP YOU OUT OF THE MESS YOU GOT YOURSELF INTO.
RSE is not just "Oh my, some silly thing I played around with for awhile" Many RSE followers have seriously hurt immediate family members, emotionally, and financially. You need to clear the air on that score and not presume all you need to do is extricate yourselves from the school. You need to reconnect yourselves with the reality of your life before you ever BOUGHT into Judith Hampton's crap. And that is just what it is PURE CRAP.
i understand your frustration. I too see it as not passing the sniff test. The problem is that in a number of cases the sniff detector is one of the first things that gets regulated so that when one is smelling crap it begins to smell "organic", then slowly develops until it smells like a familiar, childhood smell, like the ones we recognize immediatly but can't quite put our finger on what it is exactly.
I had a family member "return" from RSE and while I imagined all sorts of conversations that should take place prior to them disengaging, that all faded away with the pleasure of having them back in my life again.
I hope that you can have a similar experience with your sister, i know you have been at it for a while.
Hope, for the holidays to you.
OWWWWWWW!!!! Your hurting me! Stop it! Stop It!
Wolfman -- you may not like what Leemar has to say in this vein, but it does have some validity... I think mostly, what I hear from this post is that he is asking for some acknowledgement and responsibility from the RSE family member for the hurt, disruption, etc., their involvement in RSE has caused him and his family.. .Much like a family member of a recovering alcoholic might do... Speaking as a 19 years sober alcoholic, responsibilty for harm done to friends and family is an important part of the recovery process... One I'd hate to see you or any other ex RSE deny themselves...
At that meeting BOTH current and former RSE students engaged in some form of love speak. Joe had the intuition to recognize that these folks were engaging in their Ramthalike word speak because a) they wanted to divert the premise of the discussion - it is a whole new vocabulary, ya know - "what is your truth et al." and b} a bunch of uncomfortable giggles when Joe hit a nerve with former Ramtha students.
Bottom line is I keep hearing RSE students talk of abuse in past lives, or abuse at the school, or abuse in the family or some other attempt to diflect the one real truth is that they bought into the following:
a: you can heal a serious physical ailment through focus
b: you can remote view
c: people can channel the dead
d: you create your own reality through focus
and on and on........
Sure you can create your own day - go to the bookstore and buy a daily planner. You can create your own reality - write a list of goals for a week a month a year and then work on them. You can create great wealth - open a savings account, a 401K whatever.
When you start thinking that you need Judith Hampton to show you how to make a schedule, set a goal, and establish some priorities with all of this mumbo jumbo baloney you are not getting over the ditch, you are flat face down in it.
Joe had the intuition, at the LARSE gathering, to not allow attendees to enter into the magic speak of RSE by either current or former members. That is a good thing. It forces speakers to leave that belief system that they find themselves so comfortable in and say "Hey I have to act like a normal person again - for at least a few minutes."
I haven't seen too much on this board or any other which indicates that RSE followers truly acknowledge the sham they were or are involved in. I find undertones of "Well I guess JZ isn't a TRUE channel". Come on.. This is the Holy Grail, the Fountain of Youth, The Tesla Coil, Free Energy all wrapped into one. Guess what "The Truth" is? RSE and its followers don't have a corner on it because it won't happen. I don't hear much of that sort of acknowledgment coming from the posts. Most of it seems laced with well I guess I just picked the wrong guru. That sounds more like denial than accountability.
Being accountable means recognizing harmful behavior, not making excuses for it (no buts allowed) and establishing a behavior system that DOES NOT NEGATIVELY IMPACT THOSE WHO HAVE NO INTEREST IN YOUR PERSONAL LIFE. I.E. KEEP YOUR HANDS OUT OF MY POCKET AND YOUR NOSE OUT OF MY BUSINESS.
Respectful of your feelings, Leemar...
Just, I do not understand what you mean about "negatively impacting those who have no interest in your personal life"...I thought we were talking about family members and friends/loved ones of RSE students...who definitely have an interest in the RSE persons personal life??
Hi Leemar,
I think you've touched upon something that is really true for SOME people. They have left RSE (and/or another cult experience) and still believe in some aspects of it as being real, though they also found enough flaws in it, to leave. Then, there are some people who left and now believe it was a TOTAL sham.
To me, that's one topic. I hear you addressing it alright. But, I also see an irony. You comment on this, "RSE is not just "Oh my, some silly thing I played around with for awhile" Many RSE followers have seriously hurt immediate family members, emotionally, and financially. You need to clear the air on that score and not presume all you need to do is extricate yourselves from the school."
There ARE some people who have worked toward patching up damaged relationships with friends or family, when they realize they were in a cult. I'm one of them. Relationships, IMO, are a major force of what makes this world go 'round.
