Enlighten Me Free


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Greetings, I'm back.

I just spent an entire week surrounded by people who love me; My sister and her family, and my best friend and another long time friend. It was great! I fessed up and told everyone that that Ramtha School turned out to be a cult and we are all glad I figured it out. They knew I would, no problem. So I figured out that the past few months have truly been all about looking within. I thought about it a lot and that seems to be what most everything I see is saying, Look Within. So, I think, that's a good clue so that's what I'm doing. Have a great weekend all!

Re: Greetings, I'm back.

"I fessed up and told everyone that that Ramtha School turned out to be a cult and we are all glad I figured it out. They knew I would, "

Hooray!! good for you...and your lovely family and friends' support.
I, too , experienced this same thing in sharing with my family this past summer that RSE is actually a coercisve/persusavie group.
They, too, were worried about me the whole time. They have truly been supportive.
Good on you!!! Clap! Clap!