I also know this to be true, in my own experience; if an ex-cult member is considering working toward healing a particular relationship, they are also going to be looking at the sincerity of the person, toward understanding what went on. Granted, I don't know the details of YOUR personal experience with your sister. But, based only on what I've read, you don't sound very approachable. Wolfman summed it up very bluntly but politely, "Ouch."
I know I wouldn't be patching up a particular family relationship if I felt judgment and anger from that person, like it seems that you are sharing. Yes, it is one thing to understand your frustration with the situation, but if healing and mending bridges is to take place, those things, on both sided, need to be set aside, first.
Just sharing my opinion. Something to consider, that you may find helpful, from another viewpoint.
Good luck. It would certainly be a wonderful occurrence for all the damaged relationships connected to the cult experience (RSE or otherwise) to be healed - but it takes enough love, so that it over rides the negative emotions. If someone hangs on to the negative emotions, who are they to cast any stones elsewhere ????
You want to know my experience with this bunch of crooks and kooks:
circa mid 1980's Hampton has a bunch of people moving from California. Said Ramtha is gonna show them how to buy horses to "bring great wealth". My Uncle and Aunt own a 30 acre ranch near Eatonville, WA across the street from Camp Arnold. My Uncle and Aunt decide to sell the place and retire. Some folks from California approach my uncle with all sorts of love speak and enter into an owner contract to purchase the farm.
"Happy Acres" is everyones country dream. Mt. Rainier, fish pond, couple of big barns, garden, couple of tractors and old trucks. Perfect. These folks enter into a contract, move a bunch of trailers onto into it and basically trash the place and then when the balloon payment comes due, they walk away. Turn the farm back to my uncle. My uncle is retired and really not in a position to take this farm back.
Sure, you can argue this was his business decision. However, that was my first indication that folks engaged with RSE and RSE itself might not be such a good thing. Sounded to me like a bunch of Gypsy's. Just like that. It had a huge negative impact on my Aunt, Uncle and only first cousin. HUGE and they had no interest in RSE, JZK, Judi Hampton, pyramids, black hellicopters or MK ULTRA. They were good working people who somehow got caught up with people enamored by Hampton.
Some twenty years go by. We go on with our lives and, frankly I had not given much thought to that box o rocks Judith Hampton.
Until 2001. I am sitting with my sister discussing our mother's funeral service with our mother's pastor. My sister, whom by now I know has a bug up her butt about something, blurts out, "I am a student of the teachings of the Gnostics". Just like that. No prelude. Well I am thinking there is more to this. Check her schedule a bit, check RSE's schedule, do a bit of internet work and, there you go RSE.
Well after my mother passed away. On either the day or day after she passed away, my sister fired my mother's attorney who lived one block from my mother in Woodmont Beach near DesMoines, WA, who wrote my mothers will and whom had been very close family friends for some 30 years. Just fired the firm. Technically its called picking up the Will.
Away we go. My sister hires two law firms, a guy named Dan Farr in Enumclaw and an outfit named Eisenhower and Carlson in Tacoma to probate this estate.
My point is:
Most of the folks involved with RSE are very aware of Judith Hampton's tenacious approach to litigation. I experienced it first hand from my sister. Eisenhower and Carlson is probably the largest litigation firm in Tacoma. Hey I get paid by the hour so do they. I just happened to pay half their bill plus mine. Remember Judith Hampton and F Lee Bailey in the AARP deal.
I did have very effective legal counsel. We did the best we could. This is certainly not what my mother had set forth in her final wishes and my sister took advantage of the very finest parts of probate law to affect the outcome of my mother's will. Got it.
Next point:
By saying that sisters personal life is not my concern. I mean that, while I certainly would not encourage her involvement with RSE, to the extent that it did not have a negative impact on my life, that it did not intrude in my life or any one elses life in a malicous or invasive manner, she cerainly has the right to believe whatever, however strange it might be, she chooses. The problem I have is that my sister had clearly been planning this legal assault long before my mother had passed. My concern was getting mom to the doctor, seeing that she could get around, seeing that she had appropriate nutrition, trying to make her comfortable. My sister was concerned with hiring lawyers, pilfering accounts, and interfering with my relationship with my son.
I think this all came out of her indoctrination into RSE's version of IAM and, yes, she does need to acknowledge her behavior because it was flat wrong. Somehow, somewhere she knows it and I need to hear her acknowledge it.
Ya IAM ****** at her and I need to hear her acknowledge her behavior. I did everything I could for our family and she **** on me and my mother's memory. Other family members thought she might be on drugs. I noticed a huge change in her appearance and VOCABULARY. There was something going on and I became aware of it when it was too late. By the way I lived in Chicago when this TRANCEformation was taking place so don't try to lay it on me.
Best Regards,
LEEMAR, Commander of the Galactic Invasion Force
PS I noticed the VOCABULARY change before I knew anything about high demand groups. If you listen to current and former RSE followers from the LARSE video with Joe, you will notice the "group speak". If you don't, well maybe it's too late.
Owwwwwwww !!!!!! You just poked out my other eye for retribution for LEEMARS mother. Ow! It hurts! Quit hurting me!
I can't see! I can't see! All I have left now is what I know!
In all sincerity to LEEMAR and his family. And you too Marie. I already know all your rampage! (read MY post all the way back) I have lived it personally except for the fact that I never took Judi to court for the mere fact of ALREADY knowing that the truth won't come out in the court system. Only attorney fee's come out of courts and I don't have any money to throw away at such foolish idea's anymore. I'm through doing that!
In the end LEEMAR, I am sad to say, you will only be left with Sadness and Bitterness and let me warn you my friend about these two s*n's of bit*h's. THEY WILL DESTROY YOU from the inside out. This I already know. And once was told these very words by an attorney who cared enough to tell me the truth about these sort of things and the court system. He was right too.
And what else I know is I ain't got nobody else to look after me "cept" me. And I got nobody to blame about that except myself.
Best to you in your understanding or law suits or forgiveness or rage or however you end up handling this insanity.
For me. I keep focused on me. Cause I sure as heck can't help someone else if I was unable to help myself.
"I can't help someone until I can help myself."
Black and white? Zebra?
Think about that. Follow it to it's conclusion.
If it is true no one would ever need anyone else's help because "they can help themselves".
I think that each of us runs in cycles where we are strong and where we are weak. So those in a strong cycle can pick up the slack or give encouraging words or help right the wrong. It seems absurd to consider anger as something that will eat you up. It is an emotion that has a great responsibility in our lives. Like anything else it can be misused but it is a powerful motivator.
Lee has experienced an injustice as well as a betrayal by a family member. I understand and agree with her assessment as well as her ultimatum for her sister.
You expect more from blood.
I can understand your hurt and your rage.
I can tell you from personal experience, your sister will not be able to see what she has truly done until she is COMPLETELY out of RSE.
I discovered it was a cult March 30 of this year after having been in for 19 years.
It took me 5 months get my brain and my emotions back on track.
Month 6, I contacted all members of my faily and apologized profusely for any hurt I caused them. And I Paid my mother back the 2K I borrowed from her when I first came to Yelm.
Both my mother and my sister were most concerned for my physical safetly and mental well being.
They call me weekly (my sister used to live by the biggest Scientoloy center in the US-so she KNOWS what they do to ex members).
I hope you find some compassion in your heart for her until your sister can actually make a break and have time for recovering.
Until then, you will only give yourself a heart attack.
My friend in High School broke his neck when we were playing in a football game in Los Banos our sophomore year. It happen right in front of me. Doctors told him he wouldn't live.
He never walked again but he adjusted to what he had to adjust too.
Now my friend Eric had lots of help. He had to because he could not help himself because he was a QUADRIPLEGIC.
We used to take Eric everywhere with us. We treated him not as a cripple but as one of us. We would argue and party and such together. His HELP from his friends came in the form of treating him like anybody else.
And his long list of girl friends made his life tolerable until finally he came to grips with his physical limitations and losses.
He is still alive at age 51. Contrary to every medical prediction.
So Budless........ "I have thought about it to conclusion." I have seen it. I have lived it. I have adjusted to it. AND I still live to be able to adjust further and grow wiser in my older age.
Just like my friend Eric has.
Whats your excuse Budley?
Merry Christmas to all
Well, I can better understand the anger now, though I have not had the same experience with RSE that some have...Fell for a long term RSE person, and discovered their involvement in Ramthaland later!
Mainly, I find it hurtful to think that what I took for romantic overtures may have been attempts at recruitment. However, guess even so, the person thought they were doing something great for me, encouraging me to join, because they think R is the ultimate in greatness.
Your post proves my point.
Eric was a quadriplegic, he wasn't dead. His "attitude" was his part so in fact your help allowed him to help himself adjust.
You must have been in a place where you could help eric. That's my point.
Your question "What's my excuse" baffles me. Excuse for what?
If your use of my name as Budless makes you feel better by all means continue. I was not criticizing you I was posing a different consideration letting you know that I think you can help another if you want to regardless of your need for help.
We are allowed our own thoughts here.
I think I may have inadvertently pushed a button.
"allowed to post our own thoughts on here"????
Who are YOU trying to fool here? Yourself???
Thoughts are prefaced by "I think".
Yes, I believe that is what goes on here.
The problems come with the"I KNOW for a fact"
Well Tyger, seems to me that we are indeed free to post our own thoughts here, if not freely express our opinions about other people's thoughts in a careless manner...
The schoolmarm will now try to enjoy Christmas Eve.
Dec 24th, 2007 - 9:37 PM
Looks as though I may have pushed lotsa buttons!
Dec 25th, 2007 - 3:52 PM
Button pushin Bud.......
Your not qualified to push my buttons.
Just so that you know that this is a fact and not some form of thought.
Although it is a full moon..
Please endeavor to stay on topic..
The Moderators
>>>>>Guess what "The Truth" is? RSE and its followers don't have a corner on it because it won't happen. I don't hear much of that sort of acknowledgment coming from the posts. Most of it seems laced with well I guess I just picked the wrong guru. That sounds more like denial than accountability.<<<<<<
Agree LEEMAR. I don't see (read) much of people coming to terms that they've been shamed. Some post are lace with detractions for the reasons of this fourm, not addressing the need to realized they've been duped in a big way.
When I posted this post:
it's intent was to inform the reader to leave ALL channeled gurus alone. I wish more people would read it, and head its warning.
The idea of the post was to inform people not to go chasing better waters then what they already have in their own gardens (within them own self).
I think knowledge can be channeled through the many wires of communication we have right here on Earth. And inspiration flowers from within.
Again, when people go seeking someone they think is more better then they and more know-it-all; that person always runs into sistuations far worst then just loving being human, and loving themself.
Those claiming to be are up for closer examination to determine just who is this person coming through another. Ask questions of this channeled being like: what did I have for dinner last night or did I have dinner. Or; my mothers madian name. Since these personalities claim to see all things going on, on the globe, all at once: past, present, and future. Simple things to ask.
Why are people so afraid to use what they already have: their own power.
"I don't see people coming to terms with that they have been shamed".
Shamed? I wonder if you mean "shammed" as in conned, fooled, bamboozled, swindled, or tricked?
And we are all vulnerable to that.
If one channel is "bad" or toxic, are all of them? Maybe...
I do not argue that there is any merit in the R phenomenon.
My problem comes with figuring out what the difference is between a cult, and an established religion...
Or, the difference between "mind control" and leading a flock to righteousness.
Happy New Year!
You of all people should know you are not the boy to judge anyones qualifications.
Were you not involved with ramtha? You all of a sudden get to be a genius?
Son, you don't even know me so you have no idea what I am qualified to do.
As far as the moderator goes where did I get off topic?
My post suggested wolfboy could help people.
This emf site is gettin to be a high school clique where the in crowd can spout off and turn it into a pity party. Like I said in the beginning. I am concerned about my wife. You folks want to have a ****** contest but not get any on your shoes.
Thanks for the 411 I picked up. I believe I'm done here.
You folks have a Happy New Year.
RSE will apparently feel there is no further concern about this forum and the group which created it, since most of what has been occurring here recently has more to do with politics and harsh words than ANYTHING to help with the healing process of exiting RSE. In addition, it is not prudent to generalize that all those who DO NOT agree with JZ et al and have left RSE, cannot be peace-loving, charitable, and honest democrats. OUCH.
Politics ought never have been a part of this "healing" process, in my opinion. It has nothing, absolutely nothing - to do with Judith and her charade. All I've seen occurring is in-fighting, and most know what occurs once that happens. We all fall down, and then where do those who need help in this matter go?
So sad. SO much potential. We bring down ourselves with this type of thinking and behavior, when this, I thought, was in the spirit of elevating the downtrodden ex RSE'ers.
What's happened? Honesty is always the best route.
I dont consider myself (or anyone else) an idiot for having the courage to investigate possibilities. Of greater self, greater accomplishments, greater experiences and reality. Where it all goes awry at RSE is when students turn themself over, give up their individualty to belong to a group or a "cause". Lost souls. Looking for answers and for the meaning of life.
The judy hampton mess is just that. A MESS! That we all got sucked into but some of us not for long. It's the people that stayed that got hurt the worst. However, I dont think anyone owes anyone an apology for trying to better themself...to be able to help others.
I didn't walk out on my family..they were grown. And,I dont regret going to RSE. But, what people dont realize is that RSE is a start...not a finish. I think that judy did "hear" from something and something. That could've been used to help others. Instead, she saw it as an inconvenience to herself and her image. And, because of her own need to be important ultimately used it to exalt herself...at others expense. As ruthless as it is.
I was an outsider taking it all in. Looking at "advanced students" and it confused me. Because THEY didn't actually believe the "teachings". Integrity has a lot to do with it. What's interesting is that the students embittered and angry sayiny the teachings dont work are the same that have ripped others off. And, have no conscience about it. Hampton found a way to reach celebrity status.A dangerous entity. All image and no heart. I liken her to pres Nixon or Johnson who both had a camera string connected to the corner of their mouth. While always proclaiming their own victimization. Never mind their own dishonesty!
It doesn't take a rocket scientist (all it takes is an honest heart) to "identify" hampton. Her "anguish" is more important than anything else. "Joan of ark, Stigmatto, What the bleep, What the bleeprabbit hole". What's it all about? Isn't it obvious?
I cant imagine inviting anyone to "visit" me and then expect them to sleep on a floor. Provide showers that are more primitive that MASH! While living in a mansion.
I dont begrudge anyone anything. What's SO dispicable is that to HER it's all about HER! And, there's obviously a hatred in her toward her own childhood experiences that were painful. That caused her to excuse whatever she has to do to be important. And, instead of helping others she made the choice to $ in on other peoples pain. Because of her own ANGER.
It ALL speaks for itself. SHE has spoken for herself. Look at Larry King live. I cringe. Any "advanced" being thet has alledgedly been tutored by a "master" wouldn't make such ignorant comments! "Woman just like to smoke".To justify HER choices. Of course never mind that the ENTIRE teachings are based on NO gender? It's INSANE! Anyone that can get up on national television and speak for females in general? She doesn't represent ME! And, hopefully she doesn't represent you. YOU do.
What's the lesson? As much as it hurts? That we all believed in something that was used to fleece us? The first time I heard her speak I knew something was wrong. I looked around and got out.
Each and every one of us are responsible for ourself and our choices. I knew almost immediately something was "wrong". I saw pathetic people...confused...dishonest whose priority was to BELONG...rather than be honest. I heard LIES, saw pathetic people trying to measure up to a "standard"..to achieve WHAT? Instruction from a "master"? That judy cant even comprehend? Because she doesnt know who SHE is but is trying to lead an "army"? Or so rumor has it.
Isnt it interesting that she's his "daughtren" and everyone around her is somehow "connected"? His "old woman" and others?
And then there's the interview w/the guy she addressed as "doll".
Hampton is a shrewd entity that's made her living by knowing how to manipulate others. If that is ADMIRAL ...? Shame on her.
Every power has it's rise and fall She's pathetic. Allow it.
All the people she ripped off are the ones she has to face. OOPS! Oh. you mean all the people that are just jealous? Of WHAT? An insecure entity that cant find her own way much less lead an army? But considers Ram her "father" and sees herself as a CHRIST"? She is trully the most pathetic excuse for a female I have ever encountered. Children need "fathers". It's SO WARPED thet it's revolting. She comes across as a little girl..helpless..innocent. When in fact she's conniving..shrewd..ruthless..greedy..heartless. WHO are her best friends?
The "magic" of christmas isn't about having gifts to open all day long...it's about LOVE!
Listen, if "consciousness and energy creates reality" (and it does) why would judy have to have body guards...if not to create DRAMA? It's GARBAGE!
As far as LEEMAR saying his sister wasn't "abused". The question is how does HE know?
Thanks for sharing the continuation and details of what you experienced with your sister. It is an awful betrayal, and if your sister was in her right mind, then perhaps she could resolve the whole matter with you. I wouldn't expect that is going to be likely, though. When students accept the indoctrination that "they create their reality", they sometimes believe that to mean that they create it, even at the expense of others. It's a very cut throat attitude. Given the sound of how premeditated your sister's actions were, it's probably a fair bet that she's of that RSE mindset.
You said you need to hear her admit that she did wrong. My concern for you, is that you may never get that from her. What then ? What if she isn't forthcoming with what you want to resolve the matter ? Is there another way to resolve it, that you can then go forward with, in your life ? I'm just wondering if you've asked yourself these questions ?
I hope you appreciate efforts to help out. People here may not know your sister, but in the spirit of trying to help out, your request/post is a "sticky", so people will be more likely to read it.
Perhaps you are still reading EMF. If so, obviously you'll see this response.
First of all, I want to state that I did NOT post the "Moderators" comment/suggestion on this thread. So, THIS post is not any level of attempt to defend it. However, I also can say that I see what the "Moderators" suggested as being nothing more than a suggestion to stick to the topic, and avoid the slip that was starting, getting into a more attacking mode. It seemed to be a helpful attempt, only.
Secondly, IN MY OPINION, I think that when there is a respectful level of disagreement, that's a healthy thing. That it does happen is a sign that this is FAR from a high school clique. If this forum was to be set up so that only the "clique approved" viewpoints and posts were to be allowed, it would be set up so that each post would require PRE-approval while it sits in a queue. That hasn't been the case.
Bud, you said, "As far as the moderator goes where did I get off topic?
My post suggested wolfboy could help people.
This emf site is gettin to be a high school clique where the in crowd can spout off and turn it into a pity party. Like I said in the beginning. I am concerned about my wife. You folks want to have a ****** contest but not get any on your shoes.
Thanks for the 411 I picked up. I believe I'm done here."
My personal request to you, would be to sit back and revisit this. It seems to me you have gotten some helpful responses about your wife and that situation.
It appears that now you are angry, and now another side has come forward, where you are slinging the arrows. If you (or anyone) have issues with the moderators, you have the option of emailing them and explaining your concern. Venting on here, and doing the very thing you are criticizing (name calling, etc), is counterproductive.
Another point to consider: Don't judge a book by its cover. Sometimes situations, or people, are not what they may first appear to be. Tread carefully.
For real Magpi, how do I know? Because I was the one accused of the abuse. It flat didn't happen. Our father died when we were young. Kinda rules him out eh? It was my sister, my mother and myself period. Heh Magpi is fighting over the cookie dough when your five abusive? Is fighting over over the first ride at the amusement park abusive? Come on, recall my earlier comment about fragile personalities.
From your post, I gather, that you will continue to waste a considerable amount of your life delving into the paranormal, practicing Ricki, collecting crystals, staring in mirrors and reading books about the grand conspiracies and how it is the rest of the world against you and some ascended master will show you CLEAR. Good luck.
I put on my bags, I swing a hammer, I put things together, I build it right, I go home, I eat, I go to bed and I get up and do it all over again. If I get ahead and do OK - great. Life is what YOU make it and if you don't make it, well that's life. Life is not about conspiracy, life is not about TRANCEformation, life is not about searching for secret knowledge. Life is about plodding through it the best you can and if you are willing to stake your future on EST, or IAM, or Stanislov Grof or the Great White Brotherhood or whoever is so anxious to separate you from your own hardwork, well, sorry about your luck.
If you want to better YOURSELF, go back to school, learn a new skill, add value to something for someone. You will live a better life for it. If you can't grasp that basic tenant, then I really can't help you.
My basic point remains that:
High demand groups, large group awareness training groups, Pyramid groups, MLM programs, and unvalidated health programs are all targeted at individuals who sorely lack common sense, have very fragile personalities, low self esteem and are, in a clinical sense, spiritually challenged individuals. Agree or disagree but let me know when you locate that TIME MACHINE. Until then, I'll get up in the morning and put my bags and my hard hat on and go to work. I'll skip the C&E and the cards and the other baloney.
Magpi if you have questions simply cross reference RSE or any other way out belief system, break them down and you will see they are all the same.
Just try Scientology vs RSE, Grof vs C&E, RSE vs IAM, RSE vs MAFU, and it goes on and on and on. If I need a little spiritual direction I think the neighborhood church will do just fine. I won't need to find a wormhole, a time machine, have an OBE or see an ORB to get it together.
But that's just me and you are Magpi. Good luck.
Leemar, who are YOU to say if your sister was "abused" or not? Are you her? And, what does abuse have to do w/it? Do you think that the only people that have gone to RSE have an abusive past?
Have you ever been a student of RSE?
Amway? What's wrong w/it? Another "cult"? What about those that made it? In contrast to those still working their 9 to 5? In other words anything outside of the ordinary is distasteful to you? Because it challenges YOUR importance? "Authority"? It's what i'm hearing. If you havn't been a student what are YOU doing on this board?
And, other than expecting your sister to be what YOU expect...what contribution have YOU made to society? Other than criticising her?
How is it that people can have an opinion from the side lines? Of those who take a chance and dare to explore?
What's your gripe? That your sister wasn't abused or that she tried to better herself?
Yes, I have to agree that those sucked in to RSE are people w/out a strong sense of self. Or, a VERY strong sense of self willing to investigate. Either way...? Who are YOU to criticise or have an opinion w/out having experienced it?
Is RSE a complete fraud? What about those who experienced awesome things?
Do your homework! There's an enormous amount of info available. What books have you read? What soul searching have you done? What burden (if any) have you had as you look out at the world? Oh, but you have an opinion on what you know nothing of?
What exactly is RSE LEEMAR? Have you been there? Hve you loved your sister? Obviously not or you wouldn't be calling her a liar. Why is it so important to you to discredit her and RSE?
I DONT support RSE and the hampton delusion. But, I also dont support people that criticise others for at least trying to better themself. You need to examine yourself.
You said it all MAGPI. You made my point in the most eloquent terms I could have imagined.
YOU have a problem. NO ONE that has gone to RSE owes anyone an apology. What is YOUR dementia? Oh, your sister got out of line? If you LOVE your sister why wouldn't you support her? It threatens you? For your sis to have a thought of her own? What "12 step program"? For lost souls? Another scam..cult?
Grow up! Get over yourself and realize that life isn't a neat and tidy box. It's success and failure. It's ups/downs. It's happy and sad. Most of all it's discovery! Not only of ones own self but life it'self. It isn't a PROGRAM!
What's your gripe that your sis went to RSE?
How is "abuse" an excuse"? An excuse for what? To abuse others? To weld a club of guilt? To manipulate? To garner sympathy?
Are you out of your head? Do you HONESTLY think that anyone gains from being abused? If so the one needing a shrink..is YOU! Rather than you being the one that critices others for trying to help themself.
No one "joins up" at RSE. They go there in good faith. Trusting and naive. Not a crime or disgrace. Most people dont stay arond long. Understandably so. It doesn't add up. But, you cant fault someone for trying.
RSE isn't a "school" exactly. It is an experience for those on a journey. It is a "chapter". There's no "fools" as you say. Only souls making their own way.
Hampton is the MOST pathetic I have ever encountered. The most ruthless. Delusional. In her many lifetimes of being "dragged to her death and burned at the stake". If it was actually true it wouldn't be said. Because no one that has suffered to that extent would want anyone to know or to feel responsible for it. She is obviously a fraud. To those w/an honest heart. But, it doesn't nagate that for the same some of us got something out of the "school". And, I wouldn't trade it.
Integrity is the key. And, that's what is mising at RSE. Especially by hampton and her followers...staff.
What happens to those that go there? How long does it take for a smile to fade? For ideals to shatter? However, what is the responsibility we all have to ourself to find our own way? Instead of doing our own work we depend on others to guide us. Then when it doesn't come to fruition we are ****** off. Whose responsibility is it in the first place? Yes, hampton is slimy. So, why did we all fall for it? How are ANY of us able to reconcile, have harmony and balance w/the fact that adequate showers were not even provided? How many showers? How many people? What conditions?
No woman in her right mind would go to those showers in the middle of the night. How often was there hot water? And, it was excused that there wasn't enough $? While she (hampton)lives in a mansion? On the same grounds? With body guards? Where's "consciousness and energy"? No such thing as a victim? And, a 35,000 year old entity can arrive from out of no where to claim his "daughtren" but cant PROTECT her? A WARRIOR that had an ARMY? Wake up folks! It's one thing to investigate. Quite another to turn ones self over to another who obviously has her own agenda!
No $ for decent showers or housing...but she has an inground pool? Kind of speaks for it's "self"...doesn't it? It's a matter of PRIORITY! As long as people keep showing up...why change? It's a $ maker. Until people complain.
Yes, she's a fraud. So, why did any of us go there?
Then, there's "Dr Greg" that started out as greg. An employee. That rose up thru the ranks as "DR.Greg" because of the ignorance that seeks "enlightenment" at RSE. Yes, it's sad. But, for every crying heart there's an A-hole waiting to cash in. Greg has his own issues. As does anyone that has anything to do w/RSE. Isn't it time to move on?
Well said Magpi.....
I initially came to RSE to "investigate". And stayed for 13 or so years.
When I left I knew I was on my own. But now I knew I could handle being on my own.
When I started at RSE I obviously could not have stated the above statement.
Did I learn?
What did I learn?
More than I can state on this limited forum.
Would I have learned the same in the course of a regular life without RSE?
I may have.
Am I a fool for going to RSE?
Honestly. That is yet to be seen.
Am I promoting RSE?
I am still investigating my life and will get back to you all with a better answer at a later time.
I hope you do OK. I don't agree with much of anything you have posted. I really can't think of an approach to you, as frankly, you appear to be an apologist for programs like and including RSE.
Like a stated, life is what you make it, if you wish to wasted your time looking for ORB's and OBE's and cards, and quantum enlightenment and whatever nonsense you will pay to consume, well, good luck. Long run, I think I'm right - it is a waste of time.
I wish you well and hope that you remember - no matter how hard you search for "enlightenment" you are responsible for the individuals you harm along the way and you need to be accountable for that damage. These people never bode you ill will. RSE students elect to inflict it because, according to JZK there is no right or wrong - only truth. Eh??
Best of luck
Leemar, Commander - Galactic Invasion Force
I am as human as anyone. I understand what it is to struggle. I admire your attitude.
God Bless!
Are you drunk..or off your meds? Apparently you dont listen well. I have no apologies to make for rse or myself. I am not your sister. It's between you and her.
It sounds to me that you are as twisted as those you accuse. To say students inflict pain on their family? What planet are you on?
If going to church works for you..so be it. But, how is that any different than your sis going to what she thought would help her?
If your sis told you that your church belief was hurting her..would you stop?
How did your sis hurt you by going to rse?
Magpi said, "Are you drunk..or off your meds? "
Leemar said that RSE students are all fools.
EEeek. Stop.
Okay, moving on....
Magpi said, "If your sis told you that your church belief was hurting her..would you stop?"
This really is (imo) a good point. I have a relative who was, many years ago, atheist. She's a very forward, outspoken person, who didn't respect space/choice and she particularly criticized some relatives of ours who lived down south; born-again Baptists. She just thought that all religion was total garbage, and everyone knew her viewpoint unless they wore earplugs; shy she isn't.
Then, lo and behold, never say NEVER, because to the shock of our family, and after I convinced her to attend RSE, she became a Baptist. She was certain Ramthimher was the devil and that convinced her she best Get Religion.
That went on for years, as she slammed every family member via email/phone and ten-page long letters, telling them she was worried for their soul and they were going to hell if they didn't get saved. I received three of these ten-page letters; lucky me.
This got old after a while, so I sent her a nice email and told her that I wasn't going to argue, but I also wasn't going to tolerate what I felt was abusive actions from her. I haven't spoken to her to this day and it has been many years. It wasn't anything personal, she did this to lots of others, including a particular aunt of ours, that is a lifelong christian of her OWN choice of denomination. This annoying relative bugged our aunt to get the RIGHT religion. Well, it all made for family gossip about this woman.
About five years ago, my mother confided in me that, that same relative, is now Jewish.
Now, I don't care WHAT her religion is or isn't. That's not my business.
So, the assumption that only RSE students can hurt their family is limited in scope, imo. I am going to say it's probably a safe bet that this story that I just shared is one of many; a fanatic is a fanatic, no matter what the religion is that they are fanatically espousing (forcing) upon others, is.
Leemar, I understand that you are hurt by your sister's actions and for that I feel for you. But she does have a right to chase any New Age "religion" she wants to. A number of RSE students stay in the "school" waiting for their ascension and God-realization to happen (which is doesn't), and they get OLD and DIE. Some get DISEASED and die. So much for healing with Blue Body techniques.
You may get old and die, waiting for an apology that never comes. Is it worth it ?
Check our Derren Brown, Leemar. You have much to learn, if you can get past your anger and hostility toward RSE students and your sister. Two wrongs don't make a right. IMO
Magpi said, "Are you drunk..or off your meds? "
Leemar said that RSE students are all fools.
EEeek. Stop.
Yes..Enough of this…
If you really care about this website ..Magpi..
or your sister.. Leemar.
Educate yourself on Cults..
Demanding an apology directed at an entrenched RSE loved one
will drive the poison deeper, this is the nature of the beast..
How do I know this?
While my own family begged, cried and even hurled fury at me to return home
I would say to them…
Better I am away from you… Than a grave where you are…
I wore my own suffering as a badge of honor..A walking Siddhartha,
Where suffering was the price of enlightenment and healing,
I believed I was actually helping my family..and the world,
Such was my madness fuelled by RSE …
I walked straight into the jaws of a CULT, and as my soul was torn to shreds,
Judith and her table dogs feasted on the remains of my life.
I never intended to abandon my children… but I did.
If I could roll back time to that day when I walked away from my children
I would cry with joy that I have another chance, and I would take them in my arms and let them know how precious they are to me….
What apologies can be made… are given in full measure.
I drank from a poisoned well..and became sick..very sick.
The big and beautiful sign read..”The Waters of Life” it tasted so pure to begin with.
Am I to blame ? is your sister to blame, is Judith even to blame...?
Accountability and responsibility is being called for…but
this cannot be achieved with mudslinging and hatred.
Let’s make sure there are warning signs placed around these poison wells,
Or better still… remove the source of the poison.
There is work to be done…that is why this website exists.
Given that………
I hear you Leemar..
But.. I doubt your sister will…
She will hear a distant enemy.. Out to destroy her.
Place a candle in the window …
And remember.. Who your sister really is.
Perhaps this will get her attention.
David, your words bring tears to my eyes. I feel your pain...but from the other side. I was already under attack by my family before going to rse. It's part of how I got involved.
Please dont whip youself. You did what you thought is right. Love heals..takes time.
Wolfman, I cant imagine going there for 13 years. BUT I have more than that wrapped in trying to process the info and draw my own conclusions. It's been gut wrenching.
No matter what...trust YOURSELF. Trust your gut. Another persons words cant lead anyone into "truth"..it can only make us think. Only we ourself can lead ourself into truth.
David said, "If I could roll back time to that day when I walked away from my children
I would cry with joy that I have another chance"
That is, for me, THE hardest aspect of my TIME spent in that cult - the time I was away from my children, that I can't ever regain. I have to live with that. But, at least now, we've talked about that, they know how I feel, and they understand why I did what I did. My leaving them was for a few weeks at a time for this or that event, but it was ongoing.
It's great (David) that you've been able to reconcile with your children, and have a future to think about. I KNOW how grateful you are for that. Having wasted money was bad enough, but ...for me...it was nothing compared to distance it created while my older kids were growing up, and I was not there for them like I should have been. As JTR said in another post, perhaps even on another thread (don't know without checking), having reconciled with your family makes the other details fade in comparison. Not as in "unimportant", but not nearly as important as the lives involved...and...my relationships with them